August 29th, 1924
My Sweet Boy:
Imagine Mammie's thrill to receive your dear letter enclosing [not in this
letter] the Herald Veteran's Corner, publishing a poem by CARROLL ALFRED BONE.
After the first proud moment that my own dear Boy had written such a fine
ringing song for the old Soldiers, though how proud Grandpa Alfred P. Bone and
Uncle Capt. William R. Myers, both valiant members of the G.A.R. and Uncle Will
Commander, would have felt of their boy.
Bless my darling Boy! We are all so glad for you. The papers came
later and I will distribute them among our devoted friends.
I am glad you really like Boston so well and are finding the suburbs so
interesting and promising as a possible newspaper field. There seems to be
a strong probability of Daddie coming East in the last part of September or
October. At least John and the wife of his Secretary seem to think he
will. I did not realize he was thinking of going so soon. When I
asked him about it, he seemed indefinite.
He started for Seward Tuesday noon. Marguerite had had the toothache
and I went to the dentist with her and he ran up hurriedly to say goodbye.
According to Ethel, he told Lew, before he left that morning, he might do so.
After the various excitement, house company, tourists, et., etc., we are
launched into sewing every available moment on Marguerite's underwear.
Mildred and John expect to leave Sept. 15th and Margu. the 18th. The
latter's birthday comes the First, Julia about the 6th, the Baby's birthday the
7th, and all these notable events will be duly celebrated, so there will not be
much time.
Every body is very solicitous about me being left alone and all seem to think
I should go down with Margu. if Daddie does go East. I suppose that will
be the way, if we can arrange so it will not be too expensive. Living
expenses have been enormous here, as we prophesied. With all my personal
economies, it has been impossible to save - then Marguerite's school expenses
must be met.
As I have so often said, while it has been most interesting here and we have
made such lovely friends and have met people and notables from everywhere, it
has been four years out of our lives with nothing financial to show for it and
nothing established for the future.
Daddie says he does not want to make a mistake by deciding hastily on any
step for the future. Perhaps he can work things out when he is East.
I am glad you wrote to Aunt Nellie. The girls did, but none of the boys
had mentioned doing so, that is why I have spoken of it. Scott asked for
your address, saying he had not heard from you for so long. His home
address is 337 5th Ave., San Rafael, San F. They write occasionally.
Are very happy and his Company seems very prosperous.
Mrs. Hamlin brought little Phyllis down and staid [sic] a month and Ruth is
strong again. Roger writes. Dicky is as strong as a lion.
Charles wrote Robert, Elsie and Virginia were on a trip to Vancouver, so I
guess they are all right.
Have had nice letters from the house guests, most appreciative.
The Stewarts and Smiths had us to dinner while Mazie was here. Mrs. S.
is a very fine cook. She is the mother of the baby so near Nan Na's age
and they are fond of each other. Mrs. S. is an extremely cultured southern
woman, five children and he is without reproach. Mrs. S. adores Mildred
more than any one she ever met.
Mrs. Smith, who lived in Bellingham once, Marie's home, was so glad to see
Marie. Margu. had an eve party for her guest. They played Bridge
some and dance a little.
Dr. Brooks, the eminent scientist, had Luncheon with Daddie one day, while
the ladies, including Shirley Anne, spent the day cruising on the ship.
Daddie and I were entertained by Capt. and Mrs. Finley in the Ward Room of
the Unalga, before he left for the East. He has been the Executive officer
and sometimes acting Capt.
We again heard Dr. Scanlon, a wonderful preacher. When he comes to
Boston, I do hope you will go to hear him.
Dr. Young preached his farewell sermon at night. A farewell party was
given at the Manse for his daughter, who had been a faithful choir leader.
With the three little girls, they left for Seattle. He is 77 now and hopes
to write more books. The work of Gen. Missionary was too hard on him the
Board thought, though he had boundless energy and enthusiasm, though so frail
looking. He will have a good salary still. They will live in the
University Dist.
Dr. Bridges, of Rome, and Episcopal Clergyman, was an interesting caller.
Then, on Monday, by appointment, the new Sister Superior, Mary Anna, of St.
Ann's Hospital, called, bringing the Governor General of the Order, Mary
Leopoldine, of Montreal, to call. She is on tour of inspection of Ter.
