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1912 The Totem
Juneau High School
Juneau, Alaska


The Totem, Juneau, Alaska, May Nineteen Twelve
Daily Dispatch Print, Juneau, Alaska
The Totem, published by the Juneau High School, Juneau, Alaska, May 1912
City of Juneau
Shepard, Gustafson, Margrie, Cole, Heid, Dudley, Tripp, Fremming
Sitka : Baranoff, Millmore
Shepard, Treadwell
Juneau Public School
Head Frame, Treadwell
Gustafson, Cole, Fremming, Dudley, Heid, Shepard, Tripp
Clay, Frye, Bruhn, Hile, Keist, Sharick, Sandstrom, Casey
Olds, Tanaka, Trudgeon, Taylor, Gunnison, Marshall, Geddes, McKanna, Spickett
Epsteyn, Gilmour, Treadwell, Benson
 Doran, Messerschmidt, Kaser, Winter, Pond
Radonich, Nelson, Reck
Back, Autemiller, Hain, Forrest
Hile, Osborn, Parish, Nelson
Juneau High School Band
Davis, Fremming, Shepard, Gustafson, Burdette, Winn, King, Osborn, Tripp, Nelson, Sabin, Hendrickson, Jeffries, Sweeney, Davis, Hurlbut
Ebner, Winn, Snow, Hammond, Shepard, Neiding, Hammond, Dow, KIennedy, Olds, Ramseyer, Cragg, Anderson, Casey, Cole, Wickersham, Johnson, Christoe, Rapp, Warren, McLaughlin, Tibbits, Sowerby, Morgan, Denny, Reilly, Brown, Case, Harper, Heid




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