Angus McBride
ANGUS McBRIDE was born and reared on a farm six miles north of Baden, St. Louis County, Mo. ; got his early education at private school, at the neighborhood public school, and
later at Blackburn University, Illinois, the later being a sectarian institution of the Presbyterian denomination. His attendance at this school shows the Scotch parent's inclination to have the boy tutored in the father's favorite religion. He returned home from the university
and worked on the farm for a few years. Tiring of the slow method of making a fortune, he moved to the West, and engaged in the real estate, abstract and loan business in Eureka, Kansas. He examined land and made real estate loans for one of the large loan companies then doing business in that part of the country,
and with very good success until the panic struck that section and everything "went up in smoke."
In 1890 he moved to California "to begin life over." Not having any capita], trade or profession, he studied stenography and got a position in the law office of Mr. Arthur Rodgers in San Francisco.
He remained in that city until 1 895 when he secured a position in the office of the Southern
Pacific Company at Tucson, Arizona, and was with that company four years. He was
also employed as clerk of the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Arizona
for a short time, spending all his vacations in the hills with a burro train, and found nothing
more enjoyable than camping out with a good companion or two in the rugged mountains,
at the same time examining the many kinds of mineral-bearing rocks which are found in that
wonderful country.
In 1900 he came to Nome, and spent the first summer traveling over the hills to see
what might be in store for the chechako, and the following winter was given a position by
Mr. Borchsenius as clerk in the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, which
position he has held through the various judicial administrations.
If all the men of the world were as honest, as reliable and as punctillious in the discharge of duty as Mr. McBride, this would be a dear old world.
Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by
R. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.