Please share your information.
For a state with such a rich
history, Alaska is sadly lacking in online genealogy research sources. If we
work together, we can all build this site so that it will become a major source
of information. As stated on the front page of
this site, I don't live in Alaska, and don't have access to many of the sources
that could be put online to help everyone searching in this wonderful state. Your help
is truly needed.
The genealogical information you are gathering can help other researchers.
Census readings, death notices, lists of marriages or births, etc. will help others.
Please share your family information.
Old records pertaining to
to be placed on this web site
as old school yearbooks, church anniversary books, women's and men's
organizations that show listings of members. |
RECORDS: early histories, old voter registrations, early birth,
marriage and death records, etc. |
PHOTOS: pictures of
individuals or families, school classes, sports teams, etc. |
OTHER: old family
letters, local businesses, and more. |
Everything should be from the early years until about 1940 time period. Birth
records need to be before 1900, death and marriage records to the
If you send photocopies or scanned photos and articles, we would
appreciate them.
OR if you have material that you would loan me to put on the website,
please let
me know.
If you have books referring to Alaska
such as school year books, borough/census area histories, old newspapers, membership rolls,
student school records, or any of the books listed below and would be willing to
lookup information in it/them,

Do you have access to any of the books or
materials listed in the
bibliography?.. a census index?... a list of the soldiers from Alaska?... birth, death, or marriage records?... some unique resource about

Do you have pages from any of the Alaska censuses and want to share the information? Perhaps you'd like to type a
local history publication, interesting tidbits from newspapers?
Maybe you have books referring to Alaska (school year books, borough/census area histories, old newspapers, membership rolls,
student school records, or any of the books listed in the bibliography) and
would be willing to transcribe them for this site?
