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Chauncey G. Cowden

C. G. COWDEN is the cashier of the Miners and Merchants Bank of Nome, (an institution which he assisted to organize), has served three years as city treasure) of Nome and is treasurer of the Northwestern Ditch Company; and is also interested in a number of valuable mining properties. He comes from the Jersey shore, where he was born February 22, 1865. His boyhood days were spent in Pennsylvania, and his education was obtained in a Kentucky university. He is the son of a Christian minister, is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and belongs to an old family of the United States.

His first business venture was in the real estate line in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In 1888 he went to Tacoma, and was employed in the land department of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, mapping and appraising the value of lands. After two years of this work he was employed by the National Bank of Commerce of Tacoma, working for this institution in various capacities for ten years. Just prior to his going to Alaska, he was chief deputy county treasurer of Pierce County, Washington. He resigned this position to accept the position of cashier of the Alaska Banking and Safe Deposit Company of Nome, entering upon the discharge of his duties for this corporation in June, 1901. He resigned September 1, 1904, and helped to organize the Miners and Merchants Bank of Nome, of which he is now cashier.

Mr. Cowden has been twice married. His first wife, whom he married in Tacoma in 1891, was Miss Florence Lithgow. A son, Parker, who is now a bright boy of thirteen years, is the only issue of this marriage. In 1902 Mrs. Cowden died suddenly while visiting friends in the states. During the winter of 1904-'05 Mr. Cowden and Miss Hattie V. Thompson were married in Nome.

Mr. Cowden's high standing in the community is shown by the important positions which he fills. He has been successful in his Nome mining ventures and business enterprises, and is among the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of this part of Alaska.

Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by R. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.




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