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Princess Sophia Passenger List

Information taken from court records.

* = Passenger was an employee of the White Pass & Yukon Route or an employee's dependent.

Able, Joe * Seattle
Aitken, F. * Seattle
Alexander, Capt. Vancouver
Alexander, Mrs. Vancouver
Allen, G. W.  Vancouver
Allmark, J. Vancouver
Amalong, W. S. Seattle
Amalong, Mrs. W. S. Seattle
Anderson, J. P. Seattle
Anderson, Mrs. J. P. Seattle
Anthony, A. W. * Vancouver
Backman, O. Seattle
Baggerly, Mrs. S. J. Seattle
Baker, Geo. J. Vancouver
Barlow, C. W.  Seattle
Barnes, Allen Vancouver
Barnes, Walter Vancouver
Barton, W. Vancouver
Beaton, Mrs. Florence Seattle
Beaton (child) Seattle
Beaton (infant) Seattle
Bagerley, S. J. Seattle
Bell, C. M. Seattle
Bell, Mrs. C. M. Seattle
Bell (infant) Seattle
Bell (infant) Seattle
Bennett, H. * Seattle
Beyer, J. M. * Seattle
Blyth[e?], N. G. * Victoria
Bloomquist, C. J. * Victoria
Bourne, A. S. Seattle
Bowker, P.  Seattle
Bridges, H. M. Vancouver
Brown, _?_  * Vancouver
Brown, Frank Vancouver
Brown, Sam Seattle
Campbell, A. * Vancouver
Carr, Mrs. W. S. Vancouver
Castleman, C. Seattle
Chanquist, Sam. Seattle
Chantquist, Chas.  Seattle
Chinery, C. S. * Vancouver
Chisholm, J. S. Vancouver
Chisholm, Mrs. J. S. Vancouver
Christiansen, J. Vancouver
Clark, C. E. * Seattle
Clark, J. A. Prince Rupert
Clay, J. L. Seattle
Clemintino, Nino Seattle
Colver, J. M.  Seattle
Colombara, Marie Seattle
Cousins, Mrs. Chas. * Victoria
Collins, Thos. J. Prince Rupert
Craven, Chas. * Seattle
Crone, J. * Seattle
Davis, R. H. * Seattle
Davis, Mrs. R. H. * Seattle
Dalby, S. M. Seattle
Dano, G. M. * Seattle
Davis, H. * Victoria
Davis, Mrs. H. * Victoria
Davis, M. Seattle
Douglas, Capt. J. P. * Vancouver
Dubois, Jas. Seattle
Eads, M. S. Seattle
Eads, Mrs. M. S. Seattle
Elliott, F. W. Seattle
Eyre, John Seattle
Faires, C. C. Seattle
Findlay, R. * Vancouver
Flannagan, J. J. Prince Rupert
Fleming, A. Prince Rupert
Foster, W. A. Vancouver
Garner, A. L. Seattle
Garner, O. Seattle
Garner, Mrs. O. Seattle
George, Jim Seattle
Gibbs, F. S. Seattle
Gidlund, O. A. Prince Rupert
Gillis, Mrs. Dan Victoria
Green, J. C. * Seattle
Green, Mrs. J. C. * Seattle
Grenny, A. J. * Seattle
Grover, W. H. Seattle
Gurkovitch, Peter Seattle
Guy, Chas. * Seattle
Hager, R. Prince Rupert
Haggerty, Wm. Vancouver
Hall, Mrs. Jas. Vancouver
Hall, R. M. Seattle
Hanson, L. A. Seattle
Hardin, H. E. Seattle
Harper, W. Seattle
Harper, Mrs. W. Seattle
Haws, R. C. * Vancouver
Haynes, Jack *  Seattle
Headlund, Carl * Seattle
Heinzer, L. Seattle
Helwinkle, J. W. Seattle
Hennessey, Thos. Seattle
Hendrix, _?_ Seattle
Henry, Sam Seattle
Henry, Mrs. Sam Seattle
Hoering, T. L. * Vancouver
Holmes, Chas. * Seattle
Howard, J. * Seattle
Howey, Geo. * Vancouver
Ironside, E. S. * Vancouver
Ironside, Mrs. E. S. * Vancouver
Johnston, E. J. * Vancouver
Johnston, Mrs. E. J. * Vancouver
Johnston, Arthur Prince Rupert
Kagawa, T. Vancouver
Kelly, J. F. Seattle
Kendall, A. W. * Vancouver
Kenyon, H. J. * Vancouver
Kilway, C. E. * Vancouver
King, J. * Prince Rupert
Kink, D. Vancouver
Kirk, James Vancouver
Knutson, C. Seattle
Kolonas, Sam *  Seattle
Kontes, P. Seattle
Labrai, I. Seattle
Laird, J. A. Seattle
Leavit, G. S. * Seattle
Lawless, H. * Seattle
Lee, L. M. * Seattle
Lenez, Mrs. Anna * Vancouver
Lewis, A. D. * Vancouver
Liber, W. S. Seattle
Lidgett, W. * Vancouver
Lisson, G. H. Seattle
Mabins, T. * Seattle
Markus, Mrs. Geo. Seattle
Markus, (infant) Seattle
