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Nordahl Brune Solner

N. B. SOLNER has been identified with the banking interests of Nome since the early spring of 1900. He is the manager of the Bank of Cape Nome, one of the leading banks of Alaska, transacting a very large business in the Nome country. He came to Nome in June, 1900, supervised the construction of the bank building, and has since had the management of this financial institution, which is doing its share to promote the welfare of Seward Peninsula and develop the mineral resources of this country.  Mr. Solner is a native of Janesville, Wisconsin, and was born January 10, 1864. In 1880 he entered the First National Bank of Moorehead, Minnesota, and in 1884 was cashier of the Tobacco Exchange Bank of Edgerton, Wisconsin. In 1886 he went to California on account of ill health. Two years later he visited Seattle, where he obtained employment as paying teller of the First National Bank of that city. He has held other positions of responsibility and trust in banks, and has had a most thorough training in all departments of the banking business. Subsequent to the establishment of the Bank of Cape Nome he was elected vice- president of that institution. In November, 1903, with James D. Hoge and other representative citizens of Seattle, he organized the Union Savings and Trust Co., of Seattle, and was selected as cashier of that institution. This is one of the most successful banks ever organized in the city of Seattle. In the brief period of its existence it has accumulated more than $1,200,000 in deposits.

Mr. Solner fills both positions -- that of manager of the Bank of Cape Nome, and cashier of the Union Savings and Trust Co., of Seattle. He visits Nome during the summer seasons, and exercises a general supervision over the Nome bank. The principal business of banks in Nome is the purchase of gold dust, and the Bank of Cape Nome handles annually $1,500,000 of the product of the mines of Seward Peninsula.

Mr. Solner, by virtue of his training and natural aptitude for the business, is a successful banker; he is a courteous and genial gentleman, exact in business methods, punctilious in his work and the discharge of the duties devolving upon him, and possessing an unusual clarity of perception of the ways and means of building the business to which he has devoted the years of his life since early manhood. He has many friends in Nome who esteem him for his moral worth and for the sterling qualities of his character.

Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by R. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.




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