The Apostle of Alaska
The Story of William Duncan of Metlakahtla
A |
man of war, 39
Pass, description of, 47
Actors and speakers, born, are the Tsimshean men and women,
Address in Tsimshean,
Adultery, punishment for,
Advancement, temporal,
Agnostic, Mr. Duncan's argument with an,
24, 25
Agweelakkah's village on the Nass River, 144;
the Chiefs prayer,
Ainuetka vs.
Alaska climate,
334, 335
Alaska, Governor of,
289, 317
Alaska Indians, battle with,
Metlakahtla natives decide to
remove with Mr. Duncan to Alaska, 288, 290
Alaska, Southeastern, author's tour in,
7, 84, 330, 340, 348
Alaskan Archipelago,
Alert Bay, Rev. A. J. Hall at,
249, 256
Archipelago, 289
Dr., of Highbury College, 30, 35 ; sees Mr. Duncan off at Plymouth for his Alaskan
mission field, 37
Alkali deposits, use of by the Tsimsheans as soap,
the, 89
A neon steamer,
Islands, 289,
290, 328
Anniversary, fiftieth, of Mr.
Duncan's arrival at Fort Simpson, 325
"Apostle of Alaska,"
The, 16; (see under Duncan)
Apostolic benediction in Tsimshean,
305, 343, 344
Appetite, inordinate, of Indian for intoxicating
liquors, 252
" Armadale," Senator
MacDonald's home, 285
Athabaskan Indians around the Yukon, 61
Athletic sports, Tsimsheans
lovers of, 340
Atkinson, Alfred,
Atlantis, in the Pacific,
Attendance at church, in
18, 60, 61, 147
; at school,
At the Fort (Simpson),
Author (Dr. Arctander) is received and entertained by
Mr. Duncan, 7; spends vacations at Metlakahtla,
where he writes his book, 7
Aztecs, ancient, traces of the peculiarities of,
B |
Babel, Tower of, Tsimshean legend of,
Bachelor, Mr. Duncan a confirmed,
184, 37i. 373
Back in Old England,
Baines, Moses, deportation of,
Ballot box, the button in the,
Band, Mr. Duncan acquires
instruments for native, 225
Band stand at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 337
Bands, reed and string, etc., at Metlakahtla,
Banking, Tsimshean mode of,
Baptism of the Tsimsheans,
Baptism, Mr. Duncan's custom as
to, 149,
150 ; his
later views on, 364 ;
ordinance of Bishop Ridley's liberal administration of, 252
Baptize converts, Mr. Duncan
did not, 150
Baranovitch, C. V., Russian
trader, 197,
200, 201
Barter system, early, at
Hudson's Bay Co.'s stores, 66
Baseball nine,
Battle between good and evil,
story of the, 109, 112
"Battleship," Mr.
Duncan's, 333
Rev. Henry Ward, 288
Sir Matthew, his speech at murder trial, 192;
decision against Indian rights to their lands,
Behind the Walls,
Behring, Captain, visit of in
1741, 63
Benevolent fund,
Benson, Edward,
Beverley Minster,
Beverley, Yorkshire, England,
Mr. Duncan's birthplace, 20; here he first heard the call to be a missionary,
27, 33
; returns on a visit to in
1870, 223
Bible, King James' version,
no translation of into Tsimshean,
Bible class among blue jackets on board ship,
Bible classes for both sexes,
Bilgula Indians of British
Columbia, 61
Birthday of New Metlakahtla
(Alaska), 292
Births and deaths at
Metlakahtla, Alaska, 331
Biscuits, Mrs. Tugwell unable
to make, 142
Bjornson, Hans, convicted of selling liquor to
Indians, 215
Black flag, the,
193, 194
Black letter day for village
and mission of Metlakahtla, 250
Blacksmith shop at old
Metlakahtla, 181
Bloodshed, none for forty
years, 204
Bloodthirstiness and savage
cruelty, scene of, 56
Blow, the last,
Bluett-Duncan, Dr. J. D.,
289, 290, 327
Bolton, Jacob,
Bompas, W. G., Bishop of
Athabaska, 240,
248, 249
Book of Common Prayer translated by Bishop Ridley,
363, 364
Booth, Mrs. Lucy A., of Metlakahtla,
legends related by, 103, 108, 338
Boys' Home (educational
building) at Metlakahtla, the, 316
Boy the father of the man, the,
Boyd, Thomas,
Brands of salmon canned at
Metlakahtla, Alaska, 356
Brass band, Mr. Duncan acquires
instruments for, 225;
learns gamut of thirty instruments, 226 ; how the Indians learned to play the, 226, 227; furnishes choice music,
concert tour of,
Bread and water diet, Mr. Duncan's,
Breeding ground of salmon,
Brick kiln, Mr. Duncan starts
one at Metlakahtla, 181
British Columbia Province,
British Columbia Government,
Brooks, Bishop Phillips,
Brown's Passage,
Building lots and houses, new,
at New Metlakahtla, 231
Butler, Captain, of the Western
Union Telegraph Co., 166
Button in the ballot box, the,
C |
Call, Mr. Duncan's, to undertake mission work,
Call, Indians
unanimous, that Mr. Duncan should remain
their preacher and teacher, 264
Call, Mr. Duncan's acceptance
of to continue mission work, 266
Call of the Lord,
of the home land,
Calvert, Adolphus, legend related by,
62 ; deportation of, 283
Campbell, Sidney,
Candle fish (see Oolakan)
Cannery at Metlakahtla, Alaska,
316, 354
Cannibal clubs, 89, 91, 127
Canning of salmon, process of,
work in
cannery, 353
building, now eclipsed by white man's boat, 347
Canoe song,
trips, Mr. Duncan on, 143
Cape Mudge, Mr. Duncan sees first totem pole at,
the, Mr. Duncan's trading
schooner, 178
shop started, 181
Rev. A. T., vicar of Beverley, 15, 18, 23;
death of,
Census of the people, Mr. Duncan takes one,
; new census,
330, 331
Ceremonies, marriage,
73, 74; after death,
Chantrel, Mr., a schoolmaster,
Chapman, Mr., of the Church Missionary
