Morton E. Atkinson
This gentleman is one of the aggressive, energetic
young business men of Nome. He is manager
of the Nome Trading Company, a mercantile
corporation that has been doing business in Nome
since 1900. He was born December 27, 1875, at
Port Discovery, Washington, and received his education in the public schools of the State of Washington. His father, J. M. E. Atkinson, conducts an
extensive insurance business in Seattle, and the son's
business training was obtained in his father's office.
M. E. Atkinson first came to Nome in 1901,
but did not assume the management of the business
until the fall of 1903. In the early spring of 1903,
before the snow disappeared, he made a trip with a
dog team to the Tanana Region which is 850 miles
from Nome. Returning that summer by steamer he,
at the close of navigation, took charge of the company's business in Nome and has been ever since the
manager. The Nome Trading Company is one of
leading mercantile institutions of this country, and has acquired an excellent reputation
for the high class of goods it supplies to the people of Seward Peninsula.
Mr. Atkinson has an extensive acquaintance on the peninsula, and he is as
highly esteemed as he is well known. He was married October 21,1 896. His wife
was formerly Miss Mary M. Gullison, of Portland, Oregon.
Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by
R. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.