Nov. 3, 1922
Darling Carroll:
Just as I thought I never would hear from you
again, your precious letter came night before last. I shall try to write
regularly in the future. Trust this letter in its length will not
discourage you in writing regularly. John says his Mother always urged him
to write often, even if it were a short letter. I know you are very busy
always. We miss you so, and long to see you, and wish all the time you
were close to us. I think you are always happy in a way, as you love New
York, its music, your church work, your walks, your ambitions, yet you seem very
much alone to us especially, that Scott has gone. We had a wire from
Cincinnati, then a card to me from Denver, saying he had seen Louise.
Daddie then received a letter saying he had decided to stay in Denver as
business seemed good. He was charmed with Lora, spoke of her as Daddie's
sweetest niece and was living at the same Family Hotel. I remembered how
you always liked Los A. No telling where our future will take us. It
is just as liable to be Los A. as any where. I hope it will be where you
are. I have not heard from Paul and Marion, except the cards of which I
spoke. One was written on board a large vessel, which she and Miss Bain
were inspecting and the other from Saratoga Springs. Am sorry to hear of
the severe illness. I answered both cards and we sent them the Baby's
Announcement and write up. Had our first letter from Robert for a year.
It was a nice one, except that it described the sad death and funeral of Marion
Judd. That poor family has certainly passed under the rod. Elsie is
so sweet to write and you doubtless have heard from her of the family being in
the Hospital for many weeks of typhoid. Marguerite's Boy friends, Howard
and Jim, get their Zete friends to act as pall bearers and used their cars.
Many flowers came from Harper and Seattle. Gladys Selvin was fine.
Took them to the various cemeteries and Hospital in her car. Mrs. Thomas
hired a practitioner to treat Mr. Judd. Their church raised $115 to help
with the funeral expenses. I mean the church the Judds attended.
Poor little Robert! I imagine he has had quite a burden. But he
never breathes a word of this. The Vancouver relatives came down.
Mildred had a nice letter from Ruth the other night with a snap of winsome
Phyllis Mary. She weighs over 25 pounds.
There is so much to say. I will begin
with the weather. There was practically no warm weather this summer.
We are having plenty of rain now. A week ago there was a distinct
fall of snow on the mountains. It is quite far down. This gives a
wintry tang to the air, which is very invigorating. I never have known any
air so crisp and fine as this up here. It was queer. It felt flat in
Seattle besides this. I also never knew a climate that could make such a
radical change so quickly. Tuesday and Wednesday were mervellous, [sic]
with gorgeous moonlight nights. Then we got up Thursday morning to find a
strong wind and rain. Now, tomorrow may be perfect.. The Theiles and
Dr. and Mrs. DeVighne went on a week's water and hunting trip and folks felt
much worried about them. John went out with Dr. Stewart and another man,
Jacobsen, that you knew in school. It was the wildest night and we thought
they could not get back. They did, but John and Jacobsen were sea sick,
their rudder broke, their anchor would not work. However, next day John
got ten ducks, so I suppose he is ready to go again. They like to get up
the Taku River and it is there in the Taku Inlet, where the vessels round into
the Channel, near the great Glacier, that at this season, those strong winds are
likely to come hurriedly up. People certainly are crazy to go hunting for
dear, [sic] caribou, ducks, grouse, geese, etc., at this season. We have
been having ducks and moose this week and the Goddards have sent us some venison
from the Hot Springs. You certainly would love that family. Dorothy,
the daughter, has come over to Sitka to teach in the Gov. Schools. She is
crazy to go down into the states again. Dr. and Mrs. Condit, of the
Sheldon Jackson School, were over recently. Well, Honey, I will try to
briefly sketch the chief events since the coming of precious little little [sic]
Shirley Anne Starr. We are sure you like her name. Daddie says he
never knew a Baby whose name roused such acclaim. John could not think of
any name but Anne. While it is a family name on both sides, Mildred
thought Anne too abrupt. She had been partial to Shirley for her other
expectations. The impression got around her name was Shirley Anne, and
finally, at five weeks, the PARENTS went down and ordered her cards. They
had waited too long to send to Seattle to have them engraved. Marguerite
was crazy for that name and wrote Gladys, Peggy, Roger and Ruth wanted to wire
not to dare use anything else. Juneau just raves over it, so I guess it is
all right and we wondered why we hesitated, yet we know too. Mildred was
waiting for John to act perfectly satisfied. And we think he is.
