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J. Potter Whittren

J. POTTER WHITTREN is a civil engineer who has done the surveying for some of the important ditch enterprises of Seward Peninsula. He is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and was born August 3, 1872. He was graduated from Harvard in the class of 1895 with the degree of B. S. During a period of two years he was assistant engineer for the Wisconsin Central Railroad. He went to Dawson in the spring of '99 and came to Nome in 1900. He is the consulting engineer of the Council City and Solomon River Railroad Company, and was associate engineer in the survey of the Topkuk Ditch and the Gold Run Ditch. He surveyed the ditch line of the Solomon River Ditch Company, and is the mining engineer for the Goode Quartz Company, whose locations are on Trilby Mountain in the Solomon River region. Mr. Whittren holds the appointment of Deputy United States Mineral Surveyor.

Mr. Whittren is brimful of energy, and possesses the capacity to work expeditiously. Among his clients are the leading operators of Seward Peninsula. A man of excellent character and broad intelligence, a thorough training has well qualified him work of his profession.  

Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by R. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.




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