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    Index (continued)

The Apostle of Alaska
The Story of William Duncan of Metlakahtla

This part of the index was originally one giant paragraph, and very difficult to read.  I've taken the liberty of breaking that paragraph down into individual lines.  To make it easier in your search, you will probably want to use your CTRL-F key and search for the topic of Mr. Duncan's life that you're interested in.


Duncan, William

receives and en­tertains author at Metlakahtla, Southeastern Alaska, 7
interest­ing table talks of, 7
truthful report of and documents drawn from, 8
his contention with Bishop Ridley and the Church Missionary Society, 8
hears call to missionary work at Beverley, Yorkshire, 16
accepts call and communicates with Church Missionary Society, 18 
his birth and early career at Beverley, 20
sings solo parts in the Minster, 21
employed in a tannery, 22
his argument with an agnostic, 24
preaches his first sermon, 26
communicates with and later calls on the Church Missionary Society, 28
refuses business advancement, 29
has two years' training at Highbury College, 30
accepts field of mission work in Alaska, and sets off in a warship from Plymouth, 37
his mode of life on board, 40
arrives June 13, 1857, at Victoria, B. C, and has interview there with Governor Douglas of the Hudson's Bay Co., 42, 43
insists on proceeding to Port Simpson, but first picks up a knowledge of the Chinook lan­guage, 45
a Tsimshean Indian assists him in this, 45
 makes friendly acquaintance with Rec­tor (later Bishop) Cridge at Victoria, 46
proceeds on the steam­ship Otter for Fort Simpson and arrives there October 1, 1857, 50
makes acquaintance with his future wards, the Tsimshean Indians and their head chief Legaic, 53
acquires a knowledge of the Tsimshean tongue, 57
behind the walls, 118
inveighs against the breaking of the Sabbath, 118
delivers his first gospel message, 122, 124
teaches Tsimshean children and builds schoolhouse, 129
his life threatened, 133
Legaic relents and makes much of his " teapots " or certificates of good character, 135
Duncan addresses school children and their parents on Christmas Day, 136
his life in peril from the Indian Cushwaht, 139
also from Loocoal, an Indian medicine man, 141
visits Victoria and brings Rev. L. S. Tugwell (a missionary) and his wife to Fort Simpson, 142
carries the Gospel to the Tsimshean tribes of the Nass River, 143
missionary services held and schools conducted there in the native tongue, 147
the Tugwells' good work there, but later on they return to England, 149
Mr. Duncan removes to and forms a new Christian village at Metlakahtla, seventeen miles south of Fort Simpson, 152
rules formulated to govern the inhabitants of the new home, 154
arrival there of the entire Kitlahn tribe under two chiefs, 155
smallpox outbreak among the Indians at Fort Simpson, 156
chieftainship among the Chris­tian Tsimsheans abolished, 157
death of Legaic, the Tsimshean head chief, under happy Christian auspices, 163
successful progress of the village at Metlakahtla and its encouraging spir­itual condition, 165
visit to Metlakahtla of Rev. E. Cridge, 173
the latter has quarrel with Bishop Hills, 173
natives opposed to hierarchical domina­tion, 174
temporal advancement of Metlakahtla, stores opened and new industries started, 175
Hudson's Ray Co.'s monopoly yields to Mr. Duncan's enterprise, 180
profits of trading establishments applied to public improvements, 181
Indians given share in the government of the village and the church, 181
privilege of the ballot given to native electors, 183
Cushwaht again gives trouble and is publicly flogged, 188
Simeon Johnson and Sebassah, chief of the Kithrathtlas, kill white men and Mr. Duncan aids in bringing them to trial at Victoria, where the death sentence is passed upon them, afterwards commuted to life imprisonment at Metlakahtla, 189—192
subsequently reforming and becoming Christians, they regain their liberty, 192
mode of get­ting * bad man out of town by hoisting the black flag, 193
the old head chief of the Kitlahni expelled, but promising to behave himself Mr. Duncan permits his return, 195
