Dr. John M. Sloan
DR. SLOAN is a prominent and
successful physician of Nome,
who came to this country to
mine. During the first three years of
his residence in Seward Peninsula he
prospected and mined in the Gold Run
region, and carried a pack on his back
through a large area of the northern
country. He is a native of Huron
County, Ontario, Canada, and began
this life with the first day of the new
year, 1868. His ancestors were
Scotch, and after graduating from the
Clinton Collegiate Institute and the
Manitoba University he went to Scotland to perfect his education for the
profession he had selected, and was
graduated from the Edinborough and
the Glasgow Colleges of Physicians and
Surgeons. From the Edinborough College he received the degree of L. R.
C. P. and S., and from the Glasgow
College, L. F. P. S. After graduating
he went to London, and spent a few
months in the Moorfield and London
When he returned to America he went to the United States, and located in Chicago,
where he began the practice of medicine. This was in 1894, and during that year he
received the appointment of Professor of Surgery in the Harvard Medical College. Later
he was Instructor of Surgery in the Post Graduate Medical College of Chicago, and held
both of these positions when he started for Nome in the Spring of 1900.
After arriving in Nome he went to the Port Clarence and York Districts, and was
one of the first in on the Bluestone strike, which at that time promised to eclipse the strike
on Anvil Creek. The prospects were not realized, but there is gold in the country, and
with plenty of water, the utilization of which will require the expenditure of considerable
money, the hopes of the early explorers of this country may be realized. After three
years of hard work and the privations incident to camp life far away from a base of
supplies, Dr. Sloan returned to Nome and opened an office in the Golden Gate Hotel.
He immediately met with the recognition which ability and thorough education always
command. His brother, Dr. W. Sloan, is the operating manager of their mining
interests, which are extensive, comprising gold mines in the Bluestone and Gold Run country
and tin properties in the vicinity of Ear Mountain and elsewhere in the York District.
Dr. Sloan's slight physique is a parcel mostly brains and nerves. Guided by an
unerring intuition and equipped with the very best education, possessing natural ability
and the skill that comes from experience, Dr. Sloan tried to spoil a good physician to
make a miner.
Source: Nome and Seward Peninsula by
E. S. Harrison. Seattle: The Metropolitan Press, 1905.