Abercrombie |
Fort |
1941 - 1948 |
Kodiak, Kodiak Island |
Miller Point, later named Fort Abercrombie,
was part of a group of permanent coastal defense installations in the
area. Miller Point fort was originally manned in April 1941 by Battery
C, 250th Coast Artillery Regiment, California National Guard. They
arrived on the Army transport St. Mihiel. By November 11, 1941, it
was manned by battery A. Battery B was located at Spruce Cape. (Part of
Ft. Aberombie.) Battery C was at Long Island (later named Ft. Tidball,
equipped with two six-inch guns). Battalion Headquarters was at Buskin
Hill, with support barracks where the present day USCG housing is
located at Nemetz Park. Battery D was at Cape Chiniak, later Ft. J.R.
Smith. The batteries received the official "Fort" names on April 29,
1943. All of these installations were part of Ft. Greely which was
formally established in September 1941. (Named for arctic explorer, Maj.
Gen. Adolphus W. Greely.) Miller Point was renamed Fort Abercrombie for
Lt. Col. William R. Abercrombie, a major US Army explorer of Alaska in
the 19th century. The original crew of six observers were housed
and fed at Ft. Greely. After the Pearl harbor attack, the site was
manned continuously. Ultimately there were 150-200 men and about 25
quonset huts at Abercrombie. All the Ft. Greely installations together
reached a top strength of more than 11,000 men. In December 1944, all of
the Ft. Greely installations were placed in caretaker status.
Battery 404 was located here from 1944 - 1946. |
Adak |
Post |
1942 - 1946 |
Adak Island |
An Army airfield and Navy base (Adak Naval Station)
protected by two 6-inch naval guns. Several 155mm guns on Panama mounts
were located at Zeto Point (mounts still intact). An AMTB battery was
located at Kruluk Bay. Sixty AA guns were emplaced around the island.
Restricted public access. |
Adams |
1868 - unknown |
near Tanana |
An American trading post located at the mouth of the Tozi (Tozitna ?) River. Possibly the same as Nukluroyit Station below. |
Agattu |
1942 |
Agattu Island |
Captured by Japan and briefly held in 1942.
Not fortified by the U.S. Army. |
(1) |
1785 - unknown |
Kenai |
A large Russian fort (120-yards square, stockaded, with two bastions,
and 22 other buildings) located at the mouth of the Kenai River. Also
called Fort Alexandrovsk (1) and Alexander Redoubt. |
Fort |
1818 - unknown |
Nushagak |
A Russian trading post located north of Clarks Point. A large stockade and blockhouse was added in 1834. Variously known as Fort Alexandrovsk (2), Fort Alexandrovski, Fort Alexandra, and Fort Nushagak. |
Amchitka |
Post |
1943 - 1946 |
Amchitka Island |
U.S. Army airfield was protected by eight
155mm guns on Panama mounts located at Constantine Harbor (mounts still
intact). Several machine-gun pillboxes still remain along the airfield.
Anchorage |
1919 - 1926 |
Anchorage |
Established to protect the railroad that was under construction at the time. Located one mile north of town. |
Andreavski |
1853 - 1867 |
Old Andreafski |
A Russian stockaded trading post located on
the right bank of the Yukon, near the head of the delta, about 13 miles below the mouth of the Milavanoff (Andreafsky ?) River near St. Marys.
In August, 1855, the natives killed its two inmates. It has been
variously written Andreafski, Andreaivsky, Andreievsky, i.e., Andrew's,
etc. The place appears on early 20th century maps as Old
Andreafski, and Andreafski appears at a new site 5 miles farther up the
river. It became the most important trading post on the lower
Yukon, situated on the right bank of Clear river, about two miles above
its junction with the Yukon and 120 miles above the mouth of the latter.
Located there are warehouses, stores, and dwellings of the Northern
Commercial Company. A miles above on the same side of Clear river
is the extensive winter quarters of the Northern Commercial Company,
where the company established machine shops, a maritime railway for
hauling out its vessels, a large hotel, and an electric plant to light
the buildings. Abandoned before the American transfer of the territory. |
Island |
1940 - 1945 |
Annette Island |
A four-gun 155mm gun battery on Panama mounts was located on Davison
Point (mounts still remain). Two 6-inch naval guns were located at
Smuggler Cove (gone). Anti-aircraft defenses were provided by Canadian
troops. |
Atka Island |
Post |
1942 - 1946 |
Atka Island |
Site of major U.S. Army and Navy bases
during World War II. |
Babcock |
Fort |
1942 - 1944 |
Shoals Point, Kruzof Island |
Located at the entrance to Sitka Sound. Battery 290
(uncompleted) and a two-gun 6-inch naval gun battery (1942) (no
remains) are located here, very overgrown. The remnants of the WWII
barracks and Quonset Huts are still extant. A fire-control station was
built at Lava Point (overgrown ruins). Fire-control and searchlight
stations were planned but never built for Mt. Edgecumbe, Cape
Edgecumbe, Sitka Point, and St. Lazaria Island. An SCR-296A radar tower
may have been built on St. Lazaria Island. |
Batzulnetas |
Fort |
unknown - 1848 |
near Slana ? |
A Russian trading post on the Copper River, abandoned after the
garrison was massacred by Indians. An American military expedition in
1885 reported finding the remains of the post, the site of which no
white man had visited in the intervening years. |
1942 - 1945 |
Bethel |
A WWII Army post. |
Big Delta |
Post |
1904, 1942 - 1945 |
Big Delta |
A WWII Army post protecting the Alaska Highway.