Society, 28
Chapman, Rev. J. A., Methodist
preacher of Ketchikan, 326
Chief Quthray, head of the
cannibal club, 127; refuses
to kneel at Mr. Duncan's church service, 127
Chiefs, some, abandon their
medicine work, 138
Child in the moon, legend of
the, 100
Children brought to church to
be prayed for, 331
Chinook language, Mr. Duncan picks up first knowledge of at Victoria, B. C,
; not used for preaching,
Christian village, a, 151
"Christian Church" at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 358; cost of,
231 ; undenominational,
Christian Missionary
Intelligencer, The,
Christmas Day, " the great
dress day,"
136, 292;
first celebration of,
310, 313; 1888,
services of,
Church building, new, at
Metlakahtla, built by voluntary contributions, 59, 170, 231, 321
manual printed, 305
Church Missionary Society, The
8, 15, 28, 142, 170, 232, 248;
displays a more churchly
spirit, 240; letter to Mr. Duncan, disrupting
relations, 262
native, 318
Clah, of Legaic's tribe, aids Mr. Duncan in acquiring a
knowledge of the Tsimshean tongue, 57,59 ; accompanies Mr. Duncan when the latter delivers his
first gospel message, 122
Clan division, intertribal,
among the Tsimsheans, lodges or clubs of, initiation of by medicine men, 88
Strait, 334
President, 289
Climate of
Metlakahtla, Alaska, 327.334. 335
Clog manufactory started at
Metlakahtla, 230
Clubs of cannibals, dog eaters,
etc., 89
Coast Indians of British
Columbia, the, 61 ;
their wars with the Indians of the interior, 65
; far in advance of the Indians
of the plains, 61
Collins accused of
whiskey selling, 208
Collison, Rev. W. H., missionary at Kincolith,
; comes from England
as schoolmaster,
232; Mr. and Mrs.,
258, 267, 273
Columbia, diocese of, division
of in 1879, 250
Columbian Archipela
Comforter from heaven,
favorite trysting places of the, 15
Common Prayer, Book of, in Tsimshean,
Conferences of mission workers,
Constable, office of at old
Metlakahtla, and numbers, 156, 158, 161
Constitution for new community,
Contents and Illustrations,
Cook, Captain,
Cooper shop established at
Metlakahtla, 230
"Coppers," or hammered
shields of the Indians, 73
Cousins, Mr. Duncan's old employer
at Beverley, 22; visit to, in
1870, 224
Creation of man,
; of the world,
Cremating of Indian dead,
Crests define the bonds of
Indian consanguinity, 87
Cridge, Rev. Edward, of Victoria,
B. C., 45,
46; baptizes
Indian converts and children at Metlakahtla, 173;
wins Indian hearts,
quarrel with Bishop Hills,
Crosby, Rev. Mr., of Fort
Simpson, 245,
Cruise of five hundred miles, a,
Cunningham, ex-prize fighter,
trial for whiskey selling, 213; fined for the offence,
Cushwaht threatens Mr. Duncan's
life at the schoolhouse, 139; publicly flogged for shooting,
Customs, peculiar, of the
Tsimsheans—shields, ornaments, and heirlooms, also marriage ceremonies,
funeral customs, potlatch feasts, etc., 7283; totems and clubs, 84
D |
built at mouth of Lake in the Clouds,
Dance, Mr. Duncan asked to a,
Dawson, Hon. H. R., United
States Commissioner of Education, 291
Day at Metlakahtla, a,
Dead, cremation of the Indian, 75
Death, ceremonies after, 75
Death rate among children, 332
Declaration of Metlakahtla
(Alaska) residents, 299
Dedication, 5
Delegation to Ottawa, 280
Denominational rule and all sects,
Mr. Duncan opposed to, 358
Descent, law of, 74
property, 79
Devil abroad, the—Mr. Duncan's life threatened, 130, 133
Devil's Thumb, the (a
Diaries, Mr. Duncan's
treasure chests,
from, 128, 134, 310
Diffidence, Mr. Duncan's, 41 Discovery Passage, British
Columbia waters, 47
of Mr. Duncan by the Church Missionary Society, 262
Disorder of Mr. Duncan's den, 373
Distribution of Metlakahtla lots, 301
Divorces unknown, 346
Dixon Entrance, 51, 61, 65, 290, 294
Docket, from Judge Duncan's, 202
Doctors at Metlakahtla, 302, 328
Dogeaters' club, 89, 91
Donations from Mr. Duncan's friends, 232
Doolan, Rev. R. A., conducts mission at Kincolith, 147 ; and at Kuinwoch, 218
Douglas, Governor Sir James, of
Victoria, B. C, 43, 44, 118, 165, 198
"Dressday," the great (Christmas Day), 136
Dress of Metlakahtla women, 345
Drunken brawls on decrease in camp, 137
Drunkenness gathers strength, 150
Dudoward, Alfred, of Fort Simpson, half-breed chief,
Lord and Lady, their visit to Metlakahtla, 236; Canadian Governor General, 281, 284
- see duncan_ndx.html
Dundas, Rev. R. J., baptizes
adults and children at Metlakahtla, 172
Du Vernet, Right Rev. F.,
Bishop of Caledonia, 257, 297
Dwelling house, Duncan builds
one without the Fort, 165
Dwelling houses, new and improved,
built at Metlakahtla,
at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 303, 319
E |
building at Metlakahtla, 316
Election of elders, first, 182; original mode of, 183; improved mode of, 184; present mode of, 184
Emigration to New Metlakahtla, 33
Engine house at Metlakahtla, 323
England, back in old, 217; Mr. Duncan's visit to, in 1870, 220,
Epidemic, malignant, at Metlakahtla,
Epidemic of smallpox at
at Fort
Simpson, 155,
156; among
Legaic's tribe, 158
Episcopal church, Bishop Bompas
declines to turn Mr. Duncan's mission into an, 249
Episcopal church service, Mr.
