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In The News

The Daily Alaskan.
Skagway, Alaska.
Wednesday Morning, January 10, 1900.
Vol. III, No. 8.

Page 1.


Maj. Ray of the United States Army Makes an Order.


Recommendation Made to Have Telegraph Line Built Beyond Klondike - Dawson News.

Advices from Eagle by way of Dawson state that Maj. Ray, of the United States army, has stopped all gambling in the military reservation, embracing Eagle, because five soldiers were caught stealing from the commissary to get the wherewith to gamble.

Maj. Ray, in charge of the United States force at Eagle, makes public he had recommended to the government the building of a line of telegraph to connect at Dawson with the Dominion line from Skagway.

All liquor licenses expired in Dawson December 28, and 15 new licenses were issued at $2500 each.

Dawson had 18 fires in the first 20 days of December, at a total loss of $10,000. December 20 it was necessary to shut off all water from city mains because of flimsy and leaky condition of the conduits. This throws the city back to the unwholesome river water, which has to be hauled. Overheated chimneys caused the numerous fires.

An ordinance to require all newspapers to register by name, with the name of the owners and all persons directly or indirectly interested in them, the name of the editor and the business manager and their allegiance, and an account of what they were engaged at for 12 months prior to going to the country, has been introduced before the Dawson council.

Louis Jergensen, a single Norwegian, fell down a mining shaft near Dawson and was killed. He was buried at Dawson. Harry Wagner, aged 50, of Burlington, Iowa, where he leaves a brother, James, died in a Dawson hospital, December 20, of typhoid fever.

The Dawson City news prints a sensational story claiming the Yukon Sun, of Dawson, has been printing stolen news telegrams sent from Skagway to Dawson. It offers specimens claimed to have been stolen and says irrefutable evidence is secured that the matter is in the hands of authorities, and as soon as the derelict on the telegraph line is located, criminal prosecution will be begun.



Clayson and Olson Still Unaccounted For.


Tagish Prisoner Has a Draft for $1300 - the Overdue Skagwayan Bought a Draft for $2000.

No tidings as to the whereabouts of Dominion Lineman Olson and of Fred H. Clayson, the missing Skagway merchant, the latter on his way from Dawson to this city, was received yesterday, but some little circumstantial light was gathered. Officials and friends are prosecuting a diligent search, and one more arrest has followed at White Horse.

It was learned in a letter received yesterday by the Skagway branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce that Mr. Clayson bought a draft for $200 in Dawson before leaving and it was also learned that the man arrested by the authorities and held at Tagish had a draft in his possession drawn for one by the name under which he travels for $1315. It is said the name of the man arrested at Tagish is Ralph or Rolph, and again it is said to be O'Brien. Besides the draft he also had, when arrested, a considerable in cash, two revolvers, a pair of field glasses and a span of horses.

The fact that Mr. Clayson bought a draft in Dawson has a tendency to dispel the theory that he had been murdered for the gold he carried, but it is held by his brother here that he probably had money in addition to the draft. The fact, on the other side, that Ralph, Rolph or O'Brien had a draft in his own name for such a large sum as mentioned is looked upon as indicative that he would likely not have to resort to violence to get money.

Corporal Evans, of the Northwest Mounted Police, who is stationed at LaBarge, arrived night before last and brought word that a second arrest on suspicion bearing on this case had been made at White Horse. The name of the man arrested there has not been learned here, but it is understood he had only $5 in his possession.

The authorities are looking for another man supposed to have been associated in the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Clayson. It is said he arrived her the latter part of last week, beating all others over the trail, and it is thought he has taken the steamer Al-Ki, which sailed Saturday for the Sound and way ports.

The reported finding of the body of Lineman Olson is not credited here. Corporal Evans, from LaBarge, who left there New Year's day, gathered his later information at Bennett from Supt. Crain of the telegraph line. He says:

"Fears are felt along the Dominion line before it was generally known in that region that Mr. Clayson was missing. Olson should have reported as on duty, and the failure of him to report naturally made the men along the line anxious. He left Minto, and supposedly with Clayson and a third man, probably the one arrested at Tagish, Christmas day. Olson's headquarters were at Five Fingers. By December 31 much inquiry was being made concerning him.

"Olson was supposed to patrol under his line, even after repairs were made. The rule is that linemen after making repairs cannot go away from the line and find a beaten and much traveled road on which to go back to headquarters, but must follow under the wire and in sight of it. Had Olson gone along the line in regular patrol after leaving Minto he likely would have gone away from the regular route of travel, and it is barely possible he and those who are supposed to have accompanied him out of Minto followed the wire instead of the general route."

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plather, J. Ralph Barr and S. R. Gibson, who are in the city en route from the Klondike to the states, traveled from a point eight miles this die of Minto to Shook's place, at the head of LaBarge, most of the time in company with the man who has been arrested at Tagish on suspicion. While with him they did not know anything concerning his past record and hunted along without thinking seriously of their companion. The place where he was met is some distance away from the telegraph line and the river, and on the part of the trail running over a wooden tableland cutting off a bend in the river to the station of Hootchikoo. Mrs. Plater, who first met him says:

"Eight miles this side of Minto my husband and I became separated from our party. A number of trails lead in various directions, and we followed a fresh track, thinking it probably a short cut to the main trail again. We went a mile and a half and found signs of a fresh camp. My husband went further and the trail gave out, and we turned back. On the way back I ran ahead, and suddenly came on a man, whom we think is the one under arrest at Tagish. He was standing still, and a fine Newfoundland dog lay at his feet. It seemed he had come from a place off the little trail and from somewhere in the woods. I bluntly asked what he was doing there, and he said he had lost the trail the night before, and had camped in the woods. We traveled on and became separated, and he fell in with the others of the party before reaching Mickey's and told them he had been off the trail, where we found him, to let his dog rest its feet. He told me he was going to Atlin, but to Gibson and Barry he spoke of going to Seattle and Skagway. He kept up with us, but did his own cooking and ate alone, save at the last, when the C. D. Co. would not let him cook on its stove. From Corporal Evans we learned he bought horses after leaving us. I did not suspect him of wrongdoing.

