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June 3rd, 1925.

Carroll, darling Boy:

I will commence my last letter to you from our Alaska home.  We expect to leave on the Yukon Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, 9th or 10th and hope to reach Seattle in time to celebrate our anniversary with Marguerite and Robert.  It will be too bad not to be with Mildred and John.

My last letter to you was written after hearing about Aunt None, Will enclose Mildred's which will explain itself. [no enclosure in this letter]  Also, the note from Miss Twogood received after she passed away.

We were so pleased to have your welcome letter - to know that you think it advisable for us to stay in Seattle for Marguerite's Senior year and that you plan to come out.  I hope that will all come to pass and something definite and good will appear for Daddie in short order.

Paul wired to Daddie for funds, but Daddie did not feel that he could help him.  I feel terribly sorry for him, and hope earnestly he has found something by now.  You understand our financial state and that it will be necessary for Daddie to get something as soon as possible.  It is exactly as I knew it would be financially.

Otherwise, it has of course, been a remarkable experience, that we could have had no other place and we are fabulously rich in the love and loyalty of these splendid Alaskans.

Today - my last Thursday - I had 30 or more callers.  They told the strangers never had any Governor had such marvelous things happen, or so many noted people to come.  They look on the dark side and think it will never be happy and gay and nice as it has been since our tenure.  I hope they are mistaken.  I trust the young bachelor will get married and that the house will continue to be the social center and that they will make visitors and tourists welcome as we have and as I consider it the duty of a Governor and family to do all they can, if they occupy this exalted position.

We will go to the Caledonian, where Marguerite has reserved an Apt. for us.  It is right at the entrance of the University and that will make it convenient for her to go to summer school.  She will have such responsibilities next year that it will be necessary for her to reduce her hours to ten, which she can do by summer school.  It will also be necessary for her to draw out of many of her activities.  She has now 23 activities.  Busy, busy, wonderful little girl!

Ketchikan wants to give us a reception if we can stop over long enough.

Now, to bring you up to date.  Just before I was to start to the Tea given in my honor by Mrs. Arthur Shoup and Mrs. Simpson, another telegram came for me.  I did not open it, for I knew what it must be and thought it was best to wait till after it was over.  I was reminded of the experience in Seattle four years ago when Gladys told me we were to have a surprise wedding just before the Reception Mrs. Mason gave us.  Had to shake hands with 300 ladies ad some husbands.  I felt in a daze and had a hard time of it all week.  It was a beautiful party.

We wired Percy also and I wrote him and Scott, also Sister, etc.  My hectic life goes right on, never any time for personal grief, except silent.  I had an awful time with vertigo again for some weeks, but am better now.  The packing, looking over books, letters, etc. is hard.

Our friends continue to overpower us with loving courtesies and there are so many callers and phones, so the packing and sorting is slow.

Am so proud of having returned all the calls I remember, except those of today.  Mrs. Fern Vance, wife of the Dr., and a fine musician, took me to call on the last one early this A.M.  She plays for the Coliseum.  She does not have to work, but just can't stay away from music.  She accompanied Mary Bernhofer.  The latter's sister-in-law was here today and was talking about Mary (Berne's prof. name) and said she just could not understand something in her temperament that prevented her best success.  She has had her chance, but suddenly will not feel like taking her high notes, with Horner or with the Metropolitan C.O.C.  I think it is timidity.  That is one good thing about Baby Sister.  She has never been frightened but the time she sang in church here.  She thinks it is her defective vision, not seeing the faces.

On May 20th, she sang over radio.  We did not know in time to "listen in."  Charles Starr heard her fine in Los A.  Mildred and John were on a trip to San Diego and I know they were sick about it.  Chas had a fine radio.  I wonder if Scott and Lora heard her.  Have not heard from them for so long and Robert never.  Roger is better.

Friday A.M.  We are waiting for Mr. Harding, Colburn and Miss Cook - the office force, to breakfast.

We have been to the Reed's, Newmarker's, Britt's, Hellenthall's, Georg's, Robertson's, to dinner and will dine with the Fisher's tonight, and out at the Shepherd's Sat. night.  We have had only the Reed's, the Rosses, the Legislators, from Fairbanks and Arthur Shoup to simple meals.  Also, Lang Cobb and the Goldsteins to breakfast.