Duncan reads at the Fort, 118
Esquimault harbour, Victoria,
B. C, 42
Etiquette, Tsimsheans sticklers
for, 76
Evil influences of the heathen homes, 151
Expenditures on public affairs
at Metlakahtla, 232; on public
streets, 232; on " Westminster
Abbey," 321 |
F |
of the man, the boy the,
Father of liars, 116
Feast at old Metlakahtla,
description of a, 172
Female suffrage, none at old
Metlakahtla, 184
Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Duncan's
first sermon, 326
Finlayson's Channel, 48
Fire brigade service at
Metlakahtla, 220
Fire at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 320; at Fort Simpson, 81
Fire protection, provision for,
321 Firewater, 82
First fruits (of Mr. Duncan's
labour), 137
First martyrs in Metlakahtla
jail, 278
First message, Mr. Duncan
delivers his first Gospel address to the Tsimsheans, 122, 124; fiftieth anniversary of, 326
Fish food of the Indians, 67
Fisherman, Alaska, how paid or
remunerated, 356
Fitzhugh Sound, 48
Flogging as a punishment,
efficacy of, 204]
Flood, legends of the great, 62
Flotsam and Jetsam, 333
Flowers and berries at Metlakahtla,
Food of the Tsimsheans, 67
Football team, Metlakahtla, 341
Fort, at the (Simpson), 51
Fort Rupert, Indians of, 47 ; disemboweled bodies seen
47 ; carry away a slave, 242
Fort Simpson, B. C, Hudson's
Bay Co.'s post at,
50; Mr. Duncan's arrival here (October
1, 1857), 50; Indians break camp at, 67 ; outbreak of smallpox at, 156; fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Duncan's
arrival at,
Fraser Reach, 49
From Judge Duncan's docket, 202
ceremonies, 75
dirge (Lemkoy), 75
price of, 178
punishment, Tsimshean ideas of, 106
G |
Gambling, a national vice of the Tsimsheans,
Garcotitch, Peter, Slavonian
trader, sells liquor to Indians and is convicted and fined, 209
Girls' school under Mrs.
Collison, 233
Glad Tidings,
Gospel boat, 294
God's Book, 121, 124, 125
Good Time Island, 333
Good and evil, battle between, 109,
Gordon, Adam, 291
Gospel teaching taking effect, 138
Gospel, influence of, showing, 137
Government aid for schools at
Metlakahtla, 328
Graham Reach, 49
Graham Island, 233
Grand Old Man, the, 368
"Great Dress Day," 136, 292
Grenville Channel, 49
Gribbel, Rev. F., disaffected
towards Mr. Duncan, 219
Guest House, the, at Metlakahtla, 175; at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 323
Gulf of Georgia, 47
Guthrie, Josiah, 284
Guthrie, Alex., his bungalow, 304
H |
Hadley, John
H. and wife, 329
Haidas, the, Indian tribe, 61 ; totem poles
on Haida village,
; expert carvers of the coast,
85 ; missionary work among, 233
Haldane, Matthew, the late, 304
Haldane, Benjamin A., 9, 51 ; his home,
304; at organ, 326; at
piano, 338 Halibut of from seventy-five to
hundred and fifty pounds, 69
Hall, Rev. A. J., 244; located at Alert Bay, 249, 256
Hallach, Tsimshean slave, 113115
"Hallied," or Indian
deviltry, 91,
hanged on his own gallows, 264
Hamblett, Alonzo, a half-breed teacher, 329
Hamblett, Eli, a Dane, 210
Hammond, the revivalist, 253
Hanbury, Tom, his house, 303
Handel's " Messiah "
oratorio, 326
Methodist mission at, 255
Heathenish hysterics, 130
Heathenish rites, 138
Heavenly chief, the, 101 ; son of the, 108
Heavens, legend of moving the
heavens back, 62
Hewson, Robert, 274, 275, 276, 284
Hewson, Stephen, Mr. Duncan's
early friend, 16
Narrows, 48
Highbury College, where young
Duncan receives two years' theological training, 30, 35
Highmas, head chief of the
Kitseesh tribe, brings firewater among the people, 185; his pleading wife, 186
Hills, Bishop of Columbia, 169; baptizes fifty-seven adults, 169; baptizes more adults, 173; has falling out with Dean Cridge, 173; his diocese divided, 250
Holidays, great, celebrated at
New Metlakahtla, 292
Home again, 228
Home land, call of the, 222
Home, the new, 287
Hoochinoo, a vile
House in which first sermon was preached, 123
Houses, old Indian,
How Mr.
