July 24, 1924.
Carroll, Darling Boy:
Your most welcome letter came Tuesday and I am
glad the little birthday thoughts were acceptable. I wish they could have
been ever so much more.
I appreciate your feelings in regard to a job
that does not appeal to you and the hours and surroundings that are so trying in
many ways. I wonder if you would be happier if the Uncles could get you
something in Chicago, where you would be near the relatives and probably have as
good musical advantages as in N.Y.
Boston appeared strongly to me also and I
thought it would be a lovely home city, except the climate I have always heard
is very severe, which would be harder on us after living in a mild climate like
this. More and More I believe we will all be much happier in the Puget
Sound region. I do hope you can be in Seattle for your operation and this
time it must be by the best surgeon. Is it the same that trouble you
before, Dearest? You have not said.
I am so sorry you are worried about your health
otherwise. I do not think you will be tubercular. After the
operation you will be improved every way. I know from experience how many
ills come from nervousness and disappointments. Nature and will power cure
most evils.
Bess, Elsie and wee Virginia left early
yesterday morning and I am stopping in the midst of reconstruction to write to
my precious Boy. Daddie is also away on a trip to Seward and Anchorage -
R.R. Business, request of Secretary Work. How much I wish he could have
made a trip instead in regard to our future! I fear the valuable months of
office will slip away without him taking any definite steps. We are so
afraid he wants to stay here. While we all adore the people and life in
Alaska, our financial condition forbids a longer residence.
I am delighted to hear of the songs ad hope
they will meet with success. Kent does that sort of thing, too, and
between you, they may be accepted. I certainly hope so.
I think I wrote of the picnic on Capt.
Campbell's barge, which included our house guests and John's friend, Mrs.
Goodrich and her traveling companions. The latter went to Skagway, Sitka,
etc., and returned in time for a lovely Musical we hurriedly were enabled to
have, with the presence of Mrs. Dalby of Seattle. She knew Bess and is an
old friend of Alice France. Her husband is a lawyer and she and the
children came up for the trip with him on a law case. About a hundred
ladies enjoyed her beautiful voice.
The girls said they had a wonderful time.
Aside from the things we did for them in the way of parties and movies, rides,
etc. they were much entertained. Two parties a day several days at the
Poor little Elsie was all packed to go when she
had a wire from Robert not to sail, as he was coming up on the Eagle boat.
She glued her eyes to the Channel for four days and we all go so excited every
time we saw a boat or smoke afar. We finally gave up hope and a card came
saying order were changed. It is too bad not one of our sons can see us in
the wonderful house and that our dear friends here ca not meet any of our
darling boys.
Elsie was homesick at first and did not think
much of the town after living in a big city, but the lure of it caught her and
she wept when leaving and said, "O, [sic] darling Mammie, I hate to go.
You have been so sweet to me and I do appreciate everything." All helped a
lot with the baby and she did not miss but one thing, a water picnic.
Every one liked her and thought she was like a
little flower in her beauty and the baby was very sweet and good. Bess
made the best impression of any one who has visited us. She is wonderfully
lovable and so sweet and true. My, it was fine for her to have a holiday
after all the sadness in her life and the long years of nursing. She did
not know what her good old Pres. Father would think of her dancing and playing
cards. But there was no harm in either the way nice folks do those things
Her birthday was the 18th and we gave her a
lovely surprise party. It was in the form of a Buffet Supper and the
guests either made her nice gifts or joke ones. Mrs. Boedeker made the
Spanish beans, Mrs. Harding cute little individual pumpkin pies, Mrs. Smith, the
almonds, Gladys Starr, the deviled eggs, Mrs. McBride, the Birthday cakes - two
for the big company of 25. Chinn made Perfection salad, coffee, cheese
olives. She was overcome with joy. I am glad we have gotten to know
her so well.
The pictures of the President holding the Baby
at length came and we had a private view of them. We expected to go again
in the eve but several parties of tourists came and we could not get down.
Then, the next eve they were shown, but we did not know it and were having a
goodbye dinner for the girls anyway. They say folks clapped ad the
children whistled. Mrs. Harding and all of us were shown and Capt. Agnew,
who is a very handsome young man, also had the Baby. We did not realize
she had grown so much. The President took off his eye glasses and was
trying to make her laugh and we all took her in turns.
We have had so much rain. Mrs. Simpson
gave a Luncheon today for a large number of ladies in Mrs. Hooker's Tea Room.
She was so sorry the girls had gone. She had a guessing contest.
Books. Marguerite thought it was so clever. It is to be shown soon.
Mildred did the "This Freedom." I elucidated "The Woman in the Alcove" and
was sure every one would should it at once, but not a soul did. I went
over to the alcove and talked about it and ended by saying "It is an absolutely
perfect and resistible setting for a mysterious murder. Which one of you
will be the victim?" I went thru it all twice and thought it so clear.
At first, I used all the pretty adjectives describing the alcove.
It will take us some time to get back into our
closets and drawers again. None of us feel we will ever be rested, there
was so much excitement. Charles and Gladys will be here till the 2nd.
They have a house, you know, but are here a lot. We like them very much.
Saturday morning. Last night, I was so
weary, though we heard there was a very fine singer in town. I announced.
I could not even go out to hear Galli Curzi. Suddenly, Charles called up
did any one want to go to a picture. I went and it was a strong one, "Six
Days." We had seen "The Acquittal" - You see we get the best in time.
Chas and Gladys are very nice about wanting us
to go to pictures and up there to dinner.
You know we have no one to keep Babies and
sometimes we were all invited but Margu and she would have a lively chase with
two so small and having to be watched every moment. Virginia crawls and
stands up and gets lots of falls and puts everything in her mouth. I
rescued a needle from her ankle the other day. Elsie does not worry a
moment, but the rest of us did it for her. When it was my turn to keep
them, I was also a frazzle. Both babies are most adorable, sweet and
beautiful. We enjoyed our visitors so much, but we will revel in being
together alone for the first time since Shirley Anne was born. Alas! It
will be all too short, for Mildred and John are planning to go to Seattle and
join Chas and Gladys. They adored Seattle and plan to stay there several
weeks. Then, they think they will all settle in Los Angeles. This
will please you, as you love L.A. They wish all the family would settle in
Calif. John wants to leave here Sept. 15th and he has told Karl, who
adores him like a brother and does not know what he will do without him and us.
What will be do without Mildred and Shirley Anne, who has been just like our
own. I realize it is only a few months till the inevitable parting will
come. We must pray we will all settle not too far apart.
Margu. practices every day and her voice is
really lovely. She prefers the old songs. The sun is shining first
for quite a while. Nan Nan is out running. Mildred always lets her
be bareheaded and her hair is the most wonderful people say they ever saw.
Ever so much love and best hopes, my darling boy.
Your own loving
Envelope: from - Governor's House,
Juneau, Alaska; postmarked - Juneau, Alaska, July 25, 1924, 10 PM; to - Mr.
Carroll A. Bone, Huntington Ave Y.M.C.A., Boston, Mass. |