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Genealogy Software


At this point you should be familiar with the two basic forms genealogists and family historians use.

There are more than forty genealogy software programs currently available, and trying to select the "right one" can be a bit overwhelming. However, I recommend just three simply because they're easy to use.  In addition, they're also very popular so you stand a good chance of finding someone who is also using the same program and can, perhaps, help you.

Family Tree Maker



The links will help you make an informed decision as to which program you choose to use.

There is another program, one that is free.  It's the Personal Ancestral File (PAF) put out by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  A lot of people find it difficult to use.  I "grew up" with it and still use it.

If you would like to see others, here is a link to many of them.




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