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Ninilchik, Alaska

Dec. 13, 1948

Dear Miss Fallows,

Thank you for your last letter and for the enclosed donation.  Thank you very kindly.  Your donation was turned to the P.T.A. - Christmas fund for our children.

I agree with you completely in regard to your P.T.A. idea, and would support your class contest.

I know what "local" politics is.  My school work in Ninilchik has all kinds of "flowers" of indifference, ignorance, and even stupidity.  In our village, the teacher is alone, and on the other side are the village people.  Their cooperation with the teacher, well, it would be too long a story.  They suspect [the] teacher of all kinds of things, because he is just [an] "outsider," not one of their own.

Homesteaders, they are, each family, to themselves or for themselves.  All of them, villagers and homesteaders, have all kinds of excuses why they can not cooperate with the teacher.

I have one consolation, I am the "boss" in my school, and can do as I please.  I can always go to some other Alaskan community to teach - at the end of the school year.

Please accept my best wishes for your very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

Sincerely yours,

Roman Malach

Envelope: from - Territorial School, Ninilchik, Alaska; postmark - Ninilchik, Alaska Dec 14, 1948; Miss Mary Fallows, Grove St. East Berlin, Conn.



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