telephone instru­ment installed and worked at Metlakahtla, 196
Mr. Duncan's attitude towards Baranovitch, a Russian trader, who sold liquor unlawfully, 197
Duncan is given magisterial authority to deal with such cases, his rectitude and success as a judge, 198
extracts from Judge Duncan's docket, 202
good effect of public whippings on offenders of the law, 203
Duncan's successful treatment of wife beating, 204
also of illegal whiskey selling, 206
takes proceedings against other of the law's offenders, 208
Duncan's grit in tackling the Hudson's Bay Co. for selling liquor to the Indians, 212
the Hans Bjornson case, 214
the murder of two white miners, Mr. Duncan's influence and power in bringing one of the law­breakers to justice, 217
originates a mission at Kuinwoch, on the Nass River, 218
Mr. Duncan erects mission house, with dormitory for girls attending trading school, 220
he advises Christian men at Metlakahtla not to take wives of the women in camp at Fort Simpson, 220
organizes fire brigade, 220
establishes Bible classes for men and women, 221
leaves Metlakahtla to visit England and pick up a knowledge of different trades and occupations, 222
at Beverley, his old English home, 323
calls on Mr. Cousins, his former employer, 224
takes notes of various trades, 224
obtains instruments to form a brass band for his na­tives at Metlakahtla, 225
buys looms and machinery at Victoria, B. C, for a weaving plant, 226
teaches his Indians to play on the brass band, the gamut of which he had himself already learned, 226
obtains an organ for his church services from Victoria, 227
home again and his reception on his return to Metla­kahtla, 228
sets his industries at work and aids in rebuilding his village, 230
erects a new church and schoolhouse, 231
his assistants in conducting the latter, 232
Archdeacon Woods' pen sketch of Mr. Duncan's Christian settlements at Metlakahtla and Kincolith, 233
he frees all slaves from bondage among the neighboring Indians, 234
his account of the condition of some relieved slaves, 235
visits Ottawa to urge governmental action against land grabbers, 236
visit of Lord and Lady Dufferin to Duncan's far off Indian mission, 236
visit of Admiral Prevost to Metlakahtla, 237
the admiral's account of his brief visit, 238
Mr. Duncan's contrivance for street lighting, 239
Bishop Bompas' extended visit to Metlakahtla, 240
Church Missionary Society suggests that Mr. Duncan's mission should be turned into an Episcopal church and that he (Mr. Duncan) should take priest's orders, 240
Mr. Duncan's repugnance to a " churchly church " and his unwillingness to become an ordained priest, 241
the warship Plimper dispatched to the Indian village and Mr. Duncan's peaceful intervention, 242
Mr. Duncan installs Rev. A. J. Hall in Metlakahtla and himself leaves for Victoria, B. C, 244
fanatical outbreak in Mr. Duncan's absence brings him home again, 245
Rev. Mr. Crosby fans the flame of fanaticism and Mr. Duncan returns and checks it, 246
Bishop Ridley locates Rev. A. J. Hall at Alert Bay, 249
Bishop Bompas refuses to play at church politics at Metlakahtla and blesses Mr. Duncan's beneficent work there, 249
the bishop baptizes and confirms the native Christians and ordains Mr. Collison a priest, 249
Bishop Ridley is appointed to the Episcopal See of Metlakahtla and arrives there November 1, 1879, 250
the bishop offends Mr. Duncan by his assumption of full Episcopal state and ritualistic bent, while he arraigns Mr. Duncan for withholding the sac­rament of the Lord's Supper from the native Christians, 251
Mr. Duncan's defense, and the bishop's continued efforts to thwart him and undermine his influence with the Church Missionary Society, 251-255
conference at Metlakahtla in July, 1881, from which the bishop absents himself and sulks, 256, 257
the conference asks that Metlakahtla be made an independent lay mission, and the Society answers by calling Mr. Duncan home to England to talk over matters, but this, at present, Mr. Duncan is unable to act upon, 258-260
