Jan. 29, 1923
Carroll Dearest: We arrived Sat. eve 5 P.M.
Found a foot of snow on the ground. Ran in to a blizzard at Ketchikan.
Had luncheon on the Spokane, which detoured after that to Petersburg. Our
last day was beautiful but a heavy sea with the Taku blowing us. We passed
the Taku Inlet, awfully cold. Glad when we passed into the Island Channel.
Mildred, John, Maj. Beaumont, the Rustgards, Col. Gotwell & others met us.
We have had several callers. Went with Ruth to the Catholic Church
yesterday. She is pretty lively & sweet but looks bad. We will try
to end here. _____ looking much better. She has been quite brave
until she wrote to the Baby last night. It is warmer and snowing again.
I have a great batch of letters to write and some gifts to acknowledge.
Little Shirley Anne looks like a doll compared w/marvelous Phyllis Mary, but to
me she had grown out of recognition. She is very good & cunning. A
perfect Baby. Mildred was so impressed & touched by your thoughtful gifts
to Baby & _____. If you know where Scott is, you might send the enclosed
letters [no enclosure in this envelope] to him & ask him to send back to me.
They are so sweet and give a fine idea of _____ Xmas & Mildred as a wonderful