Daddie adores it. My recollection is I wrote to you just before she came
and to Scott just after. Mrs. Smith says people think of the Bay as a
little Royal Princess - and she certainly has received enough gifts for one and
her pretty pink nursery was a bower of lovely flowers for three weeks.
Mildred wanted a little girl always, though if it had been a little boy, she
would have been happy, too, to take the place of the one she lost, and Daddie
felt that way, too. I believe I told you how Ed, the messenger, ran the
flag up at once and cut little Hilma, the cook, brought in a wonderful birthday
cake, with a tiny pink lighted candle, surrounded by roses. She insisted
"Doze [sic] Baby should be called Roses." There was general rejoicing that
the Baby was born in the Governor's Mansion. It was only by accident that
she was, but it would have been a shame otherwise, for the wee Maid will be
proud to refer to her historic birth place, in the beautiful Mansion in the
great Northland. Then she was thoughtful enough to come on our At Home day
and we do hope our sweetest and most welcome caller will stay. I have
never known anyone to love Babies more than Marguerite. She had awaited
the coming of the Little One as anxiously as Mildred. She hung over her so
fondly, bathed her expertly when she was one week old and again. She said
it was the bitterest hour of her life when she had to part with her and she
never could love a child of her own as much. The summer had been so
strenuous, with so many tourists and so much special entertaining, that there
had been no opportunity to get the little Student ready for her new life, until
after the Baby came. The next two weeks were a mad whirl of sewing,
pressing, mending, marking, shopping and packing. We were in a seething
vortex till the ship was in the Channel. It seemed especially sad to me, I
could not have had two or three days of love and enjoyment of my Baby Child
before she went out of our lives. It seemed the whole town was down to the
dock to see the children go. There had been a good many farewell parties
and a number especially for Marguerite. In addition to the birthday gifts,
so recently, there were going away gifts and flowers and 8 boxes of candy.
Howard Case, Capt. of the Football and Basket Ball Teams, who is her most
devoted beau, and Jimmy McNaughton, the Honor Man of the Class, were among the
departing students. Several friends were also going down and Mrs. Stevens,
daughter of Mrs. Rustgard, was her chaperone and room mate. Dan Noonan,
the Poet - head steward, is on the Spokane, and he relieved the tension by
giving the children rolls of paper ribbon, which they threw to the sad ones left
behind. It was a beautiful morning and none of us will ever forget the
proud ship floating away with our Dearest Ones. Soon, they and we only held the
broken ends of the gay streamers. Poor Marguerite's eyes were almost
closed from weeping. I never thought I could survive separation from our
little Blessed One who has been so unselfish and thoughtful all her loving
little life. It is a grief and a tragedy I have kept largely to myself.
It seemed the final blow. O, [sic] I would not have her back! I am
thankful for the opportunity that she has so long craved; she is going to do the
things I so much wanted to do in my own youth. But how do I wish we could
be there, to enjoy her school life with her, to help her solve her problems and
enjoy her triumphs and good times. You have no idea how your little sister
is beloved here. It seems every man, woman and child is her admirer or
worshipper. She had a sweet smile and a friendly word for all.
