Valley Colony
June 1935
June 5, 1935 page
5 |
Tent City Houses Pioneers Building
Alaska Homes
the 500 [should be 200] midwest families colonizing the Matanuska
valley in Alaska, this tent city teems with activity as the pioneers,
aided by details of transient workers, build their homes, clear the
timber, and prepare the land for their first crop next year. Soaring
back of the picturesque town of canvas are the snowcaps of the Chugach
mountain range, a vivid contrast to the fertile valley where the sun
now shines until nearly midnight. |
June 5, 1935 page 9 |
Daughter Born to Alaskan Colonist
Merriweather, June 5--Word
has been received here of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Parks of Palmer, Alaska. The child was born the day the boat
carrying the colonists from Michigan, arrived in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs.
Parks left here May 13 to make their home in the Matanuska valley. |
June 7, 1935 page 5 |
Colonists Are Organized Now
Matanuska Pioneers Have Own Government and Even
Baseball Team.
Palmer, Alaska. June 7--(AP)--The 1935
pioneers--Matanuska Valley's colonists from the United States-- have
spanned the gap to modernity in one month.
A month after the first contingent of middlewest
farmers and their families arrived here, the eight-camp community has
a government of its own, railroad service, supplies of fresh food--and
Sunday there will be a baseball game.
Harry Campbell, formerly of Abrams, Wis., was named
head of the council.
Working side by side with their husbands, the women
of the colony played an important part in the colonization. Each of
the eight camps have a man and a woman as their representative on the
colonists' council.
Mrs. Neil Miller, formerly of Blair, Wis., was
elected council secretary.
Over the wide stretch of the colony, building sites
were located and cleared, in preparation for the construction of log
cabins. In the woods, crews of men chopped down trees. The various
labor assignments for the colonists, such as unloading freight and
police work, were discontinued to enable them to work on their own
Already enough wells have been drilled to permit the
Alaska railroad to withdraw its water cars, and more were being sunk.
Authorities received word that 80 more transient
laborers, to be recruited from Washington state woodsmen, will be sent
north shortly, to be added to the construction division. Their
arrival will raise the number of such workers to 500.
Daily train service between Palmer and Anchorage was
started June 1 by the Alaska railroad. It will assist the colonists
in obtaining supplies, fresh foods and vegetables daily until gardens
become sufficiently grown.
Next Sunday, the Anchorage baseball team will play
here, and a special train will bring 500 visitors.
The arrival of the first shipment of cows and horses
from the states, a trainload of them, was welcomed by the farmers, and
more are to leave Seattle shortly on the steamer North Star.
The camp surgeon has pronounced sanitation
conditions as very good and health conditions as excellent, with a few
cases of measles and colds the only illness. |
June 10,
1935 page 2 |
First Drawing for Alaska
and anxiety reigned as this group of modern American pioneers, brought
from impoverished midwestern farms to carve new futures in Alaska's
Matanuska Valley, excitedly awaited the drawing that would determine
their future homes and farms. In this scene, Martin W. McCormick,
former Michigan farmer, is drawing from a box the slip of paper
designating the 40-acre tract that will support him and his family.
Fears of separation form old friends were lessened by the announcement
that slips might be "swapped."
Additional pictures of the land
June 19, 1935 page 2 |
Alaskan Colonists Protest Conditions
Palmer, Alaska. June 19--(AP)--Patrick
Hemmer and Mrs. I.M. Sandvik, Matanuska Valley colonists, who said
they represent 40 other colonists, sent complaints today regarding
project conditions to President Roosevelt; Senators Couzens, Schall,
Vandenberg and La Follette; Harry Hopkins, relief administrator, and
Gov. John W. Troy of Alaska.
Asking for an investigation, they
asserted the cabins are not being constructed or wells dug; no
preparations are under way for school; there is not sufficient medical
aid available; roads are not being built into the tracts as promised
and prices at the commissary are much higher than at the Palmer store. |
June 20, 1935 page 3 |
Colonist Protests Are Minimized by Officials
Palmer, Alaska. June 20--(AP)--Strains of
discord emanated from a group of colonists at the government Matanuska
valley project today but relief administration authorities minimized
their importance.
Conditions and work formed the basis of letters and
messages of protest to President Roosevelt, Administrator John W. Troy
of Alaska and four United States senators.
The protesting group was headed by Patrick Hemmer
and Mrs. I.M. Sandvick.
Don Irwin, project manager, said unrest had been
reduced "to a minimum.["]
In Washington, Lawrence Westbrook, assistant relief
administrator, said he had received only one complaint. A load of
lumber was late in arriving, he added.
