October 12, 1923. Friday.
Darling Boy:
It is the third lovely morning after a period
of rain.
I have come out while the Family still reposes.
By now, you have had a loving visit with Daddie and I hope have come to some
conclusion in regard to your affairs and perhaps he has had some light into the
future for his. However, his stay in the East is so short, it was probably
given over to business for the Territory, etc.
When you receive this, doubtless your brother
Scott will be a Benedict and there will be another Lora Bone. History
repeating itself. Well, Scott could not have found a lovelier girl in all
the world and I hope they will be very, very happy. It will be the
question of health with them, very likely, for they seem to be ideally mated.
There always seems to be some big question in most couple's home life.
I sent them a favorite little water color of
Norris Glacier, up in the great Taku region. Also a piece of our unused
wedding silver, as I have the others. It is a very handsome gold and
sterling silver berry spoon, in a red plus case, presented to us by Ed Aull, so
it seemed fitting. There is a duplicate of it, from Meredith Nicholas
(Indianapolis) for you, in a yellow plus case. Ed Aull sent his from
Chattanooga. It always seemed so queer, that they were alike.
I gave to Robert a set of pearl handled fruit
knives in a yellow plus box presented to us by an old suitor of mine, 30 years
ago.. His name was Robert, too, and I thought it rather cute to use it for
their share of our unused wedding silver. When I was down the last time,
Elsie said she had tried to be careful of the box, but it was quite dirty and
all but one knife seemed to be lost. She guessed the children had
misplaced them.
There is a similar set for Marguerite, from Mr.
Craig, Editor of the Indianapolis Sentinel, of which Daddie was the Editor in
We still have no successor to Hilma.
Chinn is a good old fellow and will wait on the table and answer the door, but
he does not do any cleaning. A cook is a cook, with them. Hilma, on
the contrary would keep the house right up and we could even dare to have guests
to dinner.
The house still looks all right down stairs and
Mildred and I keep the rooms we use up here tidy. It could not go on that
way very long in this great Mansion.
For the third time since we came to Alaska, I
caught up with my mail. It lasted about three hours, when another boat
came in, with a letter from Aunt Nellie and Mr. Theile's mother. The
latter begged me to write her again about him and Baby Karl.
When the shack was abandoned by the boys and
Mildred and John were trying so hard to sell it or rent it, they were awfully
distressed about the contents. Scott finally became so disgusted, he did
not care much except it not get in the hands of the Wells.
M and J tried in every way to get Robert to go
after the furniture, for there was everything a young couple needed, including
Scott's things, Grandma's etc. At first, they had a furnished flat and
waited months before they took action. Mildred and John came up in October
and she brought up Scott's blankets, two sheets, 4 pillow cases, fearing
everything would be stolen. They have been in a trunk all this time.
Now, she is fixing them up to send to the bride and groom. Scott says he
hasn't much money, so I guess they will be a help. Robert and Elsie
finally took the things away from the shack. At least I saw most of them
in their first Bungalow and later in the Judd's home and was glad they were
being used. Scott wrote up for his things but Robert told Margu. he did
not know which were his or Scott's. It would probably cost more than they
were worth to send furniture that far. In addition to his table and
chairs, there was Grandma's nice bed and Morris chair, the dresser and
chiffonier I gave them at two Xmas time and then all the nice things Scott
bought with the shack. You can imagine how distressed we were to think of
all those things being let stay in the little shack. Besides lots of
bedding, some I gave them, some Scott had bought, towels, etc.
We will send them other things from time to
time. Mildred is also sending a bath rug and a lovely glass center piece
for flowers.
Mildred and John returned the night of October
4th after a very stormy passage. They had an interesting trip, but not
much good weather. Still they were glad they saw the wonderful country.
They brought me a lovely water color of Mt.
McKinley, by the famous artist, Sidney Lawrence. The big mountain is his
specialty. He lives in Anchorage. The Baby had grown a little timid
and I was afraid in their excitement they would frighten her. She roused
about ten and in a few moments she was smiling shyly at her Mother and
coquetting at her Father, safely tucked in my arms. However, she made
right up the next morning as if she had never been separated and Mildred was
just down on her knees worshipping her. She thought she was so much
sweeter and prettier and bigger and livelier and stronger. She has found
her strength and is so active. She had always been a very quiet child
physically, but not any more. She is crazy to walk and full of cute
tricks. She says many, many words and "Hot dog" convulsed Mildred.
Hilma left in three hours after they came. She fairly flew out of the
house, crying, but so afraid we would coax her to stay. I did not think
she would or could leave the Baby, for she is simply mad about her. I
never saw anyone not a relative think so much of a Baby. I have had a
little cold. I guess I have staid [sic] in too close, for it is something
new for me to have a cold in Juneau.
The Smiths came and took me to a picture last
night, Rudolph Valentino in "Blood and Sand." Mrs. Boedeker and Helen came
to see Mildred and John. Of course, the great discussion is Helen's
wedding. It is the plan now for her to be married in March and at the
Kappa House in Seattle. She marries into a wealthy family. Jack is a
young architect and will build a little Bungalow and have a little car for her
and will build a speed boat. When each of the ten boys marries, the Father
gives him $10,000.
I thought you would enjoy these two letters
[not included in her letter] from Marguerite. There were two other short
boat letters. The young folks - 18 students from Alaska - were very
homesick going down. Irene she speaks of, was a class mate, with a
beautiful singing voice. On the way down she slept one night with Baby and
she coached her a lot and said she was a dear sweet girl. I think she
acted that way from ignorance.
Family well to do, but more ordinary type, you
know. Jimmie Barragher is a nice boy and should have been rushed the same
as Howard and Jimmy McNaughton, as he is a good athlete and good in studies,
too. O, [sic] don't you hope Robert is going to have a promotion?
The little Maid is going to enjoy her course
this year. Of course, I was happiest over the concluding page in her
letter about the vocal teacher. She thinks next year, she will stay here
and take stenography and typewriting, so as to round out her education in a
practical way. Then it being our last year.
When you read her letters, please mail right
back as Daddie will want to see them when he returns.
The Daughter of Gov. Brady, Mary, is in town.
Called yesterday. She is visiting the Behrends (Banker). Mrs. B. was
a Missionary Teacher in Sitka in early days and married Mr. B. there. Very
fine people. Their only daughter, Mrs. Mullen, is married to a Catholic.
He is a fine fellow and is in the Bank. They have three beautiful
children. Mrs. Behrends is a most beautiful character and in face.
Lots of love from us all - Hope you are well.
Envelope: from - Governor's House, Juneau,
Alaska; postmark - Juneau, Alaska, Oct 12, 1923, 1130AM; to - Mr. Carroll A.
Bone, Traffic Dept., C. M. & St. P. Ry., 42 Broadway, New York City |