Abercrombie, Captain, 266, 287, 288.
Admiralty Island, 107, 108.
Afognak, 343-345.
Agricultural Experimental Work, 213-215.
Alaska Central Railway, 298, 299.
Alaskan Range, 224.
Alert Bay, 16.
Aleutian Islands, 392, 393.
Aleutian Range, 224.
Aleuts, The, 395-401.
Anderson Island, 424.
Annette Island, 59-64.
Anvik, 505.
Aphoon, The, 509.
Apollo Mine, 368.
Aristocracy of Alaska, The, 140, 141.
Athn, 441.
Average Tourist, The, 11.
Baird Glacier, 106.
Baranoff, Alexander, 163-185.
Baranoff Island, 149.
Barren Islands, 300.
Basketry, 99-102.
Beaver Dam, 284, 285.
Behm Canal, 84.
Behring, Vitus, 153-161.
Belkoffski, 376-382.
Berner's Bay, 133.
Besborough Island, 425.
Bidarkas and Kavaks, 246.
Bishop of All Alaska, The, 210-212.
Boas, Franz, 16.
Bogosloff Volcanoes, 411-413.
Bonanza, The, 254, 255.
Boundaries, 37-49.
Brackett Road, The, 430, 431.
Brady Glacier, 135.
Brady, Governor, 217, 349-350.
Bristol Bay, 301, 420-423.
Brooks, Alfred H., 497.
Bruner Railway Company, 240.
Brynteson, John, 524.
Burke Channel, 23.
Call of Alaska, The, 19, 20.
Campbell, Robert, 459.
Camp Comfort, 276-278.
Cape Darby, 425, 514.
Cape Denbigh, 425, 514.
Cape Douglas, 300.
Cape Elizabeth, 300.
Cape Fanshaw, lOfi.
Cape Newenham, 423.
Cape Prince of Wales, 424.
Cape St. Elias, 238.
Cape St. Ilermogenes, 320.
Cape Suckling, 233.
Caribou Crossing, 441, 442.
Carmack, George, 473.
Chatham Strait, 134.
Chena River, 499.
Chief Kohklux, 141.
Chief Shakes, 90.
Chief Skowl, 68.
Chignik, 366.
Chilkaht Blanket, 136, 140,
Chilkaht Inlet, 134.
Ciiilkaht River, 139.
Chilkoot Inlet, 130.
Chilkoot River, 140.
Chirikoff, Alexis, 153-161.
Chiswell Rocks, 300.
Chitina River, 244, 24.5.
Chohnondcley Sovmd, 68.
Chugach Alps, 224.
Chugach Gulf, 246, 251, 252
Chugatz Islands, 300.
Claim Staking in the Klondike, 484.
Clarence Strait, 85.
Clerk's Island, 426.
Climate, 259-264.
Cluster of Hops, A, 129-131.
Coal, 307-310.
Coal Harbor, 310.
Cold Bay, 365.
Columbia Glacier, 257-259.
Commercial Companies of the North, 477-479.
Comptroller Bay, 238.
Convict Settlement, The, 230, 231.
Cook, James, 245-250, 423-426.
Cook Inlet, 299-307.
Copper Mines, 253-255, 453.
Copper River, 244, 245.
Copper River and Northwestern Railway, 242-244.
Council, 523.
Croyere, Lewis de Lisle de, 154.
Cudahy, Fort, 488.
Ball, William H., 97.
Davidson Glacier, 134, 139.
Dawson, 464-485.
Dawson, George M., 462, 463.
De Fuca, Juan, 4, 5.
Dementief, Abraham Mikhailovich, 155.
Deshneff, Simeon, 527.
Devil's Thumb, 105.
Diomede Islands, 424, 528.
Discovery Passage, 14-16.
Disenchantment Bay, 232, 233.
Dixon Entrance, 65.
Dixon, George, 228.
Dora, The, 370-374.
Down in a Great Gold Mine, 123-128.
Dryad Trouble, The, 85, 86.
Duncan, William, 55-64.
Dundas, 100-102.
Dutch Harbor, 393, 406-408.
Eagle, 488-490.
Early Oil Companies, 240.
East Cape, 424.
Egbert, Fort, 488.
Egegak, 420.
Ellamar, 253-256.
Emmons, G. T., 95, 385.
Eskimo, 384-387, 421-426, 502, 518.
Eskimo Dog, The, 486, 487.
Fairbanks, 498-500.
Fairweather Range, 223, 224.
Father Juvenal, 327-332.
Finlayson Channel, 27.
Fiords of British Columbia, 24.
First Russian Settlement, 326.
Fitzhugh Sound, 22, 23.
Five-Finger Rapids, 457.