Established as McCarty Telegraph Station by the USA Signal Corps in
1904, the community changed its name to conform with that of an area
post office operating in the town from 1925-1959. The name Big
Delta came into being to pinpoint the community's location at the
juncture of the Tanana and Delta rivers and to differentiate it from
Delta Telegraph Station on nearby Little Delta River. |
Brumback |
1942 - 1944 |
Constantine Point, Unalaska Island |
Battery Constantine Point (aka Battery Summer Bay) four 155mm guns on Panama mounts (mounts still remain) was located here. Some structures still remain. |
Bulkley |
1941 - 1944 |
Rugged Island |
Battery 294 is here. Searchlight shelters, a radar tower, and
fire-control stations still exist. Others were once on Patsy Point,
Carol Cove, and Alma Point. Rugged Island is located on the opposite
side of the bay and further south from Caines Head. |
Circle City |
Camp |
1898 - 1900 |
Circle City |
An Army post that occupied a former local trading post for miners. A subpost of Fort Egbert. |
Copper |
Fort |
1819 - unknown |
Chitina |
A Russian cabin and later trading post. |
1942 - 1946 |
Spike Island |
A one-gun 6-inch naval gun battery was located here (mount remains) to protect the nearby Navy Section Base at Cordova. Several machine-gun pillboxes are still located at the airfield. Site is now owned by the U.S. Coast Guard. |
Cosmos |
1885 - 1886 |
near Kobuk ? |
An American military winter camp. Site located 130 miles up the Kobuk River. |
Davis |
1899 - 1919 or 1921 |
Nome |
An American post located at the mouth of the Nome River. It was built for protection for gold miners. American Camp Nome (1900) was located in town.
The fort was on the line of the military telegraph near its northwestern
terminus. |
1833 - unknown |
Unga, Unga Island |
A Russian stockaded post near Squaw Harbor. Also called Delarof Redoubt. |
Derabin |
Fort |
Nulato |
A Russian named Derabin built a post at
Nulato. He became the first bidarshik (head trader) and called it
Fort Derabin. He was killed in the February 16, 1851 Nulato
massacre. Afterward, the post was rebuilt and named for the nearby
Nulato River. Became Fort Nulato after being attacked
twice. Moved downstream from its original site in 1841 or 1842. |
Camp |
1898 - 1899 |
Dyea |
An Army post located at the mouth of the Taiya River. Established to
relieve destitution among miners. It was destroyed by fire and replaced
by Camp Skagway. |
Earle |
Camp |
Attu Island |
Captured and fortified by Japan 1942 -
1943. One 75mm AA Japanese gun still remains. Recaptured by the U.S.
Army in 1943 who then established Camp Earle (aka Attu Post). Several 155mm guns on Panama mounts were located at Chichagof
Point. Also emplaced were 21 AA guns. Attu Battlefield and Army-Navy Airfields info by NPS. |
Egbert |
Fort |
1899 - 1911 |
Eagle |
Originally called Camp Eagle City.
Established during the Klondike Gold Rush, as U.S. Army headquarters in
the District of Alaska next to Eagle, to protect this Yukon River supply
center for gold miners and mining community near the Canadian border. It
was built at the mouth of Mission Creek near the present town of Eagle
on the upper Yukon River, and so named by the War Department in 1899.
It serviced the telegraph lines that ran from Eagle to Valdez and St.
Michael with relay stations every 25 or 30 miles. Horses and
mules were used to carry repair crews, rations, etc. to the telegraph
operators along the lines. Blue was the color of the soldier's'
uniforms at this fort, which was abandoned in 1911. Five of the
original 47 buildings have been reconstructed, including the
non-commissioned officers' quarters. A stable and bakery are still in
good condition (1966), and the Army's old parade ground was converted
into a 1,600-foot runway for small craft. The Signal Corps
remained after 1911 to operate the telegraph station. |
Etches |
Fort |
1787 - unknown |
Hinchinbrook Island |
A Russian stockaded trading post built by the Lebedoff Company. One
side of the stockade was formed by an armed ship hauled on shore.
