State Summary of World War II Casualties for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
Wounded...... 6
Safe POW..... 1
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21 |
ANDERSEN, Awen Mayer, Ensign, USCG. Wife,
Mrs. Marjorie Anderson, 234 1st Ave., Ketchikan.
DEGANAHL, Joe, Lt. Commander, USNR. Wife,
Mrs. Josephine DeGanahl, 343 7th St., Juneau.
HOXWORTH, Theodore Woodrow, Seaman 1c, USNR.
Father, Mr. Ray Hoxworth, Anchorage.
JONES, Otis Clark, Pfc, USMCR. Mother,
Mrs. LaRee C. Arend, Box 1567, Fairbanks.
JOHNSTONE, Robert B., Pfc, USMC. Mother,
Mrs. Esther F. Johnstone, Park and B Streets, Sitka.
McKINNEY, Kenneth Ernest, Electrician's mate
2c, USN. Father, Mr. Ernest Webster McKinney, Yakutat.
OLSON, Robert Junior, Seaman 2c, USNR.
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Olson, Box 1607, Anchorage.
PATTERSON, David W., Jr., Pfc, USMC.
Father, Mr. David W. Patterson, Sr., Box 1663, Anchorage.
RICE, Jerome Richard, Torpedoman's mate 3c, USN.
Father, Commander Maurice Rice, USCG, District Coast Guard Officer, 13 Naval
District, Alaskan Sector, Ketchikan.
SAVIKKO, Albert, Herman, Lt. (jg), USNR.
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Savikko, Box 1161, Douglas.
SELTENREICH, Theodore Samuel, Aviation
machinist's mate 3c, USN. Mother, Mrs. Julia Seltenreich, Box 2822,
SIMPSON, John Earl, Radioman 2c, USN.
Wife, Mrs. Leona Simpson, Box 1752, Fairbanks.
THOMPSON, Irvin Andrew Rubin, Ensign, USN.
Father, Mr. Andrew Thompson, Box 2272, Ketchikan.
WEYAND, Wayland L., 1st Lieutenant, USMCR.
Wife, Mrs. Wayland L. Weyand, Box 239, Anchorage.
BUSAN, Charles W., Cpl, USMC. Mother,
Mrrs. Mildred A. Hall, Box 202, Kodiak.
DANIELS, Shirly L., Pvt, USMCR. Parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Daniels, Box 584, Ketchikan.
HAMILTON, George Edward, Aviation ordnanceman
3c, USNR. Mother, Mrs. George Hamilton, Craig.
HUSVIK, Erlin Winther, Seaman 1c, USNR.
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole S. Husvik, Petersburg.
RICHARDS, Thomas, Motor machinist's mate 2c,
USCGR. Mother, Mrs. Effie Richards, Kotzebue.
SHERMER, Robert W., Cpl, USMC.
Grandmother, Mrs. Maggie A. Cramer, Box 739, Wrangell.
MALLORY, Robert Victor, Torpedoman's mate 1c,
USN. Father, Mr. Victor Mallory, c/o W. T. Wright, P. O. Box 2559,
Territories and
Possessions of the United States and Foreign Countries