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John P. Pearson

J. P. PEARSON has shown his faith in the future of quartz mining in Seward Peninsula by his investments in quartz property near Nome and in the Solomon River region during the past two years. He came to Nome in 1903, and has been active in the industrial field since his arrival. Besides being a large stockholder and director in two quartz mining companies, he owns some placer ground, is associated with a ditch enterprise, and has a road-house and mercantile business on Solomon River.

Mr. Pearson is a native of Sweden, and was born September 1, 1856. He is the son of a farmer, and was educated in the schools of Tirup and Alfredstorp, receiving a special course in agriculture, which qualified him for the work in which he was subsequently engaged in his native land. After leaving school he was employed as the superintendent of a three-thousand-acre farm, one of the largest in Sweden, at Sunnerborg, State of Smoland. He also had charge of a flour mill on the estate. He filled this position during a period of five years, when he decided to go to America. In 1882 he arrived in the State of Minnesota, and engaged in the creamery business. Until 1890 he was extensively interested in this industry, and in addition thereto owned a large milk business in St. Paul, being one of the organizers, and vice-president and superintendent of the Minnesota Milk Company.

In 1890 he sold out and went to the State of Washington, where investments in real estate swept away the earnings of years. Undiscouraged by the adverse turn in the wheel of fortune, he turned his attention to the line of work where his knowledge of the business gave him preeminence. For a period of four years from 1891 he had the management of stock farms and dairies in Oregon, and for five years subsequently was in the dairy business in California. During this latter period he was prominently identified with the dairy industry, and was well known as a promoter of education in matters pertaining to the methods of the business. He tried to get a dairy school established, and practically illustrated his belief in a technical knowledge of the industry by taking a course in dairy chemistry and bacteriology at the State University in 1896-'97.

In 1900 he became a member of the firm of Sutherland & Pearson, grocers, in Oakland, California, and disposed of his interests in 1 903 to go to Nome. Mr. Pearson is an educated gentleman, an expert in the lines of work to which he has given his best thought and years of study, and a prudent and an honorable business man.

Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by R. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.





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