For the Beginner
"I'd really like to study my family lines, but I just don't know how to get started..."
"I sure wish someone out there would answer my questions and show me what I'm supposed to do next..."
"Yeah. . .there's a lot of information on the web all right, and it's all scattered all over the place. How am I supposed to find it?"

Does any of the above sound familiar? Do you find yourself asking the same
(or, close to the same) questions?
Then this is the page for you! Whether you're just beginning your research or you've been working at it the last several months, below you'll find beginner helps that will answer some of those questions and hopefully, get you [back] on the road to research.
If you have additional questions regarding the fundamentals of research that perhaps I haven't addressed here, please feel free to
email me. I'm not in a position to do research for anyone as my time is very limited, so please don't ask. However, I will answer your procedural questions. . .
This section is for those cousins who are still learning the basics only. If you have passed this point you should then move to the novice/expert section.

If I have failed to include a topic that you have questions about with regard to beginning genealogical research, please feel free to
contact me.