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Dec. 27, 1921

Darling Carroll:

Owing to many callers, it has been impossible to begin my Xmas letter till now.  However, the Boat will go South for several days, so I will have plenty time to write to my precious Boy and others who remembered us in our first Christmas in the far Northland.  Of course, I could hardly wait to open the heavy package addressed to me in your beloved handwriting.  It was what I had hoped, a Testament in fine large print - and such a splendid one, so beautifully bound.  I am so happy with it, and will read in in every day and think of you each time.  Everybody that looks at the gifts on the Christmas table devoted to me looks at your present to me with a very reverent expression and says - "How wasn't that sweet of him?"  Then they want to know all about you.  Thank you a thousand times, my Dear One.  The music to Marguerite also came and she is so delighted with it.  She and Mildred spend considerable time trying the pretty pieces.  She will write you.  Just now, I had better say that nothing else has come from New York to me or to the others to date.  We think some of our Eastern gifts may be in the Sound in the Mail Coach which was wrecked December 11th, which contained Xmas Mail, it is stated.  If there is anything for any of the others or to me on the next Boat, I can mention before this letter is mailed.  You know the Boats call at some of the westward ports, then the Santa Claus Boat.  Every body in town was hurrying home laden with brown packages.  We put ours in the Xmas Room - The lovely Ball Room and decided to open them on Christmas Day.  But I will return to Thursday, Dec. 22, when I wrote you a card.  Our first local remembrance was from a Treadwell lady, who brought us some Mince Tartlets - an English custom, for good luck for the Month, and a picture of her little girls for Baby.  John and Collins, the colored Messenger, put up the tree.  John, Mrs. Holmes and I did most of the trimming, John having to go to the American Legion, Mrs. H. and I worked till Mr. and Mrs. Garfield called.  Mildred and John put the finishing touches on.  Sat. A.M. they were those little silver icicles that just came out last year and make a beautiful tree.  They certainly helped out, as we have not so many ornaments any more and quite a number were broken coming.  The tree was quite broad and we placed it in the large bay window at the side jutting on the great white pillared veranda.  They had to cut off about six feet of it.  Every one says it is a very beautiful tree.  You are familiar with the time honored old ornaments, some 28 years old.  The base is of "snow" and the old toys around as usual.  They too, are the oldest ones, as the best ones are all given away.  The little ones who have called, have about finished them.  The girls spent many evenings at choir practice and enjoyed it, though it interfered with social engagements and their Xmas sewing.  They were glad to have Mildred with the Contraltos.  We did not know when we could work in our Xmas celebration, as the Children were to sing at the Midnight Mass Xmas Eve, then go around singing Carols after, and would have to sleep late, then sing at eleven o'clock again.  Then we knew our callers would start early.  All these things came to pass and we strained every nerve, to get our gifts all ready, poetry written and every thing to celebrate Xmas Eve.  Does that not seem queer?  Yes for the very first time in our lives, we had our presents Xmas eve, except those from a distance.  Then at 11:45 walked over to the little Episcopal Church for the beautiful service.  It was filled.  Many coming from gay parties - and tired parents from trimming trees, filling stockings - after tucking eager little ones in bed.  Later, the Carolists, about 40, including our Girls, came round and sang several songs.  We asked them in and they did, being pretty cold.  We passed candy and they sang at the piano - and went away to carol some more.  They got to bed at 3.30.  As I said the Girls again went to sing in the Episcopal Church in the morning, and Daddie and I went to the Pres. Church.  We had 16 callers.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith dined with us.  Yesterday, was a Holiday.  We had a number of callers again.  Daddie, Mr. Shoup, Karl, old Mr. Fisher, John ad Mildred went for a six mile hike.  Mrs. Rustgard and Daughter were here for dinner and Mrs. R. took us to see "The Kid" - that is Daddie, Baby and me.  Mildred and John had seen it and went with Arthur Shoup to the Elks' Xmas tree for the Children - then to the other picture house.  Both houses hold seven or eight hundred people.  Honey, we had the most marvelous weather for two weeks, clear and cold - Occasionally, there was a slight flurry of snow, which made it somewhat slippery.  Have had quite wonderful winter so far.  Now, it is very dark up on Mt. Juneau, which means it is snowing.  With all these preliminaries, I will get back to our first Christmas in Alaska.  It seemed very odd and sad without our other children to Daddie and me.  Did you think of us and wish you were with us as often as thought of you and wished so much you could be here?  Otherwise, it was very happy and pretty, we were wonderfully remembered and had a fine dinner with a 15 pound turkey and fixins. [sic]  I will tell you what Daddie and I got and the others can do the same.  Daddie had a lovely woolen Bathrobe from Mammie.  A fine woolen Cap - John - two beautiful pongee handkerchiefs - with monogram - from Mildred - Her Ship Picture, enlarged, in a little frame - from Baby (Like she sent you) for his desk, and also some hose-silk - A very handsome silk scarf - from Mr. Theile - Book "Mirrors of Downing Street" - Roger - Adjustable Coat Hanger - Edna - Cigars - Mr. Wallstedt.