Duncan became a judge,
Cornelius, 278
Hudson's Bay Co.'s trading station
at Fort Simpson,
refuses to open a store at Metlakahtla, 177 ; accused of selling liquor to
Indians, 178,
212; overbids
Mr. Duncan on furs and undersells him on goods, 179
singing, 136
I |
Immortality, Tsimshean idea of,
104 Incidents, interesting, 185
Income from industries, 270
Indemnity for murder among the Tsimsheans, 80
Independence of Indian
Christians at Metlakahtla, 174
Indian Affairs, Deputy
Minister of, 282
Indians, study of their manners
and customs,
given a
share in the government of village and church at Metlakahtla, 181; slavery practiced among, 234; forbidden by law to drink
liquors, 198;
rights in lands denied them, 279; defeated in test case for land,
Industrial Training School for
girls, 316
Industries at Metlakahtla,
Alaska, 35°
Industry, need of new sources
of, 175
Infant baptism,
Mr. Duncan's argument
with an, 24, 25
Influence of the Gospel, 137
Influenza, epidemic of, 331
Inside Passage, the, 43
Instruments for brass band, 225
Interesting incidents, 185
Interior of some
Metlakahtla houses, 337
International Sunday school
lesson, 360
clan division, 88
liquors among the Tsimsheans not known till coming of the Whites, 82; pledge not to drink any, 147
Introduction, 7
J |
presence, Mr. Duncan in, 373
Jail, Metlakahtla, a
perfunctory institution, 323, 324
Japanese current, the, 334
Johnson, Simeon, murderer, 189, 191; later becomes a good Christian,
Judge, how Mr. Duncan became a,
Judge Duncan's docket, from, 202 Justice, how it was dealt out
to offenders at Metlakahtla in 1863-85, 200
Justice of the peace, Mr.
Duncan appointed a, 198
K |
Karta Bay, home of C.
Keene, Rev. J. H., 297
Ketchikan, Alaska, 330
Kincolith Mission, the, 147
Kintsadah, Chief, pilots Mr.
Duncan up the Nass River, 144
Kishpokaloats tribe, the, 53
Kishpootwadda totem, the, 85
Kitandoah tribe, the, 53
Kitandoah and Kithrahtla tribes
eligible for membership in Cannibal Club, 89
Kithrahtlas tribe, the, 54
Kitlahn tribe flock to the
Christian village, 155
Kitlootsahs and Kishpokaloats,
villages of the, 53
Kitnakangeak tribe, the, 53
Kitseesh tribe, the, 53
Knapp, Hon. L. E., Governor of
Alaska, visit of, 317
Kowak and her daughter, 109, 110
Kowak's deserted village, in
Kuro Shiwo, or Japanese
current, 334
Kwakiutl Indians, 61
L |
"Labrette," or bone ornament,
totem, the, 85
totem, the, 85
Lake in the
Clouds, the, 333
Passage, 48
white, 236
Land troubles, Indian, 279
Language, the Tsimshean, 61, 85, 103
blow, the, 279
Indian, 202
Law cases, Mr. Duncan's at Metlakahtla,
Law of
descent, 74
mission, Metlakahtla a, 258
Leamlahaga, he hears the telephone
talk, 196
Leask, David, presents address
to Lord Dufferin,
Mr. Duncan's native teacher, 270, 329, 364; aids in selecting new home,
291 ; death of, 329
Martha, 329
Leaves from Mr. Duncan's diary, 310
Legaic, head chief of the
Tsimshean Indians at Fort Simpson,
53, 55, 157; his bloodthirstiness and savage cruelty,
56 ; seeks to kill Mr. Duncan, but
is prevented by Clah,
repents and attends Mr. Duncan's school, 157; is baptized, 160, 170; death of, 164; his tribe ravaged by smallpox,
158 ; appointed a constable, 161 ; but gives it up, 162
of the flood, 62
"Lemkoy," funeral dirge, 75
Captain, 180
Lex talionis, 80
Library, Mr. Duncan's private, 323
Library, public, at
Metlakahtla, Alaska, 324; contributions to,
324, 325
Life after this, the Tsimshean
idea of, 104
Life insurance, Tsimshean
method of, 78
Ligaket tribe, the, 55, 57
Light, legend of how it came into the world, 108
Liquor seizure, 210, 212
Liquor selling, the Hudson
Bay Co. accused of, 212
Living, Tsimshean mode of, 66
Lockerby, Gordon, 51
London, Mr. Duncan in, 28
Loocoal, medicine man, threatens Mr. Duncan's life, 141
Lord's Supper, Mr. Duncan's scruple to admit his
Indian proteges to the, 240, 251, 365
Lord, the call of the, 15
Lots, all corner at
300; distribution of at Metlakahtla,
Love of song and music, Tsimshean,
Love song, native, 338
Low church views, Mr. Duncan's, 240, 241
M |
MacDonald, Hon. W. J., 46
Macdonald, Sir John, his
promise to Mr. Duncan, 280; how he
broke it,
Malone, Dennis,
Man, creation of,
Manners of the Indians, 8
Man-of-war, aboard the, 39
Man, the boy the father of the,
Man with wooden wife, legend
of, 104
Marriage celebrations at Metlakahtla,
Marriage ceremony among the
Tsimsheans, 73,
Marsden, Edward, 326
