Some Aleut Deaths During
Incomplete data on Aleut civilians who died while interned in camps
maintained by the U.S. Department of the Interior from June 1942 until Mid-1944
The following incomplete tabulation of civilian Aleut deaths in the World War
II camps is based upon the recollections of survivors and was compiled by the
Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Inc.:
Persons from Unalaska:
Lekanoff, Steve, buried at Burnet.
Newell, Martha, returned for burial in Unalaska.
Shapsmikloff, Sergia, buried at Excursion Inlet.
Stepetin, William, buried at Ketchikan.
Persons from St. George:
Galanin, Sr., Alexander, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska
Lekanof, Irene, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Lekanof, Palagalia, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska\
Lekanoff, Polagin, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Lekanof, Jr. Serge, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Lestekof, Ana, buried at Juneau, Alaska.
Lestenkof, Constantine, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Madregan, Helen, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Nozekof, Mary, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Nozekof, Paul, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Prokopiof, Jr., Afanasia, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Profopiof, Agens, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Prokopiof, Lucy, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Prokopiof, Stefanadia, buried at Futer Bay, Alaska.
Stepetin, Ana, buried in Juneau, Alaska.
Swetzof, Helen, buried in Juneau, Alaska.
Swetrzof, Olga, buried in Funter Bay, Alaska.
Persons from St. Paul:
Bear, Keneth, buried at Futer Bay, Alaska.
Bear, Susan Della, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Bourdukofsky, Peter, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Emanoff, Pauline, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Emanoff, ____, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Emanoff, Polly, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Hapoff, Nekita, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Kochutin, ____, buried at sea in the Gulf of Alaska.
Kochutin, ____, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Krykoff, Dorothy, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Kuchutin, John, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Mandregan, Logan, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Merculieff, Alexander, buried at Juneau, Alaska.
Nederazof, Alexander, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Ousligoff, Anastasia, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Panoff, Vlass, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Shabolin, Serge, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Shabolin, Vlass, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Stepetin, Dorafey, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Swetzof, Helena, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Swetzoff, Julia, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Tetof, Doria, buried at Funter Bay, Alaska.
Persons from Nikolski village (from Russian Orthodox records as recorded by
reader/Psalomchik Joseph Krukoff):
Bezezekoff, Fedora, died June 5, 1943. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (tuberculosis).
Bezezekoff, Timothy, died September 1, 1942. Buried at
Ketchikan, Alaska (tuberculosis).
Chercasen, Dorofey, died July 30, 1943. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (tuberculosis).
Krukoff, Constantine, died September 29, 1942. Buried at
Ketchikan, Alaska (tuberculosis).
Krukoff, John, died October 27, 1942. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (tuberculosis).
Krukoff, Ladimar, died August 28, 1944. Buried at Tacoma,
Washington (tuberculosis).
Krukoff, Oliana, died March 20, 1944. Buried at Toppenish,
Washington (tuberculosis).
Pletnikoff, Eoff, died April 29, 1943. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (paralytic stroke).
Sovoroff, Barbara, died June 14, 1943. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (tuberculosis).
Sovoroff, Leonty, Jr., died November 29, 1942. Buried at
Ketchikan, Alaska (pain).
Talanoff, Matrona, died October 10, 1944. Buried at Tacoma,
Washington (mumps).
Talanoff, Sara, died February 21, 1943. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (whopping cough).
Talanoff, Simeon, died January 1, 1944. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (pneumonia).
Persons from Nikolski Village -- (the following information was give by Mrs.
Laver Dushkin):
Bezezekoff, Katherinne, died in 1943. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (tuberculosis).
Emerson (Ermeloff), Sara, died in 1945. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (found dead).
Savoroff, Irene & Infant, died in 1944. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (in childbirth).
Talanoff, Helen, died in 1945 or 1946. Buried at Ketchikan,
Alaska (tuberculosis).