Mammie, beside her beautiful Bible - From Daddie-Long grey Spats Very stylish looking-and two pairs black silk hose-From Mildred-a lovely hand made pink crepe de chine Camisole- From John-long Chamoisette grey gloves, fur trimmed.  From Marguerite, a beautiful silk Petticoat in Taupe and pink.  From Hilma, two pretty Handkerchiefs- Then Pauline, the second Girl, is making me a whole set of linen doilies, with crocheted lace edge.  From Ruth, an exquisite rose colored Breakfast Jacket trimmed in swansdown, with cunning rosebuds.  From Mr. Shoup, a lovely plant- a pink Azalea.  From Mrs. Smith (Walstein) a picture- the "Lights of the Alaska-Juneau" (meaning the mill with its beautiful lights at night - all in tiers like a castle.)  from Edna, Lingerie Pins.  From Miss Bain, a dainty silk crepe gown.  From Mrs. Jesse Jones, a handsome (I rec'd ten Handkerchiefs-from Gladys, Hilma, Boston Store, Mrs. Ormsby, Aunt Mary Schoenacre, Lewis.) embroidered towel.  From Aunt Nellie and Dottie, a dresser scarf in pink and white, with "B" on it, very pretty.  From Col. Gotwals, a large fine box of Candy in an Alice Blue box.  Box Chocolate Mints from Dictator Wallstedt.  From Mrs. Dr. DeVighne, a fruit cake.  From Mrs. Cobb, a fruit cake.  From Dr. and Mrs. Waggoner (Pastor Native Church) Lagoon Jelly and Relish from Upper bush cranberry.  From Collins, a lovely Calendar.  From dear Old Mr. Young his picture.  The Piece de Resistance, as Mildred says, was a wonder dress from Mrs. Holmes.  It is black silk net with jet trimming.  It is an overdress and will have to be worn over some sort of slip, black or white, possibly.  It was a lovely thing for her to do, but I think she feels grateful to us for being so friendly and having her here so much.  She is great friends with a New York Girl, who is here in the Forest Service.  Mildred and John were very happy over their Xmas and said they had never had such a nice one.  John was just as excited little Boy and could hardly wait for the presents to be given out.  We had the three card tables at first.  But after while, Baby had to take the Baby Grand for hers.  Mildred gave John a fine hunting coat and he gave her corduroy trousers and a lovely silver vegetable dish.  His Father sent them $10 a piece.  Almyra, a little silver dish and handkerchief.  We gave her silver slippers, a little clock-ivory - and woolen gloves.  John, a tie, a broom in an ivory holder, and a key ring.  Pauline and Hilma gave her some lovely crocheted doilies and a Hat pin holder and powder box holder of light blue satin - and John silk handkerchief.  Mr. Shoup gave her an Indian basket and Karl, a lovely old ivory medallion, all the rage now.  He gave John a handsome scarf.  Ruth, Dottie, Anna H., Gladys M. and Gladys Robbins, Edna, Mrs. Holmes, Miss Orth, sent pretty remembr4ances.  Baby had Ivory Brush, Sweater in blue and yellow, woolen hose, bloomers, bedroom slippers from us.  From Mildred and John, Ivory powder box and Talcum Holder, from Mrs. Cobb and Lang, Candy and ivory combination shoe hook and shoe horn.  Six other boxes of candy.  A splendid Camera from Judge Read.  Handsome easel frame, Mrs. Smith, Little silver frame and lovely moccasins, the Case yound folks, a handmade lace yoke-Pauline, White gloves and Japanese card case-Hilma- Lingerie Clasps, Venetia Pugh, A lovely hand embroidered pillow case, Mrs. Rustgard, Lovely Boudiour cap-Ruth-Indian Silk Crepe Gown-Miss Bain- [stops the letter here]

The Boat goes tonight, Dec. 28.

Loads of Love,

Envelope: from Governor's House, Juneau, Alaska; postmarked - Juneau, Alaska Dec 28, 10 PM; to - Mr. Carrol A. Bone, 42 Broadway, Traffic Dept.,  C. M. & St. P. Ry., New York City




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