Mart, great trading, at Fort
Simpson beach, 52
Martyrs in jail at Victoria, first, 278
Matchmaking, 346
Mather, Edward K., 102, 278, 280, 283
McKay Reach, 49
McKee, J. F. and wife, 329
Meanskinisht, Mr. Tomlinson at,
Medicine man, name of in Tsimshean, 92; parboiling and cutting off
chiefs head, 9597
; his power
of prophecy, 99; story of the Kitlahn chief
and the, 93
Medicine men among the Tsimsheans,
their so-called miracles,
9296; rites of,
96, 97
; supernatural power of, 95, 99; held in awe, 97
Memory, Mr. Duncan's wonderful, 373. 374
Message, the first, 122
Metlakahtla, meaning of the
word, Metlakahtla, B. C, and Alaska,
Mr. Duncan's mission fields at,
52, 60; site of old Metlakahtla, seventeen miles south of
Fort Simpson, B. C, 152;
trading establishment at, 177; rules governing the
inhabitants of, 154
three hundred new settlers arrive at old Metlakahtla, 155 ; Mr. Duncan takes leave of on a
visit to England, 122;
to (February 21,
1871), 228; mission
at desired to be turned into an Episcopal church, 241; a model village, 151 ; declaration of residents of, 299 ; fire at, 320; a day at, 305, 306; Metlakahtla industries and
industrial companies, 316, 317;
volunteers of, 341;
baseball nine, 340;
a second Garden of Eden, 249 ; only mission in Alaska a
success, 369; football team,
341; some Metlakahtla history,
315 ; the Metlakahtla Industrial
356; industries
of, 317,
350; a windfall,
Metlakahtlan, The, 305
Midweek evening service at Metlakahtla,
Minthorn, Dr. H. J., 327
Missionary meeting at Beverley,
England, 15,
25, 26
Missionary societies and
boards, Mr. Duncan has no use for, 369
Missionary spirit over the
people, 221
Mission field, a new, 32
Mission house at Metlakahtla, 165
Mission, Mr. Duncan's view of
how an ideal one should be carried on,
369; reasons why the Metlakahtla one is so successful,
Mitchell, Bertram G., 329
Mode of living at Port Simpson,
B. C, 66
Model Christian village, a, 151; model village, 334
Modesty of Mr. Duncan, innate, 19
Money for giving slaves their
freedom provided by the profits of Mr. Duncan's trading establishments, 234
Moon, worship of the among the
Tsimsheans, 106
Moon's phases, enactment of
the, 107
Morality of the Tsimsheans, 82
Mortality, excessive at
Metlakahtla, 332
to his people, Mr. Duncan a, 241
Moving village store by Indians
at old Metlakahtla, 56
Murder of Haida at Fort gate, 56
Murder of whites by Indians, 56
Muscular Christianity, Bishop
Ridley's, 272
accomplishments of Mr. Duncan, 23
Musical instruments
and organization at Metlakahtla, 226, 227
N |
Nass River, B. C,
temperance meeting at, 147 ; Mr. Duncan's trips up the, 143, 233
Native love song, 338; canoe song, 339
Native offerings for church expenses,
Nautical skill, native, 347
Nelson, Hon. Knute, United
States Senator from Minnesota, 318
Nephew, custom of marrying
uncle's widow,
always maternal uncle's heir, 79
New church at Metlakahtla, 231
New home, the, 287
New mission field, a, 32
New Year's Day, school feast to
148; annual tax levy, 168 ; new colonists admitted, 173
Neyahshnawah, head chief of the
Kitlootsah tribe, Mr. Duncan preaches his first sermon and carries the Gospel
message to, at Fort Simpson, 122
Neyahshot, medicine man, 93
Neyashack, Mrs. Joseph, 113
Neyashlakahnoosh, old head
chief of the Kitlahns, 93, 194, 195, 196
"Nirwana" of the
wonderful Northland, 49
Nishaes, the Indian, 94
Non-sectarianism in heathen missions, 358
Northland, the call of the, 7
Northwest Coast Mission, conference
of workers at, 257
Notable visitors, 236
O |
in Tsimshean, no expression for an, 103 ; no oaths heard, 334
Occupations of Indians at Metlakahtla,
Alaska, 356
Offerings of natives, 322; of tourists, 322
Offer of advantageous berth
refused by Mr. Duncan, 30
Oliver Wolcott,
revenue cutter, 273
Onward and upward, 165
Oolakan or candle fish and its
oil, in Portland Canal, and up the Nass River, 68, 115, 138
Ordained, Mr. Duncan refuses to be, 240
Orders in the church, Mr. Duncan declines to take, 240
Ordination, Mr. Duncan's
reasons for refusing,
241; his only ordination,
Organ acquired for Metlakahtla church, 237
Organs and pianos at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 337
Origin of the Tsimsheans, 61
Ornaments of the Tsimsheans,
Ottawa, Mr. Duncan's visit to, 280
steamship, the, 46, 50
P |
faces, Tsimshean custom of, 80
Paintings in Metlakahtla
church, 364
Paper collar, old, Mr.
