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Ninilchik, Alaska

June 26, 1948

My dear Miss Fallows,

Thank you for your last letter and your school paper, in which I found a notice about my school.

Now you can enjoy your vacation, and from [your] letter, I can judge you will have a very Pleasant time.

I am working on my smoked salmon project.  The inclosed label goes on cans of our product.  It is my first year experimental work, and one has to learn day by day.  Next year, I plan to increase my pack, and the work will go faster and will be easier because of this year experience.

For the first time in my life, I am handling fish, and some king salmon weight is 50-60 lbs.  Some fish especially when you have to handle it and prepare for smoking.

Always in my life, I like new experiences, and this with smoked salmon is really something new and different.  The whole project progresses slowly, and will reach its end in two, three weeks.

With my best wishes for your very enjoyable vacation, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Roman Malach

Envelope:  from - Territorial School, Ninilchik, Alaska; postmark - Ninilchik, Alaska, June 28, 1948; to - Miss Mary Fallows, 39 Belmont Ave., Providence 8, Rhode Island.



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