Patrick Croghan
Patrick Croghan Passes On
Patrick Croghan, aged Tombstone bay resident, passed away last Sunday
at Hidden Inlet, according to a telegram received by Hubert Thomas from Nick
Kristovich, son in law of the deceased.
The message indicated further that the remains of the old timer had
been taken to Tombstone Bay by Celeste Burton, where they would be interred
on the homestead occupied by the deceased for upward of two decades and where
he wished to be laid in his final rest.
According to old-timers, Mr. Croghan was at least 76 years of age and
is believed to have been one of the first white men to take up permanent
residence on Portland Canal.
He is understood to have been a native of Ireland but emigrated to Canada
when a young man. He is survived by a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Kristovich.
Source: Hyder Weekly Herald, July
1934, page 1, column 2