Duncan's, 98
Parables, the, theme of Mr. Duncan's
discourse, 363
Passage, the
Inside, 43
Patriotism of the
Metlakahtlans, 291, 349
Peculiar customs of the Tsimsheans,
Pentecostal hymns, book of, 360, 362
Phonograph, listening to a, 349
Photographic apparatus, etc.,
purchased by Mr. Duncan, 224
Pike, Dr. Ernest R., 32S
Pilgrims, the, 293
Pioneer Day, 292
"Pioneers," Mr. Duncan's, 189, 298
Piracy, with violence, 191
Planking of Metlakahtla village
streets, 323
Pledge, temperance, 147
Pledges of inhabitants of Metlakahtla, 147, 154
warship, the, 242
Plumper Channel, 48
Politeness and good manners of
the Metlakahtlans, 349
Pollard, preacher, 253
Pope of Metlakahtla, Mr.
Duncan, 171
Population of New Metlakahtla, 330; of old Metlakahtla, 295
Port Chester selected site for
new village, 290
Portland Canal, the oolakan or
candle fish in, 68
Port Simpson, B. C, 51, 53, 57
Position, fine, offered to and
refused by Mr. Duncan, 30
Potlatch among the Tsimsheans,
a, 76, 79
Prayer, Agweelakkah's, 146; Mr. Duncan's, that he might
148; the Tsimsheans' to the Heavenly
Chief, 102
Presents, giving, 74, 77
Prevost, Captain, presses
Alaskan mission field on the Church Missionary Society, 33 ; on the public, 34; visit of to Metlakahtla, 237 ; gives present of street lamps
to Metlakahtla,
of a Sunday there, 238
Prices of furs at Fort Simpson, 67
Priest, Mr. Duncan refuses to
be ordained a, 242
Prince of Wales Island, 308, 334
Prince Rupert, 297
Princess Louise
steamer, 294
Printing press at Metlakahtla,
Alaska, 305
Profit sharing at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 357
Profits of trading
establishment, how used, 181
Promise, Stephen Hewson's, 17
Property, giving away, 78; destroying, 79; all stolen goes up in smoke, 296
Prophetical power of medicinemen, 93
common .among the Tsimshean women after coming of the whites, 82
Protection against fire, 321
Public library at Metlakahtla, 324
Public speaking, Tsimshean, 340
Public works at Metlakahtla, 321
Puget Sound, 32
Purple Mountain, 319, 333
Q |
Queen Charlotte Islands,
Queen Charlotte Sound, 48
Quthray, Chief, of the
cannibal club, 127 |
R |
heavy in Alaska, 335
Reasons for not introducing the Lord's Supper at old
Metlakahtla, Mr. Duncan's, 251, 252
Rebuke of Sabbath breaking at
the' Fort, Mr. Duncan's, 118
Reception, Mr. Duncan's, on his
return from England, 228230
Reincarnation and soul
transmigration among the Tsimsheans,
105 ;
legends dealing with, 105, 106
Religion of the Tsimsheans,
101 ; their legends, and the story
of the battle between good and evil, 112
Residents of Metlakahtla,
declaration of the, 299
Resolution adopted at
conference of mission workers,
; copy of sent to England, 259
Restrictions on baptism, Mr.
Duncan's at Metlakahtla, 365
Retaliation, law of among the
Tsimsheans, 80
Return, Mr. Duncan's, after
visit to England, 228
Revelations, youthful
enthusiasts pretend to have, 246
Ridley, Bishop, and the Church
Missionary Society, Mr. Duncan's contention with, 8 ; and the medicine men, 271 ; corrupting Mr. Duncan's
270; rights the Indians in the
street, 275
; reads the
riot act, 272,
273; opens
store at old Metlakahtla, 271
; destroys letter from village council, 271
Ridley's, Bishop, muscular
of copy of resolution adopted by conference, 259 ; false testimony as to being
shot at, 277; translates into Tsimshean
Book of Common Prayer, 364; fire devours all the bishop's ill-gotten gains,
Ridley, Fred.,
283, 291
Ridley Home, the, 296
Riot act read by Bishop Ridley
at old Metlakahtla, 273
Ritualism, Mr. Duncan's prejudice against, 171, 241
Robbed of everything, 294
Robson, Mr., British Columbia
secretary, 285,
286, 287
Roosevelt, President, 318; his "Presidential
addresses and state papers," 324
Rope walk at Metlakahtla, 230
Rowe, Bishop, head of the
Episcopal church of Alaska, 358
Rules governing native communities
at New Metlakahtla, 154
Rupert, Fort, Indians of, 47 ; abduct Indian women slaves, 242
Rupert, Prince,
Rupture, the,
Ryan, Stephen, dies of smallpox
at Metlakahtla, 156
S |
breaking at
Fort rebuked by Mr. Duncan, 118
; observance of Sunday at Metlakahtla, 166, 334 ; at oolakan fishing, 166 Sabbath school at Metlakahtla,
362; teachers' meeting, 362
Salmon, various brands of, 356; fishing in the Skeena, 69; "shaming" the, 71 ; process of canning, 353; habits and lives of, 351 ; agents for the sale of, Alaska,
356; cannery, 260; spawning ground, 352; new cannery, 316; output, 319, 356
Sash and door shop, 230, 308
Satellite, H. M. S., sails with young
Duncan from Plymouth, 37
Savings of the Metlakahtlans, 357
Sawmill outfit, steam,
acquired, 292;
by fire, 302;
a new one
started, 303; it also burned up, 319
Sawmills built and burned, 302, 319
Schoolhouse, Mr. Duncan's
first, 129;
new, at
Fort Simpson, 149;
new two-story one at old Metlakahtla, 232
School feast, first,
School, first, 126; school building, Mr.
