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  Biographical Sketches


Below are a list of those individuals for whom you'll find biographical sketches at this site.  In one way or another, each person played a role in the development of Alaska.  This includes our early pioneers, those people who took part in the gold rush period, or just plain residents.  One way or another, these Alaskans helped build this Great Land into what she is today.  Families are listed on another page. 

Names are in alphabetical order by their surname. 

A - L

M - Z
Ailes, Eugene. E. Martens, Herman G.
Aldrich, Captain Charles S. McBride, Angus
Anderson, Carl McDermott, Jeffrey
Ashby, Olly W. McFarland, Amanda
Ashford, George M. McGettigan, Anthony
Atkinson, Morton E. McGinn, John L.
Bard, William Harrison McLeod, P. B.
Beach, Rex E. Meletus, Constantine
Beau, John L. Metson, William H.
Bell, James W. Monroe, Major William Newton
Berger, Jacob Moore, Judge Alfred S.
Black, William J. Moore, Arthur H.
Borchsenius, George V. Moore, H. S.
Boyd, Albert E. Morris, Clyde L.
Brannen, John Moses, Otto S.
Bratnober, Henry Murane, Cornelius D.
Brewster, James B. Murphy, George
Brown, J. C. Naughton, John T. 
Browne, Albert G. Nicholas, Arthur 
Bruner, Alvin J. Nixon, P. Thomas
Brynteson, John Oelbaum, Henry
Bunker, George Dow Orton, Ira D.
Burton, John Edgar Otis, Harrison Gray
Carllis, Sarantis Park, Robert J.
Carstens, Julius C. Pearson, John P.
Castle, Neville H. Percival, Charles G.
Cederbergh, Captain Endre Martin Perkins, Colonel William T.
Chace, Dr. W. d'Arcy Peterson, Nels
Chilberg, Benjamin A.   Polet, Abraham
Chilberg, Eugene Porter, Freeman B.
Clark, William A. Price, G. W.
Cochran, M. J. Redding, Dr. George Herbert Huntington
Cochran, Orville D. Reed, Frank 
Cody, Albert J. Richards, Frank H.
Coply, John S. Rinehart, Jr., William V.
Coston, Porter J. Rininger, Dr. Edmund Marburg
Cowden, Chauncey G. Rosencranz, Mose
Daggett, Fred E. Rustgard, John
Daly, Alfred J. Ryan, Richard S.
Dashley, Fred W. Ryberg, Rev. Charles Elliott
Davidson, J. M. Sandstrom, John L.
Davis, Brevet Major General Jefferson Clarke Sawyer, Ladowich Latham
DeBuhr, John Scanlan, Wm. J.
Derbyshire, Albert L. Schneider, Albert
Dexter, John A. Schofield, George D.
Dieter, Henry J. Schow, Anton C. "Frank"
Dobbs, Beverly B. Schuler, Matthias
Dunn, Edward R. Simpson, Robert Neil
Dunn, John H. Simson, Abraham
Dwyer, Thomas Simson, Ben
Fenton, James Edward Sloan, Dr. John M.
Ferguson, Captain Walter H. Sloan, Dr. W.
Fitzgerald, George Smith, Frank S.
Frawly, James Smith, Henry
Fuller, Frederic E. Solner, Nordahl Brune
Gaffney, James C. Steel, Harry G.
Galvin, Jerry Stevens, Sylvanus Harlow
Geiger, Captain William E. Stewart, Alexander Campbell
Gilchrist, David Strong, J. F. A.
Gilmore, William Addison Sullivan, John Thomas
Grigsby, George B. Sullivan, Michael J.
Hall, Gordon Suter, Louis W.
Harrison, Edward S. Sverdrup, Ingvard Berner
Haskins, Charles Darwin Swanton, Frank W.
Henry, Professor Will Tanner, Lewis B.
Henton, S. C. Thatcher, Frank H.
Hesse, William H. Thornton, Charles W.
Hill, Dr. Edmund E. Thuland, Conrad M.
Hines, Jack Traphagen, Delmar H.
Hirschberg, Max R. Valentine, Albert L.
Hopson, Eben Vinal, William A.
Horsfall, Charles G. Watt, P. H.
Hultberg, Nels Olson Westby, Jacob A.
Humber, Robert Hart Whitehead, Cabell, Ph. D.
Jackson, Reverend Sheldon Whittren, J. Potter
Johnson, Judge Charles Sumner Wickersham, Judge James
Johnson, John Wilkins, Warren C.
Johnston, Captain E. W. Will, Edward Gray
King, Horace P. Williams, George T.
Kittilsen, Dr. A. N. Wright, William Thomas
Kjelsberg, Magnus Wynkoop, Daniel J.
Lane, Charles D. Yarnell, Griff
Lane, Tom T. Zehner, R. B.
Lang, Frank S.  
Lang, William H.  
Larimore, Leon A.  
Leedy, John D.  
Libby, Captain D. B.  
Lindblom, Erik O.  
Lindeberg, Jafet  
Linton, Dr. E. R.  
Lomen, Gudbrand J.  
Lowe, Albert J.