Nov. 20, 1921
Carroll Dear:
We had a letter from Roger by mail and one delivered in person, by Maurice
Leehey. Phyllis is an especial favorite of the Leehey family, because of
friendship with their dead Daughter. The day the Baby was a day old, Ruth
became very ill with Bronchial Pneumonia. She was improving, the letters
stated. The Baby was born Nov. 8th, weighs 8 pounds and has blue eyes.
Its name is Phyllis. Daddie sent flowers and Roger said the little bunch
for the Baby looked so cute. We are all very proud and happy, especially
Aunt Marguerite. We are still having the most marvelllous [sic] spell of
weather, beautiful days and glorious moonlight weather. There is Tennis
and skating, too, as it has turned quite cold. Mildred has played tennis
and Baby is telling of her first skating lesson. We dined with the Paynes.
They had the Rices - Episcopal Minister. Wed. Eve. we had Capt. and Mr.s Walker
Lang Cobb and his Scotch Friend, McGregor, who has been gassed and in the
Arenaut Division, in the pictures and has danced with Irene Castle. He is
quite handsome and graceful. Several of the Chatuaquans have written to
Marguerite. J. Horace Smithey, the young Baritone, Dr. Evans, the
humorist, Capt. Dancey, the patriotic speaker, Miss Leona Smith, publicity girl,
Miss Coleman, she owes about 48 letters, Thursday eve. Daddie was asked to
speak to the Native Convention, in the Hall recently moved over from Douglas.
He said none of us could go with him, as he had been nervous the last two
speeches, but he finally consented for me to go, and I was so glad, for there
were quite a number of whites there, including Judge Wickersham, the Ministers,
Dr. Condit, Dr. Waggoner, Dr. Allen, Dr. Bruce, Father Kashavaroff, and wives,
etc. Edward Marsden, the Native preacher, also spoke and his Cousin,
Edward Simpson, who is not educated, but wit-presided [sic]. The Pres. of
the Native Brotherhood, Wm. Paul spoke. It was very interesting and those
people, so lately savage, deserve lots of credit. One of them was educated
for the Russian priesthood, Father F. said. He said beautifully.
Monday morning. We went to the Pres. Church. A Taku wind blew all
day - we thought fiercely - but Juneau said it was only a Baby one. It is
still wonderfully bright and beautiful. Last night, was one of the nicest
evenings we have had. You would have loved it. Mr. and Mrs. Gore,
(Asst. Dist. Atty.), Dist. Atty. Shoup, Col. Steese, Maj. (or Col.) Gotwalla,
Miss Martin and Miss Dilly were here to dinner. The young couple are
talented - she plays the violin and both sing - with some funny stunts.
Miss Martin is the young teacher with deep dimples, with a lovely contralto and
all sorts of University cute tricks with it and from her Brothers. Miss
Dilly is in the Road Commission and quite attractive, from Portland.
Later. Lang Cobb (Southerner) and Roy McGregor, For Captain in Air
Division - later in Pictures and has danced with Irene Castle, is 23 and in not
very good health, handsome and graceful. Miss Seabrook, drove cross
Continent with Mother - called. We all sat around a big fire and they sang
and played and got Baby to recite, the best she ever did. Juneau may not
be strong for good climate, but has the most congenial and attractive people you
could get together. Mrs. Faulkner has engaged Mrs. Holmes. She has
been with us two weeks and more. When she first came, she offered to go
into Goldstein's store for almost nothing, just to keep busy. They did not
need her, of course, with things so dull. Now, they call up and say they
want her. She rather dreaded going to sew for folks in their houses, so
may take the job. She was to go to Mrs. Faulkner today.
Much love from all
How we will miss you Thanksgiving. Write often as you can.
The Baby's name is Phyllis Mary, Roger writes.
Envelope: from - Mrs. Scott Bone, Juneau,
Alaska; postmarked - Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 2_, 19__, 6:30 PM; to - Mr. Carroll
Bone, 42 Broadway, Traffic Dept, C.M. & St. P. Ry., New York City