Daddie addressed the High School graduates.  Mr. Robertson said their sweetest memory in after years would be that they were spoken to by Scott C. Bone, Governor of Alaska.  He is Pres. of Board.

The Elks gave us a large and beautiful Reception, Banquet, Musical and Dance.  Mr. Robertson eulogized "Gov. Bone and to you, Mrs. Bone."

Buzzell, Paul's old friend, presided and every one laughed when he bruskly told them to go up and say goodbye to us.  I thought folks would get tired of all these farewells.  I asked a lady if they did not get weary making cakes for us and she sweetly said, "We could make cakes for you forever."

Mr. Daly, a member of 1923 Legislature, now with the Alaska S. S. Co.  when he reached Seattle, sent up some magnificent American Beauty roses.

I was pleased when they kept for Mrs. Smith's buffet supper and 500 party for us.  She had 44 and we thought it real devotion when that many Bridge fiends played 500 for us.

Then came Seed Planting Day in these grounds at and the Gov. Hospital.  Pictures were taken for their National Magazine.  On Hospital Day, I believe I told you of the pretty exercises and our picture taken with all the Babies in town.  The Sisters sent us a big one.

Mrs. Bob Sommers gave a Luncheon for me - and Sewing Party.  I was Honor Guest of the Women's Club.  They showed me special attention.

We went to the closing exercises of the Parochial School and Daddie presented the gifts and cards.  The children made such a pretty picture on the stage, in tiers.  They are so well trained.  We were shown such deference by the Sisters of St. Ann, who conducted the school.  They say, "His Excellency, the Governor and the wife of his Excellency, the Governor."  A boy with a sweet strong voice made a nice speech and a tiny tot about Shirley Anne's size, gave me an exquisite gilded basket of spring flowers.  I was so touched.

Went to a very large Sewing and Card Party at the Forgetmenot Tea Room, by Mrs. Davis-Fisher.

Decoration Day, we walked down to the Cemetery and I planted some rose geraniums on Mary Theile's and Mrs. Rustgard's graves.  That eve, we went down to the Indian Church and Daddie presented the Diploma to a Native Girl graduating as a Nurse from the Gov. Hospital.  After, we stood in line with her and shook hands with our Indian constituents.

Daddie has been suffering from lumbago and the next morning, when dressing, he had such a violent pain, he had to stay in bed all day, miss church and have the Dr.  We go to Dean Rice's church now.  He came to dinner last eve and Frank Boyle was here one eve.

Eve.  I went to dentist and he has to take a bridge off and replace it tomorrow.  It had worried me a little, the gum was a little sensitive and he thinks best to trim it a little.  How can I spare the time?

There is quite a lot to do yet.  All the Gayety, then I get so tired packing.

Tues. eve.  Carroll darling, A little more on my letter, We expected to leave tonight, but luckily, the Yukon is delayed till tomorrow.  6 P>M>  It give me more time on the packing and many other things in closing our career in the house.

Well, Sat. A.M. at nine thirty, I went to dentist and again at 12.30, and was not any account the rest of the day.  Had me work to do over again next morning.  The chief trouble is as so often before, we have not enough trunks and I try and try to get things in a small space.  We will have a tremendous lot of  hand luggage.

Friday eve, we went to the Fisher's to dinner and 500.  I did not feel very well and did not eat much.

Sat eve, we went out to the Shepard's to dinner and had such a fine dinner and enjoyed it and 500 after.  Just we four.

Sunday, our last church service in Juneau at the Episcopal Church.  Karl was sick two or three days.  He came up for lunch and we had our usual Sunday tray in Marguerite's room.  In the eve, Dr. and Mrs. Borland came for dinner and took us a lovely ride.

Yesterday morning, I helped pack Daddie's trunk, then began again on the discouraging accumulation in the desk in the Little Room.  It was awful.  I go so nervous, my teeth chattered and I had resolved not to get so tired, because of our big Farewell Reception last night given in our honor by the Chamber of Commerce and the Citizens of Juneau.  It was another big outpouring of love and grief because we go.

The Coliseum Trio played beautifully and Fred Lynch sang wonderfully.  He is the one I thought was a Caruso record when he was singing behind the scenes before he went to California.  He ought to be in Grand Opera.  People just can't stay away from Alaska.