Located on the western side of the island. |
Excursion Inlet |
1942 - 1945 |
Excursion Inlet |
A WWII Army post. |
Galena |
Post |
1942 - 1945 |
Galena |
A WWII Army post. |
George Island
1942 - 1946 |
George Island |
A one-gun 6-inch naval gun battery was located here on Granite Cove
(gun still remains in situ) to guard the Navy Section Base at Port Althorp. A Quonset Hut and foundations of other buildings still remain at the site. |
1817 - unknown |
unknown location |
A Russian trading post and earthworks located somewhere on Cook Inlet. |
Gibbon |
1899 - 1923 |
Tanana |
An American military post built for protection for gold miners,
on the north bank of the Yukon, at the mouth of the Tanana river. It was the headquarters post of all interior Alaska until 1923.
Named after General John Gibbon, U.S. Army. |
Glenn |
Cape Field at Fort
1942 |
Umnak, Aleutian Islands |
Constructed between January and April 1942. |
Glenn |
Fort |
1942 - 1946 |
Umnak Island |
An Army airbase near Tulik Volcano. Now the site of Bering Pacific
Ranch. One 6-inch naval gun was located at Sheep Point (mount still
remains). Also located here were up to nine 155mm guns on Panama
mounts. A two-gun 6-inch naval gun battery was located across the pass
near Chernofski, at Mutton Cove on Unalaska Island (destroyed). There were no protected port facilities on Umnak Island. |
Glory of Russia |
Fort |
1790-1803/4 |
Yakutat Bay |
Russian penal colony established near
Ankau creek, on the southeastern shore of Yakutat bay. It has been referred to
as the Yakutat colony or settlement. New Russia, Novarassi, Slavarassi, Slawa Rossij, etc. Presumably named after Billings's vessel the Slava Rossie (Glory of Russia). The history of the
place is very obscure. It was fortified with a blockhouse and stockade by Polomoshnoi
in 1790, and in perpetual trouble ever after till exterminated by the natives in about 1803
or 1804. Russell visited the site in 1891, and reports that the cellars
marking the site contain spruce trees, some of them 2 feet in diameter.
Greely (1) |
1941 - 1944 |
Kodiak, Kodiak Island |
The headquarters post for the harbor defenses and the nearby Navy base. Battery Artillery Hill (1942) (two 6-inch naval guns) and Battery Bushkin Hill
(1942 - 1945) four 155mm guns on Panama mounts (mounts still remain)
were located here. An Anti Motor Torpedo Boat battery (1943 - 1945) was
located on Puffin Island (restricted access). The HDCP/HECP bunker
still remains on Artillery Hill. Bushkin Hill is now a Coast Guard
base. Two AA battery sites still remain. Several searchlight shelters
also still remain. Fire-control stations were located at Mansfield
Ridge and Gibson Cove. |
Greely |
Fort |
1942 - present |
Established as Big Delta Army Air Field,
the post became the headquarters of the Army Arctic Test Center in 1948
and, upon construction of a larger facility in 1955, was dedicated to
the honor of Major General Adolphus Washington Greely, Arctic explorer
and founder of the Alaska Communications System. During World War II,
The Alaska Highway was built to connect an existing road in Dawson
Creek, British Columbia, Canada with the Richardson Highway in Alaska |
Gulkana |
Post |
1942 - 1945 |
Gulkana |
A WWII Army post protecting the junction of the Richardson Highway and the Tok Cut-Off to the Alaska Highway. |
Hamilton |
unknown dates |
Hamilton and New Hamilton |
The first fort was located on Apoon Pass about 25 miles from the river mouth.
Called Nunapithlugak or Fort Hamilton by the Coast Survey in 1899, and
Old Fort Hamilton (Nonapeklowak) in 1901. New Fort Hamilton
was located on Kwikpak Pass about 20 miles above old Fort Hamilton.
Both forts were local trading posts. The new fort may have been
American (the North American Transportation and Trading Company). |

Hamlin |
1899 ? |
Fort Hamlin |
This abandoned trading post was located on
the Yukon River north of Livengood on the south bank of the Yukon River,
ten miles below the mouth of the Dall River south of Stevens Village.
It was established by the Alaska Commercial Company and named in honor
of Charles Sumner Hamlin, assistant secretary of the treasury,
1893-1897, who was a delegate to the 1897 Anglo-American fur-seal
fishing convention. |
1942 - 1945 |
Juneau |
A WWII Army garrison. |
Kenay |
1791 - 1797, 1869 - 1870 |
Kenai |
An American one-square mile post. Also spelled Kenai.
A fortified post was established here by Grigor Konovalof, commanding
the ship St. George, of the Lebedef-Lastochkin Company, in August, 1791,
and called fort or redoubt St. Nicholas or St. Nicolas or St. Nikolas.
Alternate names for the Russian fort are Nikolaevsk Redoubt, Fort Nikolaya, Kenai Redoubt, Paul's Fort, Fort St. Paul, and Pavlovskaya Redoubt.
