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Ninilchik, Alaska

August 13, 1948

Dear Miss Fallows,

I was vacationing in Wisconsin, hence, my answer to your last letter is rather delayed.  Thanks for your post card.

I took the Northwest Airlines plane to Milwaukee and spent three weeks in Wisconsin.  I returned the same way to Anchorage, some 16 flying hours in a four engine plane.  I flew over Canada, taking a direct route from Minneapolis to Anchorage with one stop in Edmonton.  I completed my experimental smoked salmon pack, took it to Anchorage by barge, sold it, and went on my vacation.

Now, I am back in Ninilchik, preparing things for the new school year.  Winter food and school supplies are coming.  Coal bids will be accepted, and other things will have to be completed.  My library work takes some of my time daily.  I went even into the project of building a well with pump near the schoolhouse.  Water is carried from the river up to this time.

You asked me about my service in India.  I went there as the field director of the American Red Cross attached to the Air Corps.  I consider my stay in India as one of the richest years of my life.  It was an experience beyond any imagination.  India always fascinates me, - but I can say that I lived there and know a little about that country.

Enclosed find my photograph taken in India, and with it you will have an idea how your Alaskan friend looks like.  Maybe I could get your snapshot?

Your and mine vacations will be over so on, and we will go back to our classroom.  I am living in the schoolhouse, so I have not very far to go.

With my best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Roman Malach

No envelope.



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