We had a good many callers from boats at intervals.
Mary Berne (Bernhofer) returned from Skagway, where she gave a
She came to Luncheon and was so animated, after a happy trip.. Before, she
had seemed reserved and quiet.
Wed. night, occurred her second concert at the Parish Hall. She had a
fine audience. We were glad the Recital here did not spoil the attendance.
She has a most beautiful and perfect voice and handsome presence. I hope
you can hear her. She is coming to dinner tonight. Then leaves
tomorrow for a series of concerts, Tacoma, Portland.
At 15, it was discovered she had a voice and the old Skagway aunt was so
rejoiced, she took her to Europe. She wanted to specialize on piano and
voice, both, but it was not permitted. She was a year at conservatory in
Munich, then under Maude Fay 8 years. Then came the enforced return to the
States - the War - Then, she was heard in Alaska. Then she and her sister
went to San F. She was Secretary in a Hospital and sang on the side.
It was interesting to hear how she went to try out in the Italian Opera and
learned Lucia in 6 days. Made a hit and after that they always had her for
Leads the rest of the time she staid [sic] there. She went to N.Y. with a
Vaudeville stunt and has since studied there. She prefers Grand Opera.
Her t4eacher is Estelle Leibling, I think that is the name.
Her sister is an accomplished pianist.
Sunday - Now, I will finish my letter. So many things came up I failed
to write goodbye. The big bundle of illustrated papers came and I have
looked over some of them and have just done up those to send to Aunt None.
I never know if she still enjoys them, but, at least, some one does. Many
thanks! I know it is lots of trouble to stop and do them up for I am so
slow about it as a rule. Yet, it only takes a moment, if one only gets to
I went to the dentist Fri A.M. and the little bridge set in and it is a nice
piece of work. Two back teeth on left side. Children said they could
not tell they were not real. It has been very tedious.
That eve, Miss Berne, her brother and wife and Dr. and Mrs. Jenne came to
dinner. I thought Mrs. J. would be congenial as she is a lovely little
woman and as I told you, of Grand Opera stock. At the last, the wonderful
singer sang a few songs for us. Mildred said she just had to hear "Nothing
is higher than thy love." I think the title is "Ah, the Silvery Moon," but
you will know. Her voice is absolutely flawless in that. She asked
Baby if she might take her two books with her to Ketchikan. She has sung
six songs that Baby's teacher gave her. She is going to sing in Ketchikan.
Margu and I dined with the Boedekers last night. Then, she went to the
dance, to which she had four invitations, as the boys are here for a few days
before leaving for college. All is excitement pending her birthday, of
which I will write when I can, as Julia is expected the next day, 4 days sooner
than we thought. We have sewed when possible and there is so very much to
do in making her underwear and fixing her present clothes in order. Margu
has gone on a picnic ride and hike, the parents and Nan Nan also riding. I
am staying into do many things, including this.
I forgot to say last Sunday night after church, Dr. Young, little Helen,
grand daughter, and Dr. and Mrs. Bruce came over for a farewell visit. In
a side talk with Marguerite, Dr. Bruce again told her how lovingly he and Mrs.
Bruce had followed every detail of her career. She was their girl and they
were so proud of her. That Judge Reed, who is now step father of Venetia,
told him Margu and Jimmie were the only ones getting all they should out of
their college course, that they were real students, etc. etc. Dr. B. wants
her to sing a solo next Sunday, when he will give a special sermon for the going
away children - on Success - She was rather too shy to sing for Miss Berne.
She must have promised to have made the progress she has in so short a time.
Honey Boy, I hope you are feeling cheerful, enjoying your work more and not
suffering from your trouble. Though I am partial to the Pacific Coast,, I
would not like San F.
Your letter of Aug. 8 was especially nice.
Ever so much love,
I use the little clock in the Sewing and
Writing room constantly and always when traveling. The package has come
for Marguerite.
Envelope: - from - Governor's House, Juneau,
Alaska; postmarked - Juneau, Alaska, Sep 1, 1924, 4P.M.; to - Mr. Carroll
A. Bone, 717 Huntington Ave., Y.M.C.A., Boston, Mass.