Grievances are Listed
Senator La Follette of Wisconsin said he had seen a
telegram from colonists to Senator Couzens of Michigan.
Hemmer, as a leader of the group, cited a number of
matters which he said called for an investigation. An early meeting
between Irwin and the protesting group was planned.
Specific so-called grievances listed by Hemmer and
Mrs. Sandvik were that prices are much higher at the commissary than
at the Palmer store, unnecessarily depleting the $3,000 government
loans to each family; that wells had not been dug to provide water and
cabins not built; and that not enough medical aid is available.
Another protest, that no preparations are under way
for schools in the fall, found a partial answer in the statement that
the Pacific northwest lumber strike had caused delay in shipping
The group also asserted that roads were not being
built into the tracts as promised.
Messages were addressed to senators from the states
which the colonists left this spring, Senator Couzens and Vandenberg
of Michigan; Schall of Minnesota and La Follette of Wisconsin.
Shelter is Promised
Irwin asserted there was a "natural modicum of
unrest: among any large group of people transported such a distance,
to a new and strange land.
Shelter for all Matanuska valley colonists before
fall, including school buildings, was promised today by Frank U.
Bliss, in charge of the construction branch of the rehabilitation
"With the addition of 125 carpenters and
lumberjacks, all skilled builders, leaving Seattle June 26 on the
steamship North Star, my force will be recruited to full strength, he
Lumber is being purchased from Alaska mills,
unaffected by strikes, he said. Sites have been cleared for most
structures needed this winter, he said, the schools being the largest
buildings involved.
Officials of the Alaska road commission said they
were hiring 100 men, but warned that the influx from the states was
useless, since "Alaska cannot furnish jobs for all of them.["]
Lansing, June 20--(AP)--Complaints from
Michigan farmers pioneering at Palmer, Alaska, aroused little sympathy
at emergency welfare headquarters today.
Roswell G. Carr, director of rural
rehabilitation, who directed the enrollment and transfer of the
Michigan contingent, said its members "went into it with their eyes
Carr said complaints were to be
expected as the pioneers were entering a new land and facing
unavoidable hardships. Those who complain because they are not given
their food and clothing, he explained were told before they started
that they would be expected to buy them with government loans.
Complaints about food prices, he said,
were understandable since prices in Alaska are high and farmers were
moved there to produce the food, of which there is a scarcity. |
June 22, 1935 page 9 |
Mercer Pioneer Not Complaining
While some of the hardy pioneers who went to Alaska
to found new homes in the Matanuska valley have been complaining
recently about the hardships they have encountered, a former Mercer
resident is not discontented with his lot.
"We sure like it here. We had a nice trip and feel
good," wrote Eugene Juvette to Henry Peterson of Hurley.
Juvette, his wife, and their child were selected
from among the Iron county applicants for the trip. |
June 24, 1935 page
7 |
Alaskan Laborers Tell of Suffering
Transient Workers Return from Valley With Tales
of Privation.
Seattle, June 24--(AP)-- Although Don Irwin,
resident manager of the Matanuska land colony, branded settlers'
criticisms as "greatly exaggerated," transient laborers homeward bound
to California today after helping the colonists get a start, told
tales of privations and hardships in the Alaskan wilderness.
Murl H. Montgomery, one of the 31 single men in the
party told interviewers that "I only wish that we could testify before
a senate investigation committee."
William Peck said three women in the colony begged
him for his identification tag, saying they wanted to cut their hair,
don men's clothing and get back to the states.
"They wanted to get back here and work to send their
families enough to break away, too," he said.
Peck said when he wanted a bath he had to heat water
in tin cans over a bonfire. Men said they went without a bath for
three weeks until 12 showers were erected for 400 men.
The valley is mosquito-ridden, the men said. |
June 25, 1935 pages 1
& 2 |
Alaskan Says Tales 'Silly'
Congressional Delegate from North Says Complaints
Washington, June 25--(AP)--Indignantly,
Anthony J. Dimond, Alaska's delegate to congress, denies Matanuska
valley is a "dusty, mosquito-infested" country--as described by
returning California transient workers.
Dimond also termed "grossly exaggerated: and "silly"
complaints of settlers in the government's colonization project
against its management. These pioneers went to Alaska from drought
areas of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.
"Did these settlers expect they were going on a nice
vacation?" Dimond asked. "They knew that hewing out a frontier was
not easy, that they would have to work. I suspect some of them are
just beginning to realize their venture was not a lark now that the
glamour of adventure in a new land has worn off."
Dimond insisted, in an interview, a good living
could be made in the
(Continued on page two.)