Maskell, Joe Vancouver
Mayhood, G. F. Seattle
McArthur, W. T. Seattle
McCaskey, P. Seattle
McCrait, Guy * Seattle
McDonald, D. A. Seattle
McDonald, W. H. Vancouver
McDonald, Mrs. W. H. Vancouver
McDonald (child) Vancouver
McDonald (infant) Vancouver
McDonald (infant) Vancouver
McLachlan, R. Vancouver
McLachlan, Mrs. R. Vancouver
McLean, A. R. Vancouver
McLeod, Alex * Vancouver
McLeod, John Vancouver
McLeod, N. Vancouver
McLeod, Mrs. N. Vancouver
McMahon, Thos. Victoria
McNeil, J. Victoria
McQueen, A. W. Seattle
McTavish, R. * Vancouver
McWaters, Wm. * Vancouver
Meston, R. Seattle
Milne, Thos. Prince Rupert
Milton, Geo. Seattle
Moyer, M. Seattle
Murphy, W. * Seattle
Myers, U. G. Seattle
Narcisus, Dube Prince Rupert
Neilson, Thos. * Victoria
Nelson, Chas. Seattle
Nelson, E. M. Seattle
Nelson, S. A. Seattle
Nichols, J. G. Seattle
Niles, G. A. Seattle
O'Brien, W. J. Vancouver
O'Brien, Mrs. W. J. Vancouver
O'Brien, (child) Vancouver
O'Brien, (child) Vancouver
O'Brien, (child) Vancouver
O'Brien (infant) Vancouver
O'Brien (infant) Vancouver
Paddock, C. A. Prince Rupert
Parkin, H. B. * Seattle
Pellison, A. * Seattle
Peterson, John Vancouver
Peterson, Nick Seattle
Peterson, P. W. Seattle
Perkins, Mrs. C. J. * Seattle
Pinska, A. D. Seattle
Pinska, Mrs. A. D. Seattle
Poppert, O. Seattle
Porter, C. W. Seattle
Pratt, O. D. * Seattle
Pugh, J. F.   -----
Queen, C. C. Vancouver
Randolph, G. C. Vancouver
Robinson, H. A. Vancouver
Robinson, H. F. * Vancouver
Russell, H. * Seattle
Rutherford, H. * Seattle
Ryan, Leo Prince Rupert
Salt, O. C. Seattle
Sanford, T. E. Seattle
Santine, J. * Seattle
Satomyer, D. * Seattle
Schenck, John Seattle
Scouse, William Seattle
Segbers, Mrs. J. A. Seattle
Seniff, E. * Seattle
Shiarlin, C. W. Prince Rupert
Sharon, W. C. * Seattle
Shaw, W. F. * Seattle
Shillinglaw, W. W. * Victoria
Shimada, Joe * Vancouver
Sholseth, Geo. L.  Seattle
Sinich, Tom Vancouver
Smith, Fred * Seattle
Smith, J. H. Prince Rupert
Smith, Mrs. J. H. Prince Rupert
Smith (infant) Prince Rupert
Smith (infant) Prince Rupert
Smith, R. H. * Victoria
Smith, W. H. Seattle
Smith, Jr., W. P. * Victoria
Smith, W. P. * Victoria
Smyth, A. J. Seattle
Somerset, H. A. Seattle
Sorensen, Sam Prince Rupert
Soule, F. E. Seattle
Southerland, A. H. Prince Rupert
Stange, M. Vancouver
Staples, Wm. Seattle
Steinberger, Wm. Vancouver
Steward, Capt. A. Vancouver
Stewart, N. Vancouver
Stitzel, Elmer Seattle
Strain, H. * Vancouver
Strupp, O. H. Seattle
Swartz, H. M. Seattle
Tackstrom, O. E. Seattle
Tackstrom, Mrs. O. E. Seattle
Tackstrom (infant) Seattle
Tackstrom (infant) Seattle
Taggart, E. * Seattle
Thomson, W. A. Seattle
Thorsen, T. E. Seattle
Tolbert, T. D. Seattle
Trainer, J. Prince Rupert
Tribe, Geo. * Victoria
Trucco, R. Prince Rupert
Turner, T. M. Seattle
Tzuzi, K. Vancouver
Valkenberg, B. Van * Seattle
Vandecarr, H. D. * Victoria
Vant, P. * Vancouver
Verrill, C. S. Vancouver
Very, Miss E. Prince Rupert
Very, Miss N. Prince Rupert
Vifquain, Mrs. Vancouver
Vifquain (child) Vancouver
Vito, Joe Seattle
Walker, A. W. * Seattle
Wares, G. W. Seattle
Watson, C. E. Vancouver
Wendt, E. A. Seattle
Wheeldon, E. G. * Vancouver
White, Frank * Seattle
Wilkinson, C. H. Vancouver
Wilkinson, B. * Victoria
Williams, C. D. Vancouver
Winchell, Mrs. Al Seattle
Winkler, A. S. Vancouver
Wishart, Thos. Seattle
Wright, W. * Vancouver
Wurgler, H. Seattle
Young, J. D. * Vancouver
Young, R. Seattle
Zaccarelli, John Seattle
Zylstra, C. W. Seattle






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