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Victims of the Palm Sunday Avalanche
Chilkoot Pass, Alaska - April 3, 1898


This information is shown in the newspaper articles on the Chilkoot Avalanche page. 

Victim Residence
T. Alderson residence unknown
Andrew Anderson San Francisco
Oscar Anderson residence unknown
F. Atkins Baker City, Or.
E. D. Atwood New York
C. Beck Sanford, Fla.
A. D. Bissell Seattle
Albridge B. Bissell Palatine, Ill.
W. Carle San Francisco
William Carroll San Francisco
A. Chappell Seattle
Walter Chappie New York
J. P. Clark Idaho
Thomas Clark "Tom"; Idaho
Edward Cook Seattle
Tom Culledan or Cullerdan or Culleder or Collins Portland, Or.
W. A. or W. H. Dahlstrom Lincoln, Neb.
Ed Doran Tacoma; wife and two children
_____ Durber residence unknown
George Eggert Portland, and Menlo Park, Cal.
A. Eglund (see Englund) Tacoma
D. A. Elstrom residence unknown
Alfred Englund (see Eglund) Tacoma; unmarried
E. L. Esterbrook (or Easterbrook) Seattle
R. L. Esterbrook (or Easterbrook) Seattle
Walmer Falke San Francisco
William Falke "Dutchy," Sheep Camp freighter
T. Finn Portland
Weed Garrison Seattle
Con Geppert Seattle
Timothy Glynn or Glenn Portland, foreman at Sheep Camp, married
Allan Gray Seattle
S. M. Grimes Dyea, Tacoma and Sacramento, Cal.
W. Grimes Atkins, Colorado or Idaho
E. P. Haines Seattle
C. M. Hall Tacoma; rodman
C. P. Harrison Seattle
Rasmus Hedegard Baker City, Or.
C. H. Henry Arizona
C. M. Holt Tacoma; rodman
Harry Holt Tacoma
C. R. Homer Seattle
E. J. Hudson Seattle or Portland
S. T. Hudson Portland, Or.
Henry Jaeger Los Angeles, Cal., married
Chris Johnson Seattle
E. R. Johnson Spokane
Oscar Johnson Seattle
Albert F. King Tacoma; married
C. W. or C. H. Kinney Prescott, Ariz.
G. Leon or Lee residence unknown
George Lewis Washington state; foreman Stone House
Mrs. N. H. Maxon (see Moxon) Punxatawney, Pa.
C. L. McNeill San Francisco or Elk River, Minn.; civil engineer; married
Sanford McNeill Portland
John Merchant Grizzly Bluff, Cal.; married
Frank Millett Butte, Mont.
John A. Morgan Emporia, Kan.
S. A. Morgan Emporia, Kan.
Mrs. Anna Moxen (see Maxon) Jefferson county, Penn.
J. C. Murphy New York
O. A. Nelson Washington
P. A. Olsen Washington
William Osnall San Francisco
George Overton Seattle
J. B. Pierce or Pearce Tacoma; timekeeper
Austin Preston Grizzly Bluff, Cal.; stepson of Merchant
William Preston residence unknown
Con Rasmus Colorado
John Reddy Washington state
J. Riesse Wisconsin
W. L. Riley Seattle
Con Riser Seattle
George Riser residence unknown
George Ritchey or Ritchie Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. Ryan* Baltimore, Md.
Jeff Salling or Saley Weiser, Idaho
McNeill Sanford Portland
Matt Schomo St. Paul, Minn.
G. Seaborn Chicago, Ill.
Gus Sebarth (see Ziebarth) Seattle
Stratton Sheldon Iowa
James Smallwood Portland
Joseph Smallwood 780 Kebley street, Portland
C. G. Smith Sedro
F. Smith Sedro, Wash.; teamster
G. W. Smith Wooley, Wash.
Frank Sprague Ballard or Seattle
I. or J. Sprague Ballard
S. Stephenson (see Stevenson) Seattle
_____ Stevens New York
Steve Stevenson (see Stephenson) Seattle
Curtis E. Turner Omaha, Neb.
J. M. Uhlin Tacoma
O. A. Ulen Wooley, Wash.
Thomas Wall or Woll residence unknown
W. F. Warner San Francisco
W. H. Warner Seattle
L. Weidelein Kansas City, Kan.
Mark Welch Butte, Mont.
_____ Wilhelm Menlo Park, Cal.
H. Yager residence unknown
Gus S. Ziebarth or Zebarth Seattle


*Nearly every list of the dead from the avalanches shows the name of Mrs. Ryan, of Baltimore. So far as is known, there were only two women in the slide - Mrs. Annie Moxen, who was killed, and Mrs. H. C. Eston, who was resuscitated. The name of Ryan was first applied to Mrs. Moxen.  (Chilkoot Tragedy, The Oregonian, April 17, 1898.)



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