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Juneau, August 19th, 1921

Dearest Carroll:

Yours of August 6th was very welcome.  My last letter to you was sent to office, dated Aug. 11.  Then Daddie sent pictures.  He may have sent them to the house.  It certainly is disgusting about the mice.  How did they get started, when we never had any before?  It's too bad the garbage cannot be emptied at night in hot weather.  I do not wonder you wish to get out of the Apt.  The wrapper may have been round paper giving account of Moose Affair for us.  If so, we have more of those, and I will send you that and other papers when we return from Sitka.  We leave tonight at ten for the weekend.  Go on Regal, Gov. Survey Boat.  We do not know Miss Bain's address.  Will appreciate it if you will send it.  Our fine weather has given away to rain.  We had seven lovely days out of ten.  Daddie was overcome by Juneau's beauty, the other morning.  Mr. Theile had his tonsils out and is in the Hospital for a few days.  Of course I was greatly disturbed over your financial condition and sorry you had to pawn things.  Daddie could not see why you would not borrow from your Brothers.  On Aug. 11, I wired through Mr. Folta, the Secy, $15.  I hope, Dear, this will tide you over till Pay day.  Had letters from Roger and Ruth.  Too bad, when they were so happy and nicely situated in their cozy little apt. he had to lose his job.  She is in delicate health again and the heat was killing on her.  She was starting to Seattle Aug. 14th with the hope Roger could soon be located out there.  Mr. Hamlin was going to bend every energy to that.  Roger would like to be there or San Fran. Paul wrote he might be transferred to San F.  It certainly would be fine to have our children in the West nearer us.  Mildred wrote of Ruth in loving admiration, thought she showed fine character and said she was proud to be related to her.  Mildred and John are getting settled in the Shack and had a fine week at Gladwood with the Selvins and had had dinner with Robert and Elsie.  Mildred was astounded at Elsie's capability and lightning movements.  She was going to have them out to dinner but rather nervous over playing the part of cook as compared to Elsie.  Daddie and Mr. Theile returned from their splendid trip of three weeks into the Interior.  They were especially delighted with the magnificent reception at Fairbanks.  There were dinners, Luncheons, balls, Movies at the various towns, then they went on long Trails and to distand Roadhouses where they do not have many visitors and never had a Governor to come.  Archdeacon Jenkins accompanied them and at one roadhouse, a little Boy was christened and Daddie is its Godfather.  Col. Steece meet them and arranged much for their comfort.  They returned last Friday night.  On the Northwestern.  Col. Steece dined with us, also the Smisers.  Col. Steece is a delightful gentleman.  I wrote all these details and other of our movements to Scott and told him to let all of you read the letter.  Such a large number of letters came this last week - and I do not have a great deal of time to write.  Mr. Smiser is from Tenn. and retiring Dist. Atty.  There has been much "politics" and many feuds, which we will strive to avoid.  There is a very warm feeling towards us now.  People think Daddie is the greatest Governor that ever happened and that Baby and I are nice and she and I just act natural and will try to preserve the friendly atmosphere.  Marguerite sand in the Episcopal Choir Sunday but she will continue to go to the Pres. Sun. S.  We will all doubtless go there more than any other, though we will visit them all.  We have from 2 to 12 callers a day and eve.  Often half doz. from boat.  Judge Wickersham and wife return next week and Old Dr. Young will be here.  There will be dinners in their honor.  We heard Marshall Byers was on the Jefferson but he did not come up to see us.

Well, Darling, I will not write more today.  You no doubt can picture how disappointed I was to receive Scott's second telegram saying he had had no word from Daddie in regard to the apartment and furniture.  The first one came two weeks before, and I had hoped the rest of the pictures, etc. were well on their way here.  It seems a pity to me now, as it did back there, to waste so much money in useless rent, if they will let him off from the lease now.  What we pay out for that and storage would bring the things out to Seattle and the choice things up here.  Mice and moths are also injurious to things.  I cannot help but feel unhappy over it.  Of course I keep otwardly cheerful.

Dearest love, Darling, and write often.  Kind remembrance to Church friends.


Daddie got to be quite a Movie Fan in Cordova.  I think he will go here sometimes.  Kent is to be Principal of a fine new High School at Bucyrus, Ohio, and will take the family with him.  Aunt Nellie is so happy, as she never liked Richmond.  Daddie had to stay a week in Cordova waiting for a Boat.  Marguerite you know is invited with all ages.  They tell us such pretty stories of the children.  They run after her and say "Let's follow her," and ask her to come and play with them and ask her to their parties, as to the H. S. bunch and grown ups.  They say the first time she went to S.S. three glued on her.  One said I didn't know God ever made any one so beautiful.  I think her Teacher begins to appreciate her talent now.  At first, they resent her ability, it seems, in so young a girl, criticize and dwell on her faults.  Then all at once think she is a marvel.  No one has heard her play yet, except a little popular or dance music.  Trunk with music has not come yet.  The teacher has lent her a few of her old pieces.

Envelope: from - Mrs. Scott Bone, Governor's House, Juneau, Alaska; postmarked Juneau, Alaska, Aug 19, 1921, 6:30 PM; to - Mr. Carroll A. Bone, Traffic Dept., C.M.& ST. P. Ry., 42 Broadway, New York City




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