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In The News

The Klondike Nugget
Dawson, Y.T.
Vol. 1, No. 43
Wednesday, November 16, 1898.

Page 1.


The "Jewell" was ceremoniously opened to the public on Saturday evening. It is a handsome two-story structure on the burned district built by Messrs. St. Clair and Garthley. The interior is elegantly and cozily finished in expensive gilt wall paper and the opening brought many words of congratulations to the proprietor.

Jack Carr, the gentleman advertised to leave Dawson with Chas. Yager for the outside on November 29th is one of the most famous mail carriers and travelers among the pioneers of the Yukon. Only last winter Jack made the enormous trip from St. Michaels to Dyea and made it in record-breaking time, too. Mr. Carr is the oldest U.S. mail carrier in the country and to aid him on this trip has had supplies distributed at various points along the river and is also provided with good dog teams and only half the distance to go which he traveled last winter.



C. Tiegerapends serving six months for the theft of gold from No. 10 Eldorado.

Ed. Willimore, a devotee of Hoyle, contributed $50 and costs, and all's well.

F. Anderson was mildly full and gently expository, so that $10 and costs retrieved his good name.

J. A. Pike, a "croupier," paid $50 and costs for being caught in the net, and now all's serene and lovely.

Several cases came up in which one man claims a dog found in the possession of another, and the cases were dismissed.

Frank Alditch paid $100 for helping the one to furnish the liquor which last week put Indian Lucy in the court for misbehavior.

M. McElfish wanted W.A. McPherson to account for the possession of a certain dog which he himself owned. The justice cautioned McPherson against a repetition and let him go.

E. Dutcher made away with a grindstone, and is held to the superior court for that same offense. A man that will "swipe" a grindstone would steal a house if it wasn't fastened down to the ground.

Daley courts the Goddess of Fortune in gilded palaces by the light of burning acetylene gas. To even things up with the men who are taxed for tempting the same goddess up the gulches Daley digs up $50 and costs.

H.M. Carr was rich one night and now saws wood. His millions were in his mind, the result of continued doses of forty-rod, but his wood sawing for the next ten days is coldly real and really cold, for a guard watches him in the barracks wood yard.

O. Boghette is a man who committed the unforgivable nuisance of having a stovepipe and canvas roof in close juxtaposition, the same being contrary to the statute in such cases made and provided. It is expected that $5 and costs will effect a cure.

J. Murphy evidently is addicted to high living, and took three cans of oysters from in front of a restaurant. Says he couldn't have done it for he has no use for oysters. Still, seeing that they are worth $6 per can the justice thought the prisoner should be broken of such a bad habit. For six months Murphy will live in a boarding house where oysters are not served oftener than once a month, and he will be watched even while he eats that.

Dr. M. Schuman is a man of wonderful experiences. His name is not unknown to the world as a German explorer attached to a military command which achieved unenviable notoriety some few years ago in Africa. Simon Kissick is a bright mission-raised Indian boy, who was seen around town all summer as a messenger boy to any part of the creeks, Kissick, the Indian, carried a message to Schuman, the explorer, up the creek and became acquainted. The influence of mind over matter was soon seen in the readiness with which Kissick adopted any and all suggestions from Schuman. The complaint sets forth that at the suggestion of the African explorer the Mission Indian did then and there deposit with the said African explorer the sum of $71, the same being his sole earthly possessions outside of his blanket and a change of moccassins, and which sum was to be put into safe deposit at the nearest bank until again wanted by its owner for
more moccassins or more blankets. Kissick has been particularly unfortunate in his choice of white friends, for this is not the first time he has been unable to collect from Caucasian acquaintances. A charge of theft is the result, and the Livingstonian Teutonese African is under bonds to the amount of $100 to stand his trial before the superior judge of this district.



The freeze up has started work upon a great number of creeks, and great news may be expected at any time. The word from Sulphur is that a vast number of shafts are nearing bed rock, but as yet the situation remains unchanged. Hunker has shown up good in several new places. Dominion is proving herself in places a second Bonanza. Thistle creek is making great strides into popular favor.

A private letter from Forty-mile conveys the intelligence that on Squaw creek, a pop of Canyon, the dirt is panning out from 30 to 50 cents to the pan.

Chas. B. smith, on a bench of Poverty Hill, lying off No. 11 below on Bonanza, reports the dirt on bedrock panning out as high as $5.50 to the pan.


Page 3.


Peter, the well-known jeweler, has completed a Miners' Association badge for Mr. J. Biddle, which is a perfect gem and is probably the handsomest badge yet turned out in Dawson. The design adopted by the association some months ago w3as followed out but every letter and figure and leaf is raised in high relief, with a diamond in the center of the pendant.

Biddle is an ardent association member and was its first secretary. He displays the badge with a becoming degree of pride. The crossbar shows a beautifully worked pick and shovel, with the raised letters, "M.I.Y.T." The pendant from three links is a northern star with rays and in the center the midnight sun. This elaborate working out of the authorized design makes the particular badge more expensive than the samples hitherto displayed but several duplicates have been ordered already by admiring members of the association.


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The death of Frank E. Munson was announced in our last issue. His partner, Stevenson, has also had to be carried to the hospital with a dangerous attack of typhoid fever.

Leslie A. Osgood died upon his lay [sic] on Poverty hill Friday, November the 11th, of heart failure. Osgood hails from Columbia City, a suburb of Seattle, and came in about a month ago.

Walter Almason injured the right hip Thursday by slipping and sliding down the trail where it drops from the dome to Hunker. A small fracture is announced, which while painful is not considered serious.



Will Mr. Jas. Jacoby, formerly of the Black Hills, U.S.A., please leave his address at this office. Address, Ann Arbor.




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