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Joining A Discussion Group

The quickest way to make progress in genealogical research is to connect with someone who is further along or is more experienced than you are. Keep in mind that a large part of the fun of genealogy is the relationships you develop with people along the way. Be kind, courteous, helpful, slow to take offense, and quick to forgive, and you will be rewarded.


  • Mailing Lists, a.k.a. Email Discussion Groups

    Being part of a mailing list is like having your own virtual research community. It's an easy way to network with other genealogists to share distant ancestors, get answers to questions, request lookups and swap research stories. Genealogy mailing lists are free, fun and are often one of the best online possibilities for filling in some of the blanks in your family tree. These same lists not only help you find information about your ancestors but many times can connect you with people who have research interests similar to yours.

    The following site indexes links for all known genealogy mailing lists, including RootsWeb and others:

    Mailing list etiquette:  TYPING IN ALL CAPITALS is a no-no.  It is considered yelling and is also hard to read.  Please be sure to keep your message in upper and lower case or people may not read your message.


    Always remember that any personal information you reveal can be obtained and used by others. Anything you say here, you say at your own risk. Do not provide anyone with any information that you don't want made public.

    When participating in an online conversation, never assume that people are who they say they are, know what they say they know, or are affiliated with whom they say they are affiliated.


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