Then, Dr. DeVighne, Pres. of the C. of C. asked us and Mrs. DeV (They had been in line with us receiving) to occupy four chairs in the center of the room.  He made an affecting speech, then in behalf of the C. of C., presented us a splendid oil Painting of Mt. McKinley by the famous Sydney Laurence.  He has been knighted, lives in Anchorage.  Mildred and John have one, different from this.

It was a wonderful thing to do and a complete surprise.

Just think how differently Daddie is passing out from any of his predecessors, so loved and so respected and so regretted and so honored .  I begged him quite a time to send the Joint Resolution and Empire Editorial to the President and he finally did, to his Secretary.  He has just received the finest letter from the Secretary in regard to it.  How does any one know of all the marvelous tributes up here, if there is no publicity.  A not e from Baby tells a little more about the Apt. at Caledonia.  It is on the first floor.  We will probably look around for a bungalow with more room and a piano.

Dr. Borland said he heard some tourists at the Gastineau ask, "Why is it Juneau does not appreciate Miss Marguerite Bone?  She has a marvelous voice.  She is a prodigy."  He had to say she did not sing when she lived here.  What a good time you will have with little Baby sister.  Your prophesied it didn't you, Honey?

I think it would be nice to stay in Seattle until she finishes then go East.  If Daddie does well, then you both can go ahead with your studies.  The Smiths came to dinner last night.  If I sent you her letter telling of her last and greatest honor, please treat it as confidential, as it is never known outside of the Sorority.  It is the greatest that could come to her, but a stupendous responsibility.

Big excitement now.  Will the Yukon remain long enough in Ketchikan for them to give us a great reception the C. of C. plan there?  Willis Nowell is doing his best.  Had letter from Cousin Percy in answer to mine about Aunt None.

More lovely gifts.  Double photo holder, photos, exquisite nugget pin in form of a bird, Service's Poems.

5 P.M.  Boat is in Channel.  Goodbye from our dear Alaska home.


On board Yukon.  June 12, 1925.

Carroll Dear.  And now we are in Canadian waters enroute to Seattle.

No King or President could have had a more effective or honorable departure.  We went down at six P.M. and said Goodbye to about 50.    Had dinner & when we came out it seemed all of Juneau, Douglas, Treadwell and the entire Native Village had gathered to bid Godspeed to your Mammie and Daddie.  The departing Governor and First Lady of Alaska - a series of beautiful & late spring surprises - a hastily assembled band (long defunct) playing at intervals, darling Camp Fire girls, handing us huge bouquets of wild flowers with pretty words.  Then preceding us up the gang plank strewing flowers before us.  Then the shaking hands, hugs and kisses, loving words, the tears and fond goodbyes, "Three cheers for Gov. Bone," then the whistles sounding their goodbyes - whistles answered by the S. S. Admiral Rogers & small craft.  Then the great ship floating to and fro as though loath to take us and Fred Lynche's magnificent voice leading them in "Aloha Oi!"  The soldier's farewell - "Auld Lang Syne", "Goodnight Fading" and as we drifted slowly away the immortal strains of "Till We Meet Again," "Aloha Oi!"  Tenderly, sweetly dying in the shadows of the beautiful eve.  In Bridal suite is filled with boxes of charming flowers, 12 boxes of candy, nuts, cookies, gifts.  We talk it over and over & repeat special touching [incidents?].  When we moored at Ketchikan - another big Farewell in the "Gateway to Alaska," Mr. Heckman took us a ride.  I had dinner there with a party of ladies.  Daddie was given a Banquet with laudatory speeches "to the greatest Governor Alaska ever had."  At night, the Gov. & Com. of Education, Lester Henderson, dedicated the new High School ____ in formal reception there.  Then to the boat. - a band & apparently the entire populace gathered.  Shouts & cheers & goodbyes.  The passengers are getting a tremendous thrill out of being aboard, it's such an exciting time & say we must have been greatly loved.  Mrs. DeVighne & little Dana, Mrs. Henderson & Baby Joyce Lee go to Calif.  Mr. and yours East.  Good bye dearest Boy.  Will write you from the Caledonia.



Envelope: from - Mrs. Scott Bone, Governor's House, Juneau, Alaska; postmarked - Seattle, Wash. Terminal Sta., ___ 4, 1925, 7__PM; to - Mr. Carroll A. Bone, 276 Church St., c/o Y.M.C.A., Newton, Mass.



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