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The New Spring Apartment Hotel
Fifth Avenue at Spring Street

Dec, 1924
Thurs. 6A.M.

Carroll, Previous Son:

After I had been awake ages, it seemed, I got up and it was only twenty minutes of six.  I keep your little clock on the steamer trunk near the bed.

You have been so good to write.  I know with much discomfort to yourself.

I hope all my letters have been forwarded.  I have chronicled Oct. 29, Nov. 11, 17 - 24-25-30.  Sometimes I forget to put them in the little Register or date mine wrong, but they? will be near enough.

Have tried to write often as I could not be with you, as I longed and should have been.  I had such a rash dream.  Hoped some one would ask me to motor across the continent.  Our friends cannot understand why I do not 'go East' every time the Governor goes, "for a rest and a gay time," as they put it.  When you study it out, you can see it would be a very great expense in R. R. fare & hotel bills! 

Then, out here I get along with comparatively few clothes.  Back there, among the Governor's wealthy friends, his wife should be suitably garbed.  But I am not grieving over that part of it at all.  It is only my children.

I am so happy you  could sit up.  By now perhaps you can walk a little.  And I earnestly hope Daddie has been over.  He was planning it in a recent letter.

Marguerite is devoted to the Pacific Coast & dreads the East.  Seattle is truly a wonderful City now.  You would be amazed.  Hundreds of new stores have been opened.  Dozens in the fine new buildings immediately around us.

Monday was devoted to getting things straight again.  The little apt look so grimy.  For the second time in the 7 weeks I have been here, I indulged in one hour's maid service.  Otherwise, I do every thing myself, even most of personal washing.  Marguerite loves to help at night.  She leaves early in the P.M. & her studies are so hard.  I do not like her to lose any time.

Bess Schonacker came over Monday Eve & took me to the Pres. Church two blocks away to Mrs. Bowman's Bible Class.  She is a wonderful woman & makes every thing clear and fascinating.  I heard her two years ago.  Her services are voluntary.  They serve a ten cent dinner - very good.

Tuesday - Bess & Mrs. Ross came over for lunch & the afternoon & staid [sic] till ten thirty at night.  The dear old lady is 83 and very feeble but getting stronger.  She went thru your terrible operation - hernia - a year ago without an anesthetic!  It was a chance in a million, but Dr. Eagleson performed it & saved her.  Bess thinks he is a marvel.  They say he says a prayer before each operation.

Bess never tires talking of Mildred, whom she considers the perfect Mother and model of sweetness, dignity and capability.

She said she never knew her very well till she visited us.

Of course Marguerite is their darling little pet  Shirley A. too.  They were so sorry about your operation, as are all our friends.

Robt. & Elsie & the Baby came in the Eve.  Virginia looked at me and said so cute, "Mammie!  Mammie!!" in just the loving tone Nan Nan used.

Robt. went to drill & when Elsie got ready to go, she found he had her keys to door & car & that is why they all staid [sic] so late.

Yesterday, Wednesday - I had a nice visit with Carrie Seixas.  She looks fine, but still has wretched health & never goes any where.  She had a nice Luncheon.  Also, was invited to Mrs. Carny's for the Aid Society & Gladys Selvin wanted me to come to their? Mission Bazaar.  She has been at work on a Cook Book & was to be at that booth.  I could not go either place.

Our lovely weather is dissolved with rain.  I hope to get out in the University Dist. today & Mrs. Suggulo's Tea for ___ & perhaps make a couple of calls.  The morning will be devoted to getting a dress ready for Marguerite for the "Varsity Ball."  She couldn't get a new one & was quite discouraged.  Last night we planned how to change her old one.  It is the big event, you know & the girls always like to wear something new.

Time passes swiftly and have made few of the promised visits.  Am anxious to hear from Julia.  She has written only one letter since her operation & was doing nicely.  I forward her heaps of letters & it keeps her busy writing in bed.  I will like down a little while now before getting Breakfast.

Devoted love from your fond Mother --

Envelope: from - Governor's House, Juneau, Alaska (impressed envelope) and from Mrs. Scott Bone, Spring Apt. Hotel, Seattle; postmarked - Seattle Wash. Terminal Sta., Dec 4, 1924, 1030AM; to - Mr. Carroll A. Bone, 276 Church St., Y.M.C.A., Newton, Mass.



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