aid for at Metlakahtla, 328
Schoolmasters, bad luck in
getting, 3 20
Schools for boys and girls, 296
Schooner, Mr. Duncan buys
a trading,
Schutt, Mr. and Mrs. H.,
Schutt and Chantrel,
schoolmasters, 257
Sebassah, chief of the Kithrathtlas,
kills white men, 190
Seducer, a, whipped in public, 202
Sectarianism, Mr. Duncan's
views on in heathen missions, 358, 359
Sects and all denominational rule, Mr. Duncan eschews, 358, 368
Sentence, a queer, 207
Sermon, Mr. Duncan's first
extemporaneous, 135, 136
Serpent, the, 268
Service, midweek evening, 363
Seymour Narrows, 47
"Shaming " of the
salmon, 71
Shawl making industry, 231
Shimauget Lahaga,
Tsimshean name for Heavenly Chief, 101, 121
Shoowansh, the Tsimshean medicine man, 92
Silas receives many votes, 182
Simpson, Lieutenant, 70
Singing of hymns in school
work, 137
Sitka, Alaskan seat of government, 312
; museum at, 298
Skeena River, breeding ground of red salmon,
69; raid up, by Tsimsheans,
Skothene, the blind chief, 146
Skovalis, extinction of the
Slavery among the
Tsimsheans, 234; Metlakahtla smote the
shackles of, 234; practiced
among the Indians at the coast,
Slaves given their freedom, 234
Smallpox among Indians at Fort Simpson,
156 ; at Victoria, B.C.,
153; among Legaic's tribe, 158
Smith, James, 283
Soap factory started at
Metlakahtla, 176
Metlakahtla history, 315
Song, native love, 338; canoe, 339
Son of the Heavenly Chief, the, 108; Tsimshean story of the
"White Christ
(Tezoda), 108,
112, 114
Soul transmigration, 105
"Speak Lord, Thy servant heareth,"
Spencer, Charles,
Spinning women, 230; mysteries of the spinning wheel, 224, 230
Spiritual conditions at
Metlakahtla, 169
steamer, 374
Spring flowers and fruit at
Metlakahtla, Alaska, 335
Standard Oil Co.'s methods met
and defeated, 179
Star-Spangled Banner, the, 349
Stars and Stripes, 290, 291
Steam sawmill outfit at Metlakahtla,
Alaska, 298
Stikeens, Indians of the
Interior, 61
St. John's Church, Beverley, England, 15, 23
Stolen property all in ashes, 296
Store at Metlakahtla, Mr. Duncan's, 178; Bishop Ridley's, 271
Street fight between Bishop
Ridley and the Indians, 275
Streets of Metlakahtla, the, 322
Stromstedt, Miss Daisy, 329
Successor, Mr. Duncan's, 374
Sunday, "dress day," 136
Sunday observance, Indian, at
Metlakahtla, 166
Sunday services, 169, 359
Supernatural power, way of showing,
95 ; name for, 113
Surveyors and survey troubles, 282
Swineford, Governor, 341
T |
Tait, John, legend relater,
196; deportation of,
283; addresses Mr. Duncan, 326
Taxes or salary paid by the
Tsimsheans to their chiefs, 79
Tax dodgers, none at
Metlakahtla, 168
Tax levy at Metlakahtla, 168
Teacher, Mr. Duncan's corrupted by Bishop Ridley, 270
"Teapots," the,
Tsimshean certificates of character, 134; Mr.
