Charles G. Percival
Percival, Charles G., physician, author and traveler; born Somerville, Mass.; son Charles R. and Eldora (Whitmore) Percival; educated
Rugby, England; Chauncy Hall, Boston; Michigan State College, Lansing, Mich.; Tufts Medical School, Harvard University and College of
Physicians and Surgeons (Cum Laude), Boston, Mass.; graduated Boston City Hospital, Union General Hospital and North End Hospital, Boston, Mass. War correspondent Spanish-American War; champion
cyclist, balloonist, motorist and athlete; author several medical works. The Eye and Its Functions, and books of travel. Lost on the Desert, Trail of the Bull Dog, 50,000 miles by Automobile, North of 64 Degrees by Automobile. Editor Health Magazine and Motor Car, of N. Y. City. President Cosmos Co., ex-president N. E. Medical Association; director Suburban Development Co. of N. J.; vice-president of Health Pub. Co., member National Geological Society. Recently completed two years' journey of 50,000 miles in automobile around world and longest trip ever known in history. Recommended for Carnegie medal for saving companion's life during Mexican Revolution. Grand Arctic Chief of Arctic Brotherhood and first man to explore Alaska and Klondike in automobile, holding record of driving auto 1,000 miles further north and over White Pass and to 64 degrees north. Mason, Elk and Odd Fellow. Recreations: Motoring, shooting big game, raising bull dogs and chickens.
Herringshaw's American Blue Book of
Biography: Men of 1912. Chicago, Illinois: Men of Nineteen-Twelve, 1913.