People we do not know ask for her and speak of her invariable sweetness and
thoughtful manner. They had a stormy voyage down, because of the
equinoctial storms, but had lots of fun, nevertheless especially, when they
reached the placid waters of Puget Sound. Mr. Noonan had a fine cake made,
there was a program, a masquerade, dances, etc. Of course, Baby had to
speak that piece. And she dressed as a "Harem Girl" in a cunning black and
orange negligee that Mrs. Hadding made for her. People think God sent the
Baby to comfort us, for the house seemed so big and lonely and desolate without
Marguerite's dancing footsteps, her music and loving smile. Mildred said
the first ten days of the Baby's life were the happiest of her life. She
just laid and revelled [sic] in the blissful happiness of her little Treasure.
Then, we made the distressing discovery that the Baby was hungry. Mildred
drank barrels of liquid, gave her supplementary bottle, alternated and every
way, but it was no use. Her milk just went away and little Shirley Anne
had to go on the bottle. She lost weight and for some weeks did not gain.
Now, she is gaining nicely, though she seems very small to me, whose Babies
always grew so rapidly and with the exception of Scott, were very large, healthy
Babies. However, she has kept well and strong. It has caused us a
lot of anxiety and extra work to get a bottle Baby started right. John has
been fine. He mixes her formula and always sterilizes the bottles and it
is a great help. He has gone into the business of being a Father with as
much enthusiasm and joy as in every other subject Alaskan. Mildred says
she cannot imagine ever having taken any interest in any other topic but Babies,
bottles, nipples, diapers, etc. Having bottle Baby, she can go some now,
but comes home so wild eyed and nervous and confesses she can't think of a thing
but the Baby. We do not leave her at the same time. It was very
beautiful to have Mary Theile ask to take care of Mildred. Daddie and Karl
came back when the Baby was 18 days old and Mary had to go home. The
Children did not like to get another Nurse, fearing it would hurt their
feelings. Mildred was just taking her first steps, we had made the heart
breaking discovery of the little starving Baby and Marguerite was leaving.
With the added time spent in the sick room, you can imagine what it was like for
me. It was one of those tragic chapters I had been warned against. ------
Marguerite staid [sic] with Robert and Elsie at
first. Roger was in Portland when she went down. She had done most
of her shopping here and Elsie helped her with the rest of it. They wanted
her to live with them and clung to her and had the Boys out and were so sweet.
But you know, they will have a house overflowing with her folks, and are about
an hour and half away from the U. She would have no place to study.
I told her it would all work out. And of course after she joined the
Kappas and Marion died it was different. She paid the long promised visit
to Gladys Matthews for the exciting period of "Rushing" time. Mrs.
Matthews wrote me we should feel very proud that our little girl was rushed by
all the Sororities on the Campus and had the fateful second bids for the second
week from the big ones, showing they really were crazy for her. Both she
and Gladys "went" Kappa Kappa Gamma. Marguerite cabled it was the happiest
day of her life and she was moving at once to the Sorority House. You of
course know of the exceptional standing of this wonderful Sorority. She
thought the girls of all the Sororities that rushed her were adorable and to her
it was not wonderful and thrilling, but cruel and heartless. To accept
their lovely attentions and eat their food, then to turn all down but one.
Her tender heart was terribly lacerated. She said when she got down there,
there was the cutest little alarm clock from darling Collie. O, [sic] she
is frightfully rushed with studies, duties as a Sorority Pledge, which are many,
and her social activities. The little Freshman is overwhelmed. I
have been thinking of sending you a bundle of her letters to read. If I
do, you have please return them. They will give you so many details she
could not duplicate in one letter to you. Our entertaining naturally came
to a lull when the Baby came and so many new duties as Mother and Grandmother.
One never knows where the time goes till there is a wee Baby in the house.
I help the nervous and adoring little Mother all I can. There are many
drop in callers, aside from the many on Thursdays. Now and then we have a
few dinner guests, including Dan Sutherland, the Delegate. Mildred has
gone to an occasional Bridge Party and if I am invited to Tea, I go after John
comes home. If they both go out in the eve, of course I keep the Baby.