On a Russian map of 1802 it is called Pavlovskaia, i.e., Paul, and a
manuscript note says fort De Pawlofsk. It was attacked by Dena'ina Indians in 1797.
In the summer of 1869 there was a military post of the United States
here called Fort Kenai, and by this name Kenai, a native name, the place
is now known. |
Kennicott |
1866 |
Nulato |
A post built by the Western Union Telegraph Expedition. Abandoned because the winter was too cold. |
Kiksadi |
Indian Fort |
1804 |
Sitka, Baranof Island |
Site of a Tlingit Indian stockade where they made their last stand
against the Russian settlers who were retaliating against the burning
of Fort Archangel Michael. |
Kiska |
Post |
1943 - 1946 |
Kiska Island |
Captured and fortified by Japan 1942 -
1943. Japanese guns still remaining on the island (at North Head)
include one 4.7-inch quick-firing M1905 British gun, one 6-inch M1900
British gun, four 150mm naval guns, one 140mm coast defense gun, four
120mm dual-purpose guns, and several 3-inch M1900 British guns. One
6-inch M1894 British gun is still located on Little Kiska Island. The Japanese evacuated
after losing Attu Island. The U.S. Army then established Kiska Post in 1943. |
Kodiak |
Fort |
1868 - 1870 |
Kodiak, Kodiak Island |
An American post. Located nearby was the Russian stockaded blockhouse Fort Pavlosk
(1792 - 1868), the first headquarters for the Russian fur trade until
1808. The first white settlement (Russian) was nearby at Three Saints
Bay (Old Harbor) in 1784. |
(Alexander) |
1832 - unknown |
undetermined location |
Ivan Simonson Lukeen, a Russian Creole, ascended the Kuskokwim in 1832 to this
place, where he built a stockade, which was for a time known as
Lukeen's fort. In 1841 it was partially destroyed by the Indians with
fire, whereupon it was rebuilt by Alexander Kolmakof and took his
name. Variously known since as Kolmakof redoubt, Kolmakovskl, etc.
Konstantine |
Fort |
1792 - unknown |
Nuchek, Hinchinbrook Island |
A Russian stockaded post, called Fort
Konstantine or Konstantinovsk. On a Russian chart of 1802 it is called fort and
harbor of Konstantine and Helena. It was
visited by Vancouver in June, 1794, and was not in existence in June,
1792. Alternate names include Fort St. Helens and Fort Helena. |
Koutznou |
Fort |
1867 |
Admirality Island |
A proposed American military fort that was never actually built. |
Learnard |
1942 - 1946 |
Eider Point, Unalaska Island |
Located on the west bank of the bay. Batteries located here are Battery 298
(1943 - 1946) shields remain, no guns, and an Anti Motor Torpedo Boat
battery on Eider Spit (mounts overgrown). Some structures remain intact. |
Liscum |
Fort |
1900 - 1922 |
Port Valdez |
An Army post at the southern terminus of the Fairbanks-Valdez Military
Road. It was garrisoned by Company G, 7th Infantry in 1900, and was abandoned by
the military in 1925. In 1920 the population was 153. Fort
Liscum was named for Colonel Liscom, US Army, a hero of the Boxer
Rebellion.Site is near the Trans-Alaska Pipeline's southern terminal, about
four miles from Valdez. |
McGilvray |
1942 - 1944 |
Seward |
Batteries here are Battery 293, and Battery Rocky Point
(1941 - 1943). A radar tower and several ammo magazines still exist. An
Anti Motor Torpedo Boat Battery was on Lowell Point at Miller's Landing
(1943 - 1944), which is located between the town and Caines Head. The
AMTB mounts still remain. |
Post |
1942 - 1945 |
McGrath |
A WWII Army post. |
Mears |
1941 - 1945 |
Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island |
The headquarters post of the Harbor Defenses of Dutch Harbor and the
nearby Navy base. It was attacked by Japan in 1942. Several machine-gun
pillboxes still exist along many of the nearby beaches. Of interest
here is the Museum of the Aleutians, built on the foundation of a military warehouse. |
1942 - 1946 |
Port Heiden |
A WWII Army post and Navy section base. |
Morton |
1883 - 1884 |
near Noorvik |
An American winter camp for early military explorations. Located at the mouth of the Kobuk River. |
Moses Point
Post |
1942 - 1945 |
Elim Indian Reservation, Moses Point |
A WWII Army post. |
Naknek |
1942 - 1945 |
Naknek |
A WWII Army post. |
Nelson |
Fort |
British Columbia |
As the site of a Hudson's Bay Company
trading post around 1800, this fort was named for famed British naval
hero, Lord Horatio Nelson. |
Nenana |
1942 - 1945 |
Nenana |
A WWII Army forward supply base on the Nenana River for other posts down the Yukon River. |
Nome |
1941 - 1946 |
Nome |
A two-gun 6-inch naval gun battery was located one mile west of town by
the airfield. The guns still exist, but the emplacement was damaged by
the effects of nearby gold mining operations. |
