Drillmaster |
FRANK B. HALL, President |
R. MYERSON, 1st Class Private, 3
C. |
GUY B. ERWIN, Vice-President |
ROBERT W. TAYLOR, Secretary |
P. J. RICKERT, Assistant |
You are informed that the Fairbanks Home Guard is now regularly organized and
has been authorized by the Governor of Alaska to petition the services
designated in Act June 11, 1917 and that the Guards have the character of State
Police or Constabulary.
It has been decided to use the Home Guard for patrol duty in Fairbanks and
Garden Island during the night time. This patrol and guard will be started
on April 1st, 1918 and will be kept up according to the schedule herewith for
the period of four weeks, when the hours of guard duty will be shortened and a
new schedule of names furnished.
The patrol will consist of six guards, two on Garden Island, and four in town
of Fairbanks, and the patrol will be relieved every two hours.
The object of the patrol is to guard and protect property, especially all
warehouses containing food and government property. The patrol on the
Garden Island side will guard the warehouse district, railway depot and
buildings and the bridge. The patrol in Fairbanks will pay especial
attention to that part of the town lying between First and Third Avenues and
from Lacy Street to Wickersham.
The patrol will be armed with revolvers and are ordered to make arrests in
the event of persons attempting to destroy property.
The guards will report for duty at the City Hall, where a book will be
furnished for the entry of their names and time of going on duty and where they
will be furnished with arms. The second, third and fourth relief, after
reporting at City Hall, will relieve those on duty, who hand over their arms,
and when the fourth relief goes off duty at 6 o'clock in the morning they will
return the arms to City Hall.
It is intended that each man shall stand guard two hours once each week.
In order that the hours of duty be fairly distributed, each relief will be
guided by and go on duty the first time in strict accordance with the schedule
as printed. The second time their turn for guard duty comes around each
relief will go on two hours later than they did the first week, and so on each
successive week for the four weeks the schedule is intended to cover, which will
give each relief patrol duty for one week of the four periods. In other words,
those who go on duty from 9 to 11 the first night will the following week go on
from 11 to 1, and the next week from 1 to 3, and the fourth week from 3 to 5.
If there is any misunderstanding with reference to these instructions, you
are to call up any of the drillmasters, who will put you right.
If for any reason you are prevented from attending to these duties at the
hour fixed, it is expected that you will provide a substitute by changing hours
with some other member of the Home Guard.
The officers of the Guard look to the members to carry out this order in the
spirit that it is for the best interests of all concerned. We are engaged in the
bitterest war of all times, the safety of Civilization is at stake, and there is
a debt of service due from every man in this country proportionate to the
bounties which nature and fortune have measured to him. That you are willing an
anxious to "do your bit" is not questioned. - TWO HOURS EACH WEEK.
March 27th, 1918. |
By Order of Executive Committee. |
Drillmaster |
9 to 11 |
11 to 1 |
1 to 3 |
3 to 5 |
Anderson, O. W. |
Bloom, Robt |
Joslin, W. H. |
Hamilton, Ray |
Bishoprick, F. |
Bickford, J. B. |
Boyer, E. H. |
Brown, R. M. |
Bucci, J. |
Buel, T. |
Bailey, H. |
Bredlie, A. |
Kelly, H. C. |
Bidwell, J. |
Buckley, J. J. |
Cambridge, J. A. |
Hess, L. C. |
Beraud, G. E. |
Clark, J. A. |
Carlson, M. O. |
Bernard, R. L. |
Hess, S. R. |
Love, Max |
Williams, A. J. |
Levake, J. |
Levake, Dave |
Raap, John |
Saulich, Milo |
Wolcott, Ed. |
Kennedy, B. S. |
Miller, Frank |
DeYoung, Harry |
Coleman, G. A. |
Clausen, E. A. |
Carey, Wm. |
Cunningham, J. M. |
Courtnay, Walter |
Clark, F. R. |
Conradt, Aug. |
Drake, G. D. |
Avakoff, H. B. |
Cathcart, W. |
Carlsten, A. |
Johnson, A. J. |
Gibson, Thos. |
Coombs, D. F. |
Carruthers, S. S. |
Wilbur, A. L. |
Atlich, Carl |
Davis, Edby |
Kennedy, A |
Hayes, C. H. |
Struthers, J. Fred. |
Barrack, John |
Weir, H. A. |
Wesch, Geo. |
Dunn, John |
Fairborn, J. A. |
Graham, F. P. |
Groen, John |
Davis, J. A. |
Fortier, A. H. |
George, Chris. |
Gillette, L. R. |
Deal, T. H. |
Fisher, Oscar D. |
Groves, J. |
Hall, F. B. |
Evans, W. E. |
Foster, T. H. |
Gellerman, E. |
Hutchinson, G. |
McCord, Abe |
Lewis, Fred. |
Jankovich, M. |
Davis, H. C. |
Sommers, R. J. |
Hopkins, Paul |
Nerland, Andrew |
Heath, Jack |
Hahn, C. S. |
Krieger, O. P. |
Landers, A. |
Magnussen, S. L. |
Johnson, Ed. |
Kramer, W. F. |
Lumpkin, H. H. |
Mehegan, J. |
Kennedy, G. F. |
Lavery, Robt. |
Miller, J. H. |
Markus, Geo. |
Lloyd, Reese |
Fowle, J. R. |
Mack, E. H. |
Marple, W. |
Menzie, R. D. |
Kelly, Robt. |
Johnson, Theo. |
Appleby, W. A. |
Rose, Dan |
Bryant, J. F. |
Sheldon, R. E. |
Smythe, E. J. |
McKinnon, W. W. |
Heilmick, M. |
Nerland, T. A. |
Koon, Norman |
MacQuarrie, G. A. |
McGinnis, D. L. |
Pinkerton, W. T. |
Parsons, T. A. |
McDonald, Thos. |
Newton, D. A. |
Peterson, P. S. |
Rhind, C. F. |
McCrary, Frank |
Nerland, Andy |
Preston, Geo. |
Rust, Jesse |
Peoples, E. R. |
Ross, H. H. |
St. George, R. Y. |
Selberg, C. S. |
McIntosh, J. A. |
McAdam, Ed |
Murrow, J. G. |
Moyer, LeRoy |
Bolston, Ted |
Sherman, Ben. |
Sells, Mark |
Tonseth, E. A. |
Roth, R. F. |
Smith, Jos. |
Smith, Jr., J. H. |
Tull, H. R. |
Steel, R. S. |
Sea, Sam |
Taylor, R. W. |
Wood,, F. P. |
Swan, T. T. |
Sutherland, J. A. |
Thompson, Ben. |
Wooldridge, E. R. |
Stroecker, Ed. |
Sanderlin, E. L. |
Campbell, Wm. |
Landerking, G. M. |
Karstens, H. P. |
Kubon, Ralph |
Lorentzen, Peter |
Lovejoy, S __ve |
Copeland, A. L. |
Fisher, Joe F. |
Handley, W. H. |
Hering, Ed |
Crawford, R. M. |
Golden, Louis |
Harrals, Martin |
Hunter, Geo. |
Brown, Harry W. |
Grown, Harry L. |
Hellig, Reed W. |
Purdy, E. H. |
Douse, Fred |
Hall, M. F. |
Heacock, L. J. |
Protzman, L. F. |