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The Sinking of Fishing Vessels Brunvoll and Imperial


My Grandfather's fishing vessel, the Brunvoll,  was lost at sea in the Gulf of Alaska.  Home port Ketchikan.  Another vessel, the Imperial,  was lost at the same time and storm, also from Ketchikan in 1928. 

I offer this information in the hopes that the lost fishermen's names can be found by their descendants and know of their history.
Carol Clark 


Vessel Name: Brunvoll

Date: 24 Nov 1928
Vessel Type: Fishing
Location of Loss:  last sited north of Indian Island
Source:  The Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle,  Dated November 24, 1928
Unalga From Juneau Searching Coast for Bruvoll and Imperial
    In the belief that the halibut boats Brunvoll and Imperial may have run before the storm for shelter into some lonely cove and may be disabled and unable to proceed, the coast guard cutter Unalga left Juneau this morning to search the coast for the missing vessels.
    M. S. Dobbs, Ketchikan collector of customs, cabled the Juneau customs office yesterday at request of the Fisherman's Union here.  Charles Blomquist of Ketchikan is skipper of the Brunvoll the crew of which is composed of Jens Petersen,  Pete Liadal,  Louie Johnson,  Magnus Larsen, Fred Lindquist and Einar Rolfson.
    The Imperial is skippered by J. C. Rohman, and the crew is Chris Tarsvik, Ed Larson, Robert Bell and Hans Matheson.
Additional information was published by the Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle on December 1, 1928 made the following correction. Missing Fisherman----
Peter Liadel and Robert Bell, previously reported as member of the crew of the missing vessels, were not aboard.  The crew of the Brunvoll was composed of Charles Blomquist, skipper, Fred Lindquist, Jens Petersen, Chris Jacobson, Magnus Larsen, Louis Johnson and Einar Rolphson.
    The crew of the Imperial was J. C.  Rohman, skipper, Hans Mathesen, Chris Carlswick, Edward, Larsen, Ole Nerland and Hjalmar Jacobsen.
Vessel Name:  Imperial
Date: 24 Nov 1928
Vessel Type: Fishing
Location of Loss:  last sited north of Indian Island
Source:  The Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle,  Dated November 24, 1928
Unalga From Juneau Searching Coast for Bruvoll and Imperial
    In the belief that the halibut boats Brunvoll and Imperial may have run before the storm for shelter into some lonely cove and may be disabled and unable to proceed, the coast guard cutter Unalga left Juneau this morning to search the coast for the missing vessels.
    M. S. Dobbs, Ketchikan collector of customs cabled the Juneau customs office yesterday at request of the Fisherman's Union here.  Charles Blomquist of Ketchikan is skipper of the Brunvoll the crew of which is composed of Jens Petersen,  Pete Liadal,  Louie Johnson,  Magnus Larsen, Fred Lindquist and Einar Rolfson.
    The Imperial is skippered by J. C. Rohman, and the crew is Chris Tarsvik, Ed Larson, Roberrt Bell and Hans Matheson.
NOTE:  Saturday, December 15, 1928
Quest for the Lost Fishermen of the Brunvoll and Imperial is Ended. 


Submitted by Carol Clark  (7 March 2015)



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