Carroll Dear: I wrote a letter to Scott, which I
intended to ask you to hand to him for fear of a change in his address.
Daddie told me he had enclosed it in his letter to Paul. To make sure he
receives it, I am enclosing a copy. [no enclosure was in this letter.]
If he has already read it, you may please destroy the enclosure. Daddie
has written to Paul demanding the lost and scattered articles be restored.
You will see the time had come for definite action, if we wish to preserve our
household belongings. Mrs. Holmes had heard me speak of them with so much
uneasiness and uncertainty that she was very sorry and thought it was right to
tell me what little she knew of them. Did you know of these transactions
before? She says M. will be very angry with her, but she is a good woman
and only did what is right when she realized we did not know what was being
done. I feel great sympathy for M's Mother and M's devotion to her is
admirable. However, all we have should not be sacrificed in the cause.
Deceit and untruth bewilder me. Ingratitude, I expect. Paul appears
to be doing the best he can under the circumstances. But he and Scott seem
to have lost their sense of proportion. I wish the young couple happiness
and hope that Scott will soon leave New York, and recover his love for his
Family. It is early to assume that we will never need the things again and
begin to dispose of them, as Aunt None's were. When I frist [sic] heard
what was being done, along with other trials, I almost destroyed myself with
grief. Since Mildred came, I have improved, taken on flesh and Mrs. Holmes
says I have gotten straight again. You know back there, I became too weak
to stand erect. I do wish I could have a persnal talk with Scott.
Just ask Scott if he received a letter from me dated Nov. 18. If he says
yes, you may destroy the enclosed and this note. It seems M. is dreaming
of sending her whole Family up here in advance of them. I guess it will
take sometime to save up money for that. Rec'd you card a few days ago.
Write as often as you can, Dear. You see, all the time I have been heart
broken and guessing what was being done, except the selling of things but did
not know till the last few days that Daddie was utterly furious. Scott has
always been a Boy of fine principles. I await his explanations.
Wednesday - Mildred and I went out and made
calls yesterday. The Taku wind had died down. Weather marvellous
[sic] yet. We read Seattle has had a terrible snow storm. Judge
Clegg and Mr. Adams of Cordova passed through last night. Daddie expects
to go to Matlakatla tonight. So we will have our Thanksgiving Dinner this
eve. How we will miss you!
Destroy this.
Envelope: from-Governor's House, Juneau,
Alaska, sealed with letter 'B'; postmarked - Juneau, Alaska, Jan. 4, 1922, 10
PM; to-Mr. Carroll A. Bone, Traffic Dept., C. M. & St. P. Ry., 42 Broadway, New
York City