Northway |
1942 - 1945 |
Northway Junction |
A WWII Army post protecting the Alaska Highway. |
Nukluroyit |
Station |
1868 - unknown |
near Tanana |
An American trading post built by the Pioneer Company about 12 miles
below the confluence of the Yukon and Tanana Rivers. It was the first
American post on the Yukon River. The post was bought by the Parrott
and Company around 1870. Possibly the same as Fort Adams above. |
Nulato |
1838 - 1851 |
Nulato |
Population in 1900, 281. A Russian-American
Fur Co. trading post founded by the Russian, Malakof, who built a
blockhouse and stockade near here in 1838. Shortly after, in his
absence, this was burned by the Indians. It was rebuilt in 1842 by
Lieutenant Zagoskin of the Russian navy. He was shortly afterwards
succeeded by one Vasili Derzhabin, whose many acts of cruelty led to the
massacre of the entire garrison by the Koyukuk Indians in 1851. In later
years the post was moved 2 miles farther upstream to its present site
and called Fort Derabin. Nulato is, and always has been, the great
trading center for the natives of the Koyukuk valley. The Roman Catholic
mission of St. Peter Claver is located at Nulato. Originally called Fort Derabin, located two miles downstream. The post was probably moved in either 1841 or 1842.
The U.S. Army established a Signal Corps station southwest of here in 1921. |
Ozerskoye |
Redoubt |
unknown - 1852 |
Baranof Island |
A Russian blockhouse that was attacked and burned by Stikine Indians. Located about 16 miles south of Sitka at the outlet to Deep Lake. |
Pierce |
1941 - 1944 |
Biorka Island |
Located at the entrance to Sitka Sound on restricted U.S. Coast Guard property. Battery 291
(uncompleted) is located here. The remnants of the garrison buildings
still exist, very overgrown. An SCR-296A radar tower was here also. A
concrete fire-control station and two searchlight stations were built
on Ataku Island (remains overgrown). Fire-control and searchlight
stations were planned for Golf Island and Kita Island, but never built.
Remnants of two searchlight shelters, a signal station, and a
fire-control station still exist on Little Biorka Island. |
Popof Island |
Post |
1942 - 1946 |
Sand Point, Popof Island |
A two-gun 6-inch naval gun battery still remains at the old Navy base runway. The HECP bunker still exists. |
Inlet |
1896 |
Hyder |
A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers storehouse complex at Eagle Point. Four
stone buildings were built to store supplies for the expedition to
explore Portland Inlet and the surrounding area. At least two
storehouses (#3 and #4) still exist. One was later used as a jail.
These are the oldest masonry buildings in Alaska. Settlers and miners
came to Hyder and Stewart, British Columbia in 1898. Hyder was originally named Portland City. |
Rampart |
1899 - 1901 |
Rampart |
An Army post to protect a supply center for gold miners. |
Rampart |
House |
1869 - 1891 |
Old Rampart |
A Hudson's Bay Co. post built on the Porcupine River to replace Fort
Yukon. After a new boundary survey in 1890, the post had to be moved
again. |
Fort |
1942 - 1946) |
Cold Bay |
An Army airfield and Navy section base. A two-gun 6-inch naval gun
battery was located at Grant Point. One remaining gun is on display
near the town dump. A four-gun 155mm gun battery on Panama mounts was
located at Mortensen's Lagoon at Thin Point. The HECP bunker still
remains at Pride Lake. |
Ray |
1941 - 1946 |
Charcoal and Alice Islands |
Located near the Sitka Naval Air Station (1937). Additional cantonment areas were once located on Baranof Island around Sitka.
Several pillboxes and one ammo magazine still remain. Another magazine
was destroyed in 2001. Both magazines were once used as mausoleums for
Indian tuberculosis victims in the 1950's. Only six garrison buildings
still stand, currently in use by commercial interests or residential
Anti-Motor Torpedo Boat Battery #1 was nearby at Watson Point (site now
buried by a grocery store, school, and residential area), along with Camps Riley and Aberdeen.
Several warehouses and a fire station remain from Camp Riley. Several
ammo magazines still exist from Camp Aberdeen. AMTB #2 (mounts still
remain on private property) and ruins of other buildings are on Whale
Island. |
Raymond |
1942 - 1945 |
Seward |
The headquarters post of the Harbor Defenses of Seward. Fire-control
stations and searchlight shelters were located on Barwell Island
(Alaska Maritime NWR), Topeka Point, and Chamberlain Point (state
property). |
Reliance |
Fort |
1874 |
Dawson, Yukon Territory |
A former trading post of the Hudson Bay
Company on the Yukon River 6 miles below the present city of Dawson.
