Mose Rosencranz
MOSE ROSENCRANZ came to Nome June 27, 1899. He was a passenger on the schooner Erma and was among the first arrivals from the states to the new mining camp. His
entire capital consisted of the munificent sum of one ! dollar and thirty-five
cents. He secured some of the 'first lumber shipped to Nome and began the
construction of the first frame building of the town. Possessing a money-making instinct he accumulated near $12,000 during the summer season of 1899. He was engaged in real estate, the handling of mining properties and a general brokerage and commission business. He also acquired during this season some valuable mining interests.
As illustrative of the conditions in Nome during this season, he tells of an incident when he was offered fifty dollars to carry a letter from town to Anvil Creek, a distance of not more than four miles, and he de- clined the offer as an opportunity presented itself for a more profitable employment of his time.
He was born in San Francisco, June 3, 1865. He has a business record in San Francisco where he accumulated considerable money while engaged in the business of loaning money on real estate. Meeting with business reverses he was induced
to go to Alaska. A brother of Mr. Rosencranz is a prominent and popular physician
of San Francisco, and he has a sister who is also a physician. At present Mr. Rosencranz is associated with Simson Brothers, one of the largest mercantile institutions of
Seward Peninsula. In the list of his mining properties is a one-half interest in Poor
Man's Bench adjoining the Maudeline and "Caribou Bill's" claim, a very valuable bench
between Anvil and Dexter Creeks. He is also the owner of considerable town property.