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Mariner Convicted

Capt. M. C. Soderlund, master of the Army supply freighter North Wind when the vessel went ashore on Simeonof Island of the Shumagins in Western Alaska, and was lost last December 14, entered a plea of guilty to charges of negligence and misconduct at a hearing hel by the Coast Guard recently.

Lieut. R. J. Earnest, hearing officer, suspended the license of Capt. Soderlund for a year and a half.  One year of suspension is effective and for the six months penalty he is placed on probation for a period of two years.

Capt. Soderlund was on the bridge of the ship when she went ashore on the southeast end of the island.  He accepted full responsibility for the loss.


Source: Alaska Life: The Territorial Magazine.  Juneau, Alaska: Alaska Life Publishing Co., April, 1945.




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