Its founder, Leroy Napoleon (Jack) McQuesten, and his partners, Al Mayo
and Arthur Harper, free traders for the Alaska Commercial Company,
established a string of trading posts that played vital roles in the
early search for gold in the Yukon. |
Resurrection |
1792 - unknown |
near Seward |
A Russian stockaded blockhouse built by
Baranof at Resurrection bay. |
Richardson |
Fort |
1940 - present |
Anchorage |
Built during 1940–1941 on the site of what
is now Elmendorf Air Force Base.
Established as the headquarters of the United States Army, Alaska (USARAK)
in 1947, the post moved to its present location five miles (8 km)
northeast of Anchorage in 1950. The post was named in honor
of General Wilds Preston Richardson, first president of the Alaska Road
Commission, who laid out the Valdez-Fairbanks Trail that became the
present-day Richardson Highway. With separation of the USAF from
USA jurisdiction, the military reservation was split between the
Department of the Air Force and the Department of the Army. |
Rousseau |
1941 - 1946 |
Makhnati Island |
Battery 292 (proposed name Battery Allen) (1944 - 1946)
and a four-gun 155mm battery on 180-degree Panama mounts are here (only
two mounts remain). This was the headquarters post for the Harbor
Defenses of Sitka. A two-gun 6-inch naval gun battery was here in 1942.
Also here are the command bunker, the radar
tower (ruins), and two magazines. A rock causeway connected Japonski
Island with Nevski, Reshimosti, Virublennoi, Gold, Sasedni, Kirushkin,
Mogilnoi, and Makhnati Islands. It is now heavily eroded and awash at
high tide in some places. The Sitka Airport was later built where the
causeway connected to Japonski Island. Three ammo magazines remain on
Virublennoi Island. One magazine and a warehouse/bunker remain on Gold
Island. Four AA emplacements and magazines, as well as the weather
station and other various foundations, are on Sasedni Island. A tower and bunker remain on Kirushkin Island. One building
foundation remains on Mogilnoi Island. Fire-control and searchlight
stations were on Clam Island (remains overgrown) and Kayak Island
(remains overgrown), and a radar tower and power station was
on Abalone Island (ruins overgrown). A HDOP and searchlight station was
on Lisianski Peninsula on Baranof Island. Most of the islands are state
property. |
Saint Dionysius |
Redoubt |
1834 |
Wrangell harbor, Alexander archipelago |
By order of Baron Wrangell a log stockade or fortified post was built
in Wrangell harbor, spring 1834, by Lieutenant Dionysius Zarembo to prevent
encroachments by the Hudson Bay Company. Zarembo called it Redoubt St. Dionysius. Also it has been called St. Dionicio, St. Dionysi,
and Dionysius. Remains of this abandoned and ruined
stockade were still to be seen in the early part of the 1900s. |
George |
1786 - 1867 |
Kasilof |
A Russian trading post located at the mouth of the Kasilof River, built
by the Lebedef - Lastochkin Company in 1786 by Russian foreman, Kolomin.
This was called St. George, presumably after one of the ships of the company. The Russian-American Fur Company
took over in 1799. It was burned down before the Americans took
possession of Alaska. Also called Kasilof River Post and Fort Kussilof. The name Georgiefskaia appears on the old maps.
Saint James |
Fort |
1806 |
British Columbia |
Established by Simon Fraser, the trading
post was the New Caledonia headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company. |
Saint John |
Fort |
1790 |
British Columbia |
Site of the oldest white settlement in
mainland British Columbia, the original fort was built in the mid-1790s
by the North West Company under the direction of Sir Alexander
Mackenzie, first white man to traverse the area from the Great lakes
region to the Pacific Coast. |
Michael (2) |
1833 - 1867, 1874 - 1886, 1897 - 1923 |
St. Michael |
A Russian-American Fur Co. stockaded
blockhouse was established here by the Russians, 1833, and,
according to Zagoskin, named after Captain Michael
Dmitrievich Tebenkof, afterwards governor of the Russian-American
colony. It was called Redoubt St. Michael or Michaelovski. The
native name is Techek (the bay).
Attacked by Unaligmut Indians in 1836. The village was occupied by
Americans 1874 - 1886, and a new post built in 1897 - 1923. |
Michael (1) |
Fort |
1799 - 1877 |
Sitka, Baranof Island |
The location of the Russian settlement at
Katlianski Bay, "Redoubt Saint Michael," is known today as Starrigavan
Bay, or "Old Harbor." The outpost consisted of a large warehouse,
blacksmith shop, cattle sheds, barracks, stockade, block house, a bath
house, quarters for the hunters, and a residence for Baranov.
Also known as Fort Archangel Michael, and Fort Archangel Gabriel.