Duncan refuses to read Legaic's "teapots," 135
Telephone talks in Tsimshean tongue, 196
Temperance meeting, first held,
on Nass River, 147 ; pledge, 147
Temporal advancement, 175
Test case in re Mission Point acres,
Tezoda, son of the Heavenly
Chief, 112, 115
Thanksgiving and New Year's offerings,
Thlingits, Alaska Coast
61; old village of, 298
Thomas, Hon. E. J., of
Brookline, Mass., 303
Thraimshum, the Tsimshean
devil, 116
Tinnehs, or Stikeen Indians, the, 61
Tobacco, substitute for, 82
Tolmie Channel, 48
Tomlinson, Rev. R., at first
disaffected towards Mr. Duncan, but afterwards his friend, 219; refuses to comply with
bishop's order,
resigns, 284; Mr. Duncan's coworker, 301
Totem poles of the Tsimsheans, 84 ; of the Haidas and Thlingits, 85 ; forests of in a Haida village, 85
Totems and clubs, the, 84
Totems, different animals genii of, 85
Totem system, Mr. Duncan's
explanation of,
practical uses of, 85
Tourists' offerings at Metlakahtla, 322
Town Hall at Metlakahtla,
Alaska, 316,
Trades and occupations studied
by Mr. Duncan in England, 222, 223
Trading establishments, Mr. Duncan's at Metlakahtla, 230
Trading schooners on the coast,
nothing but grog shops,
Mr. Duncan sets up one with no liquor for sale, 178
Tradition of the first visit of
the whites,
63; of the revenge of Highmas, 186
Traimshum, the Tsimshean devil,
116; early history and characteristics
of, 116,
Transmigration of souls,
Tsimshean idea of, 105
Trial of Mr. Cunningham, 214; of Collins, the whiskey seller,
208; of Peter Garcotitch, 209; in Judge Duncan's court, 200, 206
Troubles brewing at old Metlakahtla, 250
"Try, I will," in
Tsimshean, 59
Tsimshean, meaning of the word,
Tsimshean love song, 338; canoe song, 339; funeral dirge, 75
Tsimshean Indians of Metlakahtla around Fort Simpson
and up the Nass River,
53, 61
; Mr. Duncan acquires a knowledge of the native tongue,
58; their manners, customs,
religion, and legendary lore, 62, 64; their wars with Indians of the Interior,
65 ; habits of gambling, 80 ; potlatch festivities, 76, 77 ; their totems and clubs, 84; their medicinemen and
religious ideas,
92, 96, 101
; they cremate their dead, 75
; language of, 61
; Mr. Duncan's addresses to, 126, 127; baptism of the, 149
Tuberculosis and pulmonary
troubles, epidemic of, 331
Tugvvell, Rev. L. S., missionary, arrival of from
England to assist Mr. Duncan in his work, 142; baptizes first converts, 149 ; returns to England with his
wife, 149;
Mr. Duncan's experience with, 372
"Tumpaldo " (I will
try), 59
U |
church at Metlakahtla, 358
Unfaithfulness in wife
punishable by death, 82
United States Commissioner, Mr.
Duncan a, 310
Usher, George, his song, 292; extract from his sermon, 265, 292 ; his religious exhortation, 340
V |
Venn, Rev. Henry, General Secretary of the
Church Missionary Society, 240
; death of, 240
Victoria, B. C, Mr. Duncan arrives there from England
and is officially received by Governor Douglas of the Hudson's Bay Co., 43; the city in 1857, 43; Mr. Duncan at, 141 ; outbreak of smallpox at, 153
Victoria to Sitka, trading
schooner between, 197
Village, a model Christian, 151, 334
Village council appointed, a, 182184
Village taxes at old
Metlakahtla, 155,
H. M. S., 32
Visit of Lord Dufferin, in 1876, 236 ; of Bishop Bompas in 1877, 248 ; of Admiral Prevostin 1878, 237; of Governor Knapp, 317; of Mr. Duncan to England, 222
Visitors, notable, 236
Voice, Mr. Duncan's phenomenal,
as a youth, 21
Voices of prima donnas at Metlakahtla,
Volunteers, Metlakahtla, 341
W |
paid by Mr. Duncan, for work done, 175
Waheim tribe,
the, 55
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. James, 9, 329. 330. 341.361,
371. 373
Walls, behind the,
Warship, Bishop Ridley's
calls for, 272
Wars with Indians of the Interior, Tsimshean,
Washington, D. C, Mr. Duncan goes to, to seek new home in Alaska, 288
Waterpower used for sawing wood shown Indians, 181
Water saws wood, 181
Weaving plant machinery
acquired, 226, 230
Weesner, Mr. and Mrs. E. W., 329
Wellcome, Henry S., 302, 321
West, Miss M., of the Ridley
Home, 297
"Westminster Abbey,"
Mr. Duncan's, 321
Whipping, good effects of one, 203
Whiskey banned and its use
forbidden at Metlakahtla,
trial and tribulation of whiskey sellers, 206
White Christ, story of the, 108
White, Harry, 211
White plague, deaths from, 331.
Whites, tradition of the first
visit of to the coast, 63, 65
Whooping cough, epidemic of, 331
Wife beating, Mr. Duncan's punishment
for, 205,
Wind storm, 320
Wine, law against giving
Indians, 252
Wolcott, Oliver,
U. S. revenue cutter arrives
at old Metlakahtla,
Womakwot, brother of Highmas, 185
Woman slave carried to distant tribes in Alaska, 235
Woodcock's Landing, 209
Wooden wife, legend of the man with the, 104
Woods, Archdeacon, his description of Metlakahtla, 233
Worksop, England, suicide of landlord of hotel at, 23
World, creation of the, 101
Worship of the moon, Tsimshean,
Wrangel, Mount, 103
Y |
Yaculta, or Seymour Narrows,
Yellow Hill, 333
Young People's Gospel hymn song
service at Metlakahtla, Alaska, 362
Z |
Jeremiah, a French Canadian, 330 |