Alaskan Says Tales 'Silly'
(Continued from page one.)
valley by those willing to work for it.
Mosquitoes Not So Bad
"Mosquitoes in Alaska are no more numerous or more
vicious than in the lake country of Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota
where most of the settlers came from," he said. "New Jersey
mosquitoes are much worse. Besides, the mosquitoes will disappear as
soon as the land is cultivated.
"They complained, too, that their houses were being
built without concrete foundations. That's the way we always build
houses n Alaska. I wonder how many of the pioneers who landed at
Plymouth Rock in 1620 expected to have concrete foundations."
Dimond predicted 75 percent of the colonists would
remain on their farms in preference to returning to the states.
The senate today expected Harry L. Hopkins' report
on food and health conditions among the 2,000 [sic; should be 200]
government relief colonists at Palmer.
The report was prepared by the relief administrator
in answer to charges by Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich) and others that
the colonization scheme was a "crazy adventure" and that a "major
catastrophe" impended unless corrective measures were undertaken
Claims Few Dissatisfied
Vandenberg based his assertions on telegrams and
letters from some of the settlers who said that promised houses and
roads had not been built, that government food was not delivered and
than an epidemic of sickness was threatened through lack of medical
Relief officials insisted that not more than 10
percent of the single men in the Palmer colony were dissatisfied.
Reports from Anchorage, Alaska said that 400
residents of that city had joined in an excursion to Palmer and had
found little discontent among the settlers. Chief anxiety, they said,
was over construction of warm houses before winter comes.
The visitors said timbers had been laid for less
than a dozen houses and construction work will have to be rushed.
Gardens, however, have been planted and crops are starting to grow,
they said.
The site of the settlement was described by
Vandenberg as a "dusty, mosquito-infested country" instead of a
"promised land." |
June 25, 1935 pages 1
& 2 |
Most Colonists Pleased; Want Agitators Ousted
The following description of life and the situation
in the Matanuska colony project in Alaska was written for the
Associated Press by Mrs. Lloyd Bell, one of the colonists who formerly
lived in Minnesota.
Palmer, Alaska. June 25--(AP)--The weather
in the Matanuska Valley is wonderful, with the days quite hot at times
but the nights cool. The days are long, with only a few hours of
twilight for "darkness" this time of the year.
With plenty of rain, the vegetation
grows rapidly and the native blue join grass is already shoulder high
in places. The woods are a mass of flowers, but the mosquitoes are
very bad in the timber. They are no menace in the open and we are
told with the settlement of the land they will be eliminated.
Most of the colonists are well pleased
with the country.
Lloyd Bell, of Mora, Minn., says it
would take a squad of soldiers to get him out of the valley. Gilford
Lemon, of Koochaching county, Minn., says he intents to stay "until
hell freezes over." Many other colonists express similar opinions.
The colonists are highly pleased with
the agricultural possibilities here but are disappointed with the
(Continued on page two.)
Most Colonists Pleased; Want
Agitators Ousted
(Continued from page one.)
progress being made until corporation
Most of the colonists are still in
their tents, but they are fixed very comfortably with board floors,
doors, and screen windows. A library has been opened in the community
hall, with a few books and lots of magazines.
A bus line makes two complete tours of
the different camp centers twice daily, and baseball games are played
almost every Sunday. The children are having a glorious time, with
large playground swings, teeter-totters, and games of kitten ball,
horseshoes and marbles. Church and Sunday school are held every
There is much sickness but it is mostly
measles, mumps, chicken pox and pink eye, and no serious diseases.
Many should never have come here because of poor health. There are
two doctors and one Red Cross nurse with the transient workers and
they are aiding the colonists, too. There are at least five
registered nurses among the colonists.
A big complaint is that the doctor has
no car of his own and the colonists are scattered all over the valley.
Provisions are being made for about 15
teachers to come here for approximately 375 to 380 pupils in the
fall. The school land is being cleared and more materials are
arriving daily.
Several agitators in the colony are
keeping things continually boiling. We would like to have them
deported. There is cause for complaint here, but reports of
conditions have been exaggerated.
The construction work is slow, as wrong
equipment and materials have been shipped. Mr. Irwin (Don Irwin,
project manager) ordered wagons and received school furniture and
gasoline tanks.
The colonists want United States
control continued, with Mr. Irwin in complete charge. He is well
liked by all the colonists. |
June 28, 1935 page 3 |
Few Colonists Ask to Return
Mad Dog Scare and Shortage of Reading Matter Big
Problems Now.