The Tlingit Indians burned it down in 1801, and the Kolosh Indians
destroyed it in 1802. The Russian settlement, also called New Archangel, or Novo Archangelesk,
was founded in 1799 and served as the headquarters for the
Russian-American Fur Company. The fort was rebuilt in 1804, and the
settlement became the capital of Russian America in 1808. The Russian
Navy took control of Alaska in 1818. A replica of a Russian blockhouse
(1824) is also located here. Fort St. Dionys (1831) was also here. The official transfer of Alaska to the Americans took place here in 1867, and the fort was renamed Post of Sitka, sometimes referred to as Fort Sitka. Sitka was the territorial capital until 1900. Nearby to the north, Castle Hill (1804) was the fortified governor's mansion, also called The Castle, (Alexander) Baranof's Castle, and Fort New Archangel (Fort Novo Arkangelesk). |
Saint Paul
Island |
1869 - 1870, 1942 - 1945 |
St. Paul Island |
An Army post on a remote island in the Bering Sea. The island was again in use by the military in WWII. Also called St. Paul Post. |
Saint Simeon. |
Fort |
1802 - unknown |
Cape Suckling, Controller Bay |
Shown on a Russian map of 1802. |
Schwatka |
1943 - 1945 |
Ulakta Head, Amaknak Island |
Batteries located here are Battery 402 (1943 - 1946) (aka Battery Mt. Ballyhoo) (proposed name Battery Bunker),
a two-gun 155mm gun battery on Panama mounts (1942) (mounts still
remain), and an Anti Motor Torpedo Boat battery located on
Ballyhoo/Amaknak Spit (1943 - 1946) no remains. Battery Hill 400
(1942 - 1943) four 155mm guns on Panama mounts (mounts still remain)
was under the command of Fort Mears. A 3-inch AA gun was also here in
1942. Battery 299 was never built. |
Selkirk |
Fort |
1848 - 1852 |
Yukon Territory |
Name honors Thomas Douglas, 5th earl of
Selkirk and major stockholder in the Hudson's Bay Company who attempted
in the 1850s to resettle Scottish farmers in British North America.
The first post was established at the confluence of the Pelly and Lewes
rivers in 1848 by the Hudson's Bay Company explorer-trader, Robert
Campbell, and burned by the Chilkoot Indians in 1852 to protect their
trade monopoly with the "Stick" Indians of the Yukon interior. The
site subsequently served as a trading post and settlement known
variously as Fort Selkirk and Selkirk in the pre- and post-Klondike Gold
Rush eras. |
Seward |
Fort William H.
Haines |
Also known as Chilkoot Barracks or as AHRS
Site No. SKG-001 is a site at Port Chilkoot. It was the last of a series
of 11 military posts established in Alaska during the gold rush era. |
Seward |
Fort William H. |
1898 - 1943 |
Port Chilkoot - Haines |
This was the first permanent U.S. Army post in Alaska. Originally called Post at Haines Mission until 1904. In 1922 the name was changed to Chilkoot Barracks. Sold and became a private community in 1946. It was renamed back to Fort Seward in 1970 when Port Chilkoot merged with Haines.
Shemya |
Post |
1943 |
Shemya Island |
Established by the U.S. Army, including an airstrip. An AMTB battery still remains in situ,
and possibly one or two other batteries were located here. Shemya Air Force Base was renamed Eareckson Air Force Station in 1993. Still active as a subpost
of Elmendorf Air Force Base. |
Skagway |
1898 - 1904 |
Skagway |
An Army post located at the mouth of the Skagway River near the head of
Taiya Inlet. The post was discontinued and the garrison moved to Fort
The Canadian North West Mounted Police had a small detachment here (Skagway Post) from 1897 - 1898 before the American Army arrived. |
Smith |
1941 - 1945 |
Cape Chiniak, Kodiak Island |
Batteries located here on St. Peter's Head are Battery 403 (1944 - 1945) and Battery Chiniak Point (1942 - 1945) four 155mm guns on Panama mounts (mounts still remain). Battery 295
was never built. A temporary battery of two 155mm guns on Panama mounts
was here in 1942 (mounts still remain). Nearby fire-control stations
were located at Narrow Cape, Soquel Point, Cape Greville, and Midway
Point. Several structures remain. The Air Force later had a tracking
station here at Cape Chiniak. |
Stikine |
Fort |
A fur trade post and fortification in what
is now the Alaska Panhandle, at the site of the present-day of Wrangell.
