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S.S. Northwestern

Sunday Eve, Oct 12, 1924

Carroll sweet Boy:

Approaching our own Puget Sound country.  Expect to be in Seattle, Monday 8 A.M.  A good time for the children to meet me.  It has been a lovely trip without Daddie & too bad when we had planned it with so much pleasure.  One of most old obligations suddenly pressing & he had to stay & arrange it.  Weather has been rather stormy.  Today clearing & tonight it is lovely moonlight.  I am still rather dazed from the hard work & rush of the past 3 weeks.  Dearest I wish I were coming all the way, but there is no money to travel on.  I found your letter in another asking about your name & the interesting coincidence of Col. Carroll.

I always like the name Carroll - from two friends bearing it & being such a wonderful name - musically & historically.  Then my talking of _____ spoke of a cousin, Kelly Carroll & I knew it was a family name.  When you were born, I asked the family to choose between Carroll & Kenneth - & happily they chose Carroll.  In N.Y. you remember we found the French family connection spelling Carel - but would be difficult to change it now.  Then, I love the Carroll.  It always seemed just right for you as you love long so. 

Daddie did not tell me what worried him until a day or so before I left & I could not imagine why he changed his mind so often & acted so odd.  It is that Bource? matter.  As I have often said every thing came about as prophesied up here.  Personal economics on my part cannot counteract the demand of your official position.  Please remember this, Darling, in any conversations that come up.



Envelope: from - Governor's House, Juneau, Alaska; postmarked - Seattle, Wash, Terminal Sta, Oct 13th, 930A.M., 1924; to - Mr. Carroll A. Bone, Huntington Ave, Y.M.C.A., Boston, Mass.



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