under Bishop Ridley's malign influence, the Society is misled as to Mr. Duncan's actions and the postponement of his design to go to England to confer with it, and sunders its relations with Mr. Duncan and brings about a rupture, 261-263
Mr. Duncan's native following endorse and sustain him in abandoning the Mission House and call upon him to con­tinue to be their teacher and leader, as well as their minister, which Mr. Duncan agrees to, the good work at Metlakahtla going on as if there had been no severance of relations with the Society in England, 264-267
the Society grieves over the rupture caused by Bishop Ridley's indiscretion and lack of good faith, and the latter writes Mr. Duncan making him all sorts of propositions for his return, with the natives, to the fold, but these are answered by the laconic and dignified reply of " too late," 268, 269
with the malice of the serpent, the bishop now resorts to thwartings and contemptible schemes to embarrass Mr. Duncan and his following, to setting up a rival local store, and lay claim to the Indians' property, besides getting into a personal wrangle with some of the natives — all which created much bad blood and stirrings up of trouble, 270-278
a further blow fell upon the native residents at Metlakahtla by the bishop instigating an attack on the Indians' little patrimony and their rights in holding land in the colony, which was denied them — the up­shot of all being to lead Mr. Duncan to seek a new home for his people in Alaska, U. S., 280­287
with the sanction of the United States authorities the new Alaskan home, Port Chester, on Annette Island, is given them and there Mr. Duncan and his good Indian following proceed to settle, 288-290
temporary dwellings erected, 291
"Pioneer  Day"  established,   292
population of the new village home, 295
fire consumes Mr. Duncan s former village home and Bishop Ridley's ill-gotten gains, 296
activities of Mr. Duncan's "pioneers" at New Metlakahtla, 298
allegiance sworn to their new, adopted country and constitution for the new community drafted and adopted, 299
draft of Mr. Duncan's declaration of residents, 299, 300
growth of the " Benevolent Fund," and loss by fire of new sawmill and sawn lumber, 302
building lots distributed and dwellings erected, 303
printing establishment set up and serial started— The Metlakahtlan, 30
Mr. Duncan's article, " A Day at Metlakahtla," appears in serial, 306-309
leaves from Mr. Duncan's diary, 310-314
new village store founded and operated by Mr. Duncan, 315
Boys' Home, Industrial Training School for Girls, and Mission Building erected, 316
Metlakahtla Industrial Co. founded and capitalized, 317
Mr. Duncan receives official visit of the Governor of Alaska, 317
right of citizenship delayed, 318, 319
sawmill burned but rebuilt and new machinery purchased, 319, 320
fire consumes twenty dwellings in village, 320
new provision for better fire protection made, 321
Mr. Duncan erects his new church — "Westminster Abbey " it is styled, 321
sums raised by Thanksgiving and New Years' offerings, 322
plank walks laid down and other village improvements, Guest House built and furnished, 323
jail, engine house, and public library erected, 323
notable contributions to the latter, 324, 325

fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Duncan's arrival at Fort  Simpson  celebrated, 325, 326

addresses and presentations to Mr. Duncan, 326
fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Duncan's first sermon preached in Tsimshean also noted, 326
results of Mr. Duncan's faithful work and names noted of some of his as­sistants, 327, 328, 329
difficulty in obtaining schoolmasters, 329
emigrants to New Metlakahtla and census records, 330
deaths and death rate, 331, 332
sights and distinctive features of Mr. Duncan's new village — a model one, 333, 334
climate of Alaska recorded, 334, 335
flowers and berry growth, 335
Mr. Duncan encourages native athletic sports, 340
does away with match­making, 346
deference shown to Mr. Duncan, 349
official name of the church at Metla­kahtla and Mr. Duncan's non-sectarianism, 358
his church services, 360, 361
the " Grand Old Man," 368
personal appearance, 370
some habits and characteristics, 372, 373
his attitude towards a successor, 374