Fording Glacial Streams, 286-287.
Forests of Alaska, 33-36.
Fort Rupert, 17.
Fort Wrangell, 85-92.
Forty-Mile, 486.
Fraser Reach, 27.
Eraser River, 9.
Frederick Sound, 105. |
Galiana Island, 9, 17.
Game Laws, 312-317.
Gardner Canal, 30.
Gastineau Channel, 114.
Gay Life at Sitka, 175-185.
Georgia, Gulf of, 9.
Gibbon, Fort, 496.
Glacier Bay and its Glaciers, 219.
Glottoff, 321-326.
Golovin Bay, 522.
Gore's Island, 426.
Goryalya Volcano, 301.
Government of Alaska, 348-351.
Government of the Yukon, 472.
Graham Reach, 27.
Grand Canyon, 448-453.
Great Bonanza Copper Mine, 290-294.
"Great Unlighted Way," The, 295-297.
Greek-Russian Church at Sitka, 193, 194.
Grenville Channel, 27, 31-33.
Hagemeister, 180, 181.
Haidahs, 70.
Haines Mission, 142.
Hanna, James, 22.
Hawkins Island, 248.
Heikish Narrows, 27.
Henderson, Governor, 471.
Heney, M. J., 242, 427, 428.
Hinchingbroke Island, 248.
Hoggatt, Governor, 501, 505, 515.
Holv Cross Mission, 505, 507.
Homer, 311, 312.
Hootalinqua River, 89, 434.
Howkan, 68.
Hubbard Glacier, .232.
Hunt, Wilson P., 17&-178.
"Husky," The, 486, 487.
Icy Cape, 424.
Icy Straits, 219.
Iliamna Lake, 301.
Iliamna Volcano, 300.
Indian River, 200, 201.
Indians of Alaska, 69-84.
In Keystone Canyon, 278-279.
Inlets of British Columbia, 12, 13.
Innuit, The, 385-387, 421-426.
Japonski Island, 152.
Johnstone Strait, 17.
Juneau, 114-120.
Kachemak Bav, 307.
Kadiak Island', 318-342.
Kaknu River, 300.
Kamelinka, or Kamelayka, 246, 247.
Karluk, 346-363.
Karluk Hatcheries, 358-363.
Kasa-an, 68.
Kassitoff, 300.
Katalla, 240-245.
Kayak, 238, 239.
Kaye Island, 238.
Kenai Range, 224.
Kennicott Glacier, 290-292.
Ketchikan, 50-55.
Klondike, 458-484.
Knight's Island, 248.
Knik River, 300.
Kodiak, 334-338.
Koloshians, 70, 167, 217.
Koj^ukuk, 503.
Krusenstern, 172-174.
Kuskokwim River, 420, 423.
Kvichak River, 420.
Kwakiutl Indians, 16.
Kwikhpak, The, 509.
Labret, The, 25-26, 228, 229.
Lake Bennett, 434-441.
Lake Clark, 301.
Lake Lebarge, 456, 457.
Lake Lindeman, 440.
Lama Pass, 23.
La P6rouse, Jean Frangois, 225-229.
Last Indian Trouble at Sitka, 208-209.
La Touche Island, 254.
Lewes River, 434.
Lindblom, Erik, 524.
Lindeberg, Jafet, .524.
Lisiansky, 172-174.
Lisiere, or "Thirty-Mile Strip," 45-49.
"Little Redbirds," The, 76-78.
Lituya Bay, 225-229.
Loring, 66.
"Lottie," 512-513.
Lowering of the Russian Flag, 200-208.
Lower Yukon, 501.
Lynn Canal, 132-134.
McKay Reach, 27.
Makushin Volcano, 395.
Malamutes, 486-487.
Malaspina Glacier, 235.
Marmot Island and Bav, 319.
Marsh Lake, 443.
Mason, Otis T., 95.
Matanuska River, 300.
Meares, John, 4, 5, 251.
Mendenhall Glacier, 132.
Metlakahtla, 55-64.
Miles Glacier, 244.
Millbank Sound, 26.
Modus Vivendi, The, 48-49.
Moira Sound, 68.
Montagu Island, 248.
Mount Crillon, 225.
Mount Drum, 285.
Mount Edgecumbe, 149, 220.
Mounted Police, 472, 473.
Mount Fairweather, 225.
Mount La P^rouse, 225.
Mount Lituya, 225.
Mount McKinley, 224, 297.
Mount Regal, 290.
Mount Wrangell, 290.
Mr. Whidbey is "humane," 137-138.
Muir Glacier, 219.
Miller, Gerhard T., 154.
Naha Bay, 66.
Naknek River, 420.
Needs of the Natives, 382-389.
