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Territory of Alaska
Office of Governor

My dear Gov. Bone,

Karl has returned from his trip and brought us word about you and Mrs. Bone.  I am very glad to know that you are recovering from your illness and sincerely hope that you will have resumed your efforts on behalf of Secretary Hoover before this letter arrives.  I was very sorry that I did not have an opportunity to talk with you while we were in Washington last winter but when I went down to the Willard I met Mr. Richey and he said you wee in some sort of conference.  Then I went to New York for the game association dinner and you have gone before I returned.

I went to Denver for the holidays and did not return to Washington hence I was in the east about two weeks.  I stayed with my folks for about two weeks and of course enjoyed my visit.  I have a niece in Mills College and hope to come south next year to see her graduate.  She wanted me to visit her this year but I couldn't get away.

I know that you keep in touch with Alaska so you know how affairs are with us.  Karl has told you all about how Wickersham has attacked him and attempted to tie up our funds.  I hope we may find some way to get Karl's Salary for him.  He deserves it and needs the money.

I have tried to get funds to fix up the house but the budget refuses to allow our estimates so I think we shall turn the place over to the Treasury Department and let them worry at its maintenance.

We have the plans for our new Federal Building and hope that work will start this year.  This should stop all efforts to move the Capital to Anchorage.

You remember Capt. Whitney.  He will retire in May and plans on going to California to live.  He has enough to keep him and I hope he will be contented.

Juneau is prosperous this year.  Workmen are busy with the Masonic Temple and new school house and the city is improving some of the streets.

Our territorial revenues declined about one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars last year we have about one million dollars in the treasury so there is little to worry about.  Of course, we are hoping for a good run of fish but no one can foretell what the season will show.

Bob Sommers is in the interior planning aviation fields.  We have forty nine now and hope to build about ten more.  I hope to fly to Nome this summer if all goes well.  Noel Wein has made two round trips to Nome this winter with out mishaps of any kind.  We estimate that more than $300,000.00 worth of fur has been taken out by the planes last winter.  Slowly but surely the plane is supplanting the dog team.

I presume that you have heard about Col. Steese and his new position in South America.  He seems to be quite contented.  Maj. Gotwals was married last December.  Maj. Elliot, the President of the Alaska Road Commission is a fine man and seems to be taking hold of the work very well.  The appropriations are not as large as for previous years but they will care for the important work.

Judge Reed entered the hospital yesterday and may have to remain there for a few days.  He has asked Judge Lomen to come up and relieve him.  I hope this will be possible because Judge Reed is not at all well.

The Judge in the First Division has so much more work than those in the other three that the Dept. of Justice should arrange for the Judge from the _____ to hold court here during the winter months.

Alaska lost a very good friend when Leu. Willis was called away.  He always was interested in our affairs and knew a great deal about the territory.  I am wondering who will succeed him on the Committee.

There are many other things I intended to mention but I don't want to burden you.

I hope that you and Mrs. Bone are again good health and that you will be able to carry on with your work.

Mr. Peynes was in just now and asked me to give you his best regards.  Mrs. Sommers was at the house last night and she wants to be remembered.  Of course, Mr. Watson and the Thiele's join in wishing you all the very best of good luck.  Please convey my regards to Mr. & Mrs. Starr and Marguerite.

With all good wishes

Sincerely yours,

Geo. A. Parks.

Envelope: from - Territory of Alaska, Office of Governor, Juneau; postmark - Juneau, Alaska, Apr __, 1928, __PM; to - Hon. Scott C. Bone, c/o J. F. Starr, 613 No. Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills, California, forwarded to 48 N. Bowie Ave., Pasadena



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