Daniel J. Wynkoop
D. J. WYNKOOP is a resident of Nome who
possesses a general and comprehensive knowledge of economic geology, mineralogy and
practical mining, having devoted a number of years of
his life to the study of the technical side of these subjects, and having had a wide practical experience in
the field of mining operations.
His ancestors came from Holland to America in
the seventeenth century. He was born in Jefferson
County, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1852. When he
was twelve years old he moved with his father to the
oil regions, and at the age of twenty-one he was an
operator in oil. A few years later he made a trip
to Colorado where he became interested in quartz mining for a short time. In 1891 he went west in search
of health. He located in Tacoma, Washington, and
continued to follow the business of mining. Improved
health was followed by a serious injury resulting from
the collision of a collier and a passenger steamer on the
Willamette River. His son was killed in this collision and both himself and wife were seriously hurt.
This accident occurred in September, 1892, and during the four years which were required for his recovery he
farmed in the State of Washington and applied himself to the study of geology.
He came to Nome in the spring of 1900 as manager of a company. The company went to pieces and left him stranded, but being a man of resources and practical
ability he found profitable employment. He has done a great deal of "mushing" in
this country, having made five trips to the Arctic slope over the ice. He served as
deputy recorder under United States Commissioner Tom Noyes of the Fairhaven
District, and is now connected with the United States Commissioner's office in the
Nome District. Mr. Wynkoop helped to organize the Alaska Academy of Sciences.
He has taken great interest in the work of this institution. He was married in 1876
to Ella E. Davis, of Edinberg, Pennsylvania. Two daughters, Edith M. and
Hattie E., both of whom are married, are their only surviving children.