Palmer, Alaska. June 18--(AP)--A mad dog
scare and a shortage of reading matter shared the attention of the
Matanuska colonists today as they awaited the arrival of Eugene Carr,
"trouble shooter" for the federal relief administration.
Carr was sent here after nearly 50 of the former
midwesterners complained to Washington about conditions in the
colony. Six of the 200 families settled here by the government signed
up to return to the state yesterday and began selling their households
[sic] goods.
While the buyers talked of their bargains, Don
Irwin, the project manager, ordered all dogs tied up or led on leashes
because several of the animals recently killed are believed to have
been rabid. No one has been reported bitten.
All available reading matter is being snatched up.
One woman, a Mrs. Alexander, came 15 miles from Camp Four to get
something to read.
"We are reading old newspapers--anything we can get
our hands on," she said.
She went home with an armful of books. Libraries of
books and magazines are being established in the outlying camps.
Perhaps the most novel complaint is that there is
too much sunlight up here--this from radio fans who find their sets
work best at night in the land of the midnight sun. By the time the
sun sets, they complain, most of the stations, they can reach in the
states have signed off.
Neighbors of the colonists--persons who have carved
out homes for themselves without benefit of federal patronage, give
little credence to colonists' charges of deplorable conditions in the
colony. |
June 27, 1935 page 2 |
Alaskan Colonist From Wisconsin Is Cheerful
Seattle, June 27--(AP)--She had to use wash
bluing for ink, but there's nothing "blue" about the letter from a
former Wisconsin woman now keeping house in the government colony of
the Matanuska Valley in Alaska.
The letter, written to a Seattle friend, was made
public today by E.W. Knight, publisher of the Alaska Weekly here. He
described it as "A great deal more typical of the attitude of the
colonists than the kind of stuff we are getting from the malcontents
who always make the most noise."
Federal authorities are investigating charges of
some Matanuska colonists that the project had been misrepresented to
The housewife, whose name was withheld by Knight,
wrote that on arrival at Palmer, the colony capital, "the fun began."
"Many were so shocked," she said. "They had left
the states with a very vague conception of what pioneer life in Alaska
was to be like--and instead of being game enough to face the music,
they were miserable enough to want to make everyone else miserable.
"For a few days no one knew just where he or she was
supposed to be, but now I believe they all are located in tents and
being well fed, and surely they should expect no more.
"We are at the main camp, just about a block from
the post office, a low, tiny frame building about 12 by 14 feet, and
it is usually just packed. Alongside the post office is a low log
building called lunch and bake shop. [sic] They are operated by the
same family--very intelligent people and I sometimes wonder how they
like the idea of this army of civilization marching in on them and
disturbing their peaceful life.
"We have chosen plans for our new home and I believe
they will be working along those lines within a few days.
It is a much larger project than most of us
dreamed. But the plans are splendid and we must just be patient and
give them a chance to carry them out. Our tents are 16x20--a floor
made of rough lumber about 12 inches wide with cracks of half an inch
or more between boards. The stoves look good, if you don't use
them--they are not successful bakers.
"It is difficult to keep clean, as it is such a
dusty country.
"But you see, we constantly keep trying, therefore
we are always busy, thus keeping ourselves contented. We have church
services--Catholic and Protestant--and they are organizing a Boy Scout
troop, so, you see, in time we shall be quite well taken care of."
Recent complaints of some of the settlers and some
of the unmarried transient workers sent north to help the settlers,
resulted in Harry Hopkins, federal relief administrator, sending
Eugene Carr to Alaska to investigate. Reports also were hurried to
Washington, D.C. when the matter had congressional repercussions.
Most serious of the complaints have been that house
construction was not proceeding fast enough. There were also
complaints about the quality of food, sanitary conditions, mosquitoes,
lack of manpower and about the provisions made for caring for the
Kansas City, June 27--(AP)--Two
Ketchikan, Alaska, city officials declared today the government's
colonization project in the Matanuska valley cannot fail.
"It can't fail," was the unequivocal
statement of Harry G. McCain, city attorney.
"Fail? When those colonists get a
start, you watch them go," added J.F. Van Gilder, city clerk and
"Of course, pioneering is no bed of
roses," continued McCain. "Personally, I think the project's bound up
in too much red tape, but you watch. The government won't muddle it.
It can't afford the ignominy and ridicule that would result.
"Gee, but it's a great country! Rich
soil, great climate, 20 hours of daylight in the summer, and you know
we're in the temperate zone."
The two were here to complete the
purchase of Ketchikan's utilities from private operators at a cost of
$954,790 under contracts signed in 1920. They boasted Ketchikan is
the only city in continental and territorial United States that owns
its own water, light and telephone systems. |