Originally built as the Redoubt San Dionisio or Redoubt Saint Dionysius
in 1834; renamed to was re-named Fort Wrangel in 1867 |
Stikine |
Fort |
1840 - 1849 |
near Wrangell |
A Hudson's Bay Co. post at Point Highfield near the mouth of the Stikine River. Also called Fort Highfield, and erroneously called Fort Durham (2) in British reports. Originally this was the Russian Redoubt St. Dionysius
(1834 - 1840), a log-stockaded blockhouse which was built to keep the
Hudson's Bay Company out of the area. It was handed over to the British
in 1840. |
Stockade |
Point |
1840/41 - unknown |
Taku Harbor, Alexander archipelago |
The eastern point of entrance to Taku
harbor, Stephens passage. So named by Mead, 1869. On the
point was a ruined blockhouse and stockade built by the Hudson Bay
Company 1840-41. |
Suvarov |
Fort |
1830's |
Naknek |
A Russian trading post with a stockaded blockhouse, also called Fort Naknek. |
1840 - 1843 |
Taku Harbor |
A Hudson's Bay Co. 150-foot square stockaded trading post, with two octagonal blockhouses at the corners, officially called Fort Durham (1).
Located at the extreme northeast corner of Taku Harbor, on the eastern
side of the outlet for Taku Lake. Abandoned for Fort Victoria, British Columbia, due
to poor economic conditions.
NOTE: Stockade Point, at the southern entrance to Taku Harbor,
was named by the Americans in 1869 on the wrong assumption that Fort
Taku was once there. |
Tanacross |
Camp |
1961 - 1962 |
Tanacross |
a joint military winter training site for
American and Canadian forces. |
1942 - 1945 |
Tanacross |
A WWII Army post across the river from town, protecting the Alaska Highway. |
Tidball |
1941 - 1946 |
Long Island |
Battery 296 (1942 - 1945) is located here on Castle Bluffs. The guns are long gone, but the empty shields still remain. Also here was Battery Deer Point (1942 - 1945) four 155mm guns on Panama mounts (mounts still remain). Several structures still remain. |
Jun 1868 - Sep 1870 |
Tongass Island |
An American military fort built one month before Fort Wrangel. |
Treadwell |
Camp |
1907 |
Treadwell, Douglas Island |
A temporary Army guard detail for the Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Company. |
1942 - 1968 |
Valdez |
A military recreational facility. |
Wainwright |
Fort |
1940 - present |
Fairbanks |
Originally Ladd Field, an Army Air Corps
field activated in 1940, this post was transferred to US Army
jurisdiction in 1961 and given its present title in honor of General
Jonathan M. Wainwright, the World War II "hero of Bataan." |
Post |
1942 - 1945 |
Whittier |
A WWII Army post. An AMTB battery may have been located here. The U.S. Army's Military Supply Terminal (1940 - 1960) was also established here. |
Wrangell |
Fort |
1867 - 1870, 1874 - 1877, 1898 - 1900 |
Wrangell, Wrangell Island |
The Russians built a stockaded post here, in 1834, to resist
encroachments by the Hudson Bay Company and named it Redoubt St.
Dionysius. In 1839 the Russian-American Company leased a portion of Southeastern
Alaska to their British competitors, who changed the name to Fort
Stikine. The United States established a military post here in 1867,
which was maintained with interruptions until May, 1877, and then
abandoned. This post was called Fort Wrangell. During the Klondike Gold Rush
era, the community was a key outfitting center for miners heading up the
Stikine River. The names of the community and numerous other
geographic features in the locale are derived from Ostrov Vrangelya,
"Wrangell Island," by which the Russians were honoring Baron Ferdinand
Petrovich von Wrangell, vice-admiral in the Imperial Russian Navy and
governor of Ruissian America, 1830-1835, when the original stockaded
post was established. The 100-mil long Wrangell Mountains north of
the Saint Elias range and a 1,000 to 1,600 foot high range on Attu
Island in the Aleutians are also namesakes of the baron. Often misspelled
Wrangle and Wrangel. A post-office was established here in October,
1885, called Fort Wrangell, and changed to Wrangell in 1902.
The original Russian spelling was later changed to Wrangell. The British Hudson's Bay Co. Wrangell Post (1898 - 1901) was also here. |
Yakutat Bay |
1796 - unknown |
Yakutat |
A Russian fortified Sheilikof Fur Company trade post where the Czar ordered the settlement of convicts. |
Yakutat |
1940 - 1946 |
Yakutat |
A two-gun 6-inch naval gun battery (partially destroyed) protected the
military airfield. A four-gun 155mm battery on Panama mounts was
located at Point Carrow (mounts still remain). |
Yukon |
Fort |
1847 - 1869, 1897 - 1898 |
Fort Yukon |
Originally a Hudson's Bay Company post,
"Fort Youcan," established by McMurray of the HBritish
Columbia, composed of three log buildings
within a 100-foot square stockade, and a blockhouse in each corner. The post,
the first English-speaking enterprise in Alaska, operated on Russian
America soil in violation of Russian sovereignty; but when title to the
territory passed to the United States in 1867, the site was taken over
by the Alaska Commercial Company. The HBritish Columbia had already rebuilt the fort one mile away in 1864 due to erosion
problems. The U.S. Army reoccupied the site in 1897 to help local
miners. Also located in the immediate vicinity is the USAF's Fort Yukon
Air Station. |