Niblack Anchorage, 68.
Nizina District, 288.
Nome, 514-528.
Norton Sound, 424, 425.
Nulato, 504.
"Number Eight, Cooper Gulch," 520-522.
Nushagak Bay, 420, 421.
Nutchek, or Port Etches, 247. |
Ogilvie, William, 462, 463.
Oomiak, 246.
Orca, 247.
Over "the Trail," 271-294.
Pedro, Felix, 497.
Peril Strait, 150.
Pinnacle Island, 426.
Popoff, 367, 527.
"Potlatch," The, 81-82.
Pribyloff Islands, 414-420.
Prince of Wales Island, 68.
Prince William Sound, 245-252.
"Promyshleniki," 162-164.
Purchase of Alaska, 185-188.
Pyramid Harbor, 139.
Queen Charlotte Sound, 18.
Railway Wars, 243, 244.
Ramparts, Lower, 494-496.
Ramparts, Upper, 457.
Reindeer, 504-505.
Revilla-Gigedo Island, 65.
Ridley, Bishop, 58-59.
Rink Rapids, 457.
Rowe, Bishop, 210-212.
Russian-American Company, 165-185.
Russian Discoveries, 153-161.
Russians on Cook Inlet, 304-307.
Safety Cove, or "Oatsoalis," 22.
Sailing for Alaska, 3.
St. Augustine Volcano, 300.
St. Elias Alps, 224.
St. Lawrence Island, 154, 514.
St. Michael's, 426, 458, 509-514,
Salmon Industry, The, 420-423.
Sand Point, 374-375.
San Juan Island, 6.
"Sarah, The Remembered," 27-29.
Schafer, Professor, 41.
Seaforth Channel, 23.
Sealing Industry, 414-419.
Sea-otter, 377-380.
Seldovia, 302, 303.
Selkirk, Fort, 459.
Semidi Islands, 341.
Seward, 297-299.
Seward Peninsula, 515-528.
Seward, William H., 186-188.
Seymour Narrows, 15.
Shelikoff, Grigor Ivanovich, 163-165.
Shishaldin Volcano, 2, 31, 390-392.
Simpson, Sir George, 56, 86, 195-197.
Sitka, 167-217.
Skaguay, 143-148.
"Skookum Jim," 473.
Skowl Arm, 68.
Sledge Island, 424.
Sluicing, 521-522.
Snettisham Inlet, 109.
"Soapy" Smith, 145-146.
Solomon, 522.
Spanberg, Martin Petrovich, 153-161.
Steller, Georg Wilhelm, 154.
Stephens' Passage, 107.
Stikine River, 85.
"Strait of Anian," The, 4.
Strait of Juan de Fuca, 4.
Stuart Island, 426.
Sumdum Glacier, 107.
Sumner, Charles, 187, 188.
Sumner Strait, 103-105.
Sweetheart Falls, 109.
"Tagish Charlie," 473.
Tagish Lake, 442.
Taku Glacier, 109.
Tanana, 496.
Thirtv-Mile River, 457.
Thlinkits, The, 70-84.
Three Saints Bay, 326, 333.
Thunder Bay Glacier, 106.
Tin, 523.
Topkuk, 522.
Totemism, 69-81.
"To Westward," 3, 220-224.
"Trail of Heartbreak," 431.
Trails and Roads, 284, 285.
Treadwell, 121-128.
Twelve-Mile Arm, 68.
Ugashik River, 420.
Ukase of 1821, The, 37.
Unalaska, 393-410.
Unga, 367.
Uphoon, The, 509.
Uyak, 364, 365.
Valdez, 265-270.
Vancouver, George, 21, 25, 135, 305.
Vancouver Island, 9-17.
Veniaminoff, 189, 195, 398-401.
Voskressenski, or "Sunday," Harbor, 164.
Walrus Herds, 424.
Western Union Telegraph Company, 460.
Whidbey, Lieutenant, 30, 135-138, 305.
White Horse, 444-454.
White Horse Rapids, 451.
White Pass and Yukon Railwav, 427-443.
White Sulphur Springs, 212-213.
Wingham Island, 238.
Wood Canyon, 245.
Wood Island, 338-341.
Wood River, 420, 423.
Wrangell Narrows, 103-104.
Wright Sound, 30.
Yakataga, 237.
Yakutat Bay, 229-236.
Yakutats, The, 83.
Yanovsky, 180-181.
Yehl, 77-78.
Yukon Flats, 492-494, 508.
Yukon, Fort, 491.
Yukon River, 459, 485, 492, 508-509.
Yukon Soda, 446, 447.
Zarembo Island, 103.
Zarembo, Lieutenant, 85-86. |