As I said, we never both leave her at once, because of giving her special care
about the feeding and then the girls, though they adore her, are not accustomed
to the care of so small a Baby. Last week, the Territory celebrated Alaska
Day. We gave an Informal Reception to the Pioneers. So many
delightful people have gone away, including those belonging to the Government
Ships, Unalga and Explorer. These brought ten lovely families.
Mildred and I had a Luncheon for some of the ladies going away. Two Gov.
P.O. officials came to Luncheon. We plan to economize as possible because
of Marguerite's expenses and so that I may go down at Xmas time to Seattle.
O, [sic] Dearest, I can never afford to go East again. I hope your
interview with the big musical man will eventuate in your coming out to the
Pacific Coast. It was remarkable in his calling on you so promtly.
[sic] Something like your Callico experience. Daddie is very glad
Scott has left Gov. Service. He says it is all pull and influence.
Mildred looks and acts more like Aunt Sadie all the time. Has she returned
to Yonkers yet? If you like, you can take this letter out with you.
Shall I tell you some of the Wee One's gifts? 8 hand embroidered frocks,
several little hand knit jackets, five dainty pillows and 8 embroidered slips,
knit and silk hoods for bonnets, lots of hose, cunning bootees and shoes, 9
beautiful carriage robes or blankets, tiny silk kimonas, [sic] fancy carriage
straps, all sorts of dainty toys. These came from Washington, Richmond,
Seattle, California, Indianapolis, here, etc. Mrs. Carney sent a darling
silk cap and Mrs. Morris and other church folks remembered her. "Miss Adah"
sent one of the dresses, Mrs. Cole sent almost an outfit. Hester and
Julia, dainty gifts. Mildred says it is a crime for one Baby to get so
many things. But really there are few duplicates and she will wear most of
them in time. Ruth and Roger sent cunning silver spoon and fork and Mrs.
Hamlin gold pins. The little Alaskan has a tiny silver bracelet, made by
an old Metlakatlan Indian, 75 years old. Judge Clegg of Fairbanks sent a
tiny locket of gold dust he had mined himself and Karl brought a unique nugget.
Daddie says this is the sweetest and prettiest Baby WE have had with the
possible exception of Robert. He is sure she knows him, and she certainly
has always been fascinated with him voice and loving embrace. The whole
town says she looks like John, with two or three exceptions. At odd
moments, I am trying to fix some of my clothes. Several left overs went
out of commission that I used for afternoon wear and I gave Baby a dress I got
in Seattle. At a great Bargain. _____ one to replace it and think I
can get some wear out of the camouflaged ones. Marguerite carried my big
trunk down, stuffed as full as possible, of winter and summer clothes, her
pictures, trinkets etc. She has so many pretty gifts for the two
birthdays, Xmas, Graduation and going away, that would add to her pleasure as a
College girl. But she probably will have a small room and restricted
closet space. Daddie looks fine. He said he had written you a long
letter. We had not room for Baby's blankets and pillow in the trunk.
Sent them down on the Unalga. However, she has the pillow cases in the
trunk and does not know it. I am explaining, so if you read her letters,
you will understand some allusions. She said Robert and Elsie were hungry
for young company. I do wish they could go out in the District to live and
both so young, that they could take some sort of a night U. Course. Dear
little Things! they are such children to have so much sorrow and so much
responsibility. Precious, I am sorry about your overcoat. I Wish you
could get another soon. Then Dr. and Mrs. Condit were here, he said a
tremendous influence for good was gone in Juneau When the departing Students
left. They were all such find young people. They liked a good time,
but had an earnest purpose. I hope for good news in a business way for you
all the time.
Those were very good pictures and awfully glad
to have them. I must stop and take the darling Baby. Lots and lots
of love, Darling.
Your own loving Mammie.
Envelope: from - Governor's House,
Juneau, Alaska; postmarked - Juneau, Alaska Nov 3, 7.30 PM; to - Mr. Carroll A.
Bone, Traffic Dept., C. M. & St. P. Ry., 42 Broadway, New York City |