Mr. Plather says Ralph was not very intelligent, apparently, and he was suspicious of the man. Mr. Plather says further:

"I was bringing out some gold and was naturally on my guard. I did not like the looks of the stranger. He seemed a little erratic. As he did not put at the roadhouses as a rule, he did not register. He had a fine dog, which he called Bruce. If one would take that dog back to Minto and over the trails where we met the stranger, one might - if there be a foundation of foul play - find a clue of the missing man. If Ralph is guilty, he would probably quall if taken to the scene. Snow and frost have fallen, however, and the dog probably could not find a scent of blood or tracks.

"No storms have prevailed and the missing men could not have been lost in a storm."

Fred Clayson was yesterday 10 days overdue at Skagway, not 14, as has been stated. His mother is in deep grief. Will H. Clayson, the brother, is still hopeful, but is greatly troubled. He has confidence in the efforts of the Canadian police.



Government Exposition Has Not Been Heard From.

Lieut. Jos. S. Herron, who with twelve men and three Indian guides went on an exploring expedition up the Susitna river last summer, has never returned, says the Sitka Alaskan, and much alarm is felt in army circles. The Golden Gate which was in port last week brought no news of the missing men. Lieut. Herron was an officer connected with the exploring expedition of Capt. Glenn, and he and party were endeavoring to reach the headwaters of the Tanana, and thence go down that river to the Yukon, mapping the country as they proceed and surveying the district for mail routes.



Arctic Volunteers Forming Canadian Rough Riders.


Col. Steele, Recently of Dawson, to be the "Teddy" Roosevelt of the Canucks.

The Canadian soldier and policemen, from highest officers to privates, who have served in the face of the Arctic rigors in development and protection in the Yukon basin the last two years are going to the front in the Boer war in large numbers, and are to hold first places in the western division of the Canadian mounted rifles, the rough riders of the Britishers, now being organized. Among them are men known to nearly all pioneers of the Far North. Volunteers from the Yukon border are appearing daily. Some have already been sent to Africa, and others are going through Skagway every week on the way to the front.

Lieut. Col. Samuel Steele, lately major in command of the police of the Yukon, has been chosen to command the western division of the Canadian mounted rifles.

Colonel Evans, who only three or four weeks ago passed through Skagway en route from Dawson, where he had command of the Yukon field force, went to take command of the second division of Canada, the largest division then at home. He has since been ordered to the front, and is now on the Atlantic bound for the scene of bloody conflict.

Among the passengers leaving Skagway last evening on the steamer Danube were a number of Northwest Mounted Police, recently honorably discharged in the Interior. They with others also recently discharged are going to the south to enlist for the war. Corporal Evans, stationed at Lower LaBarge, who is in the city on a private visit, says nearly all of the men of the mounted police of the Yukon country are craving an opportunity to get to the front.

It is reported that Supt. Primace, stationed at Dawson, under Major Perry, has volunteered. Others of the north reported to have volunteered are: Inspector Sear__, Inspector Cartwright, son of Sir Richard Cartwright, Canadian minister of finance; ex-Constable Lee, of Tagish; Ted Harding, of Tagish; Constable Prisek, of Lower LaBarge; Steward, of LaBarge.

"The men of the division to be under Col. Steele,: says Corporal Evans "will be of great value as scouts and frontiersmen. They will be chiefly from the mounted police, then experienced in bush work, prairie work, creeping and other methods of frontier work requiring craft to cope with craft."

Col. Steele is a veteran of the Wolseley Red river expedition, in 1870; has served in the Northwest Mounted Police since the organization of the body. During the northwest rebellion he commanded a corps of scouts, with General Strange's column, in pursuit of Big Bear, and did gallant work. In his long year of service on the plains Sam Steele has performed acts of personal daring that under other circumstances might have earned for him the Victoria Cross, but, like many of his comrades, his exploits were but incidents in the routine of duty.


Page 4.


Secretary Bringing Books for the Local Y. M. C. A.

W. A. Reid, secretary of the Y.M.C.A., is expected to arrive Wednesday on the City of Topeka on his way to Dawson. Word has been received his is bringing a library for the local association. The number of volumes is not known here. This will constitute the first public library of the city.

Mr. Reid also brings a library of 1000 volumes donated by Thomas Lippy, the Klondike millionaire, formerly secretary of the Seattle Y.M.C.A.

Rules to govern the Skagway library have not been formulated.


W. T. Iliff, the Skagway sawmill man, has commenced the erection of a six-room cottage on Third avenue just west of the mill office at the east of Broadway.

The case of Ruppald vs. DeWitt, which resulted in a mistrial Monday, was reheard in Judge Sehlbrede's court yesterday. At an early hour this morning the jury was still setting on the case.

John W. Moore, son of Capt. Moore and well known in Skagway, came up as purser on the Danube.

The following names were inadvertently omitted from the cast of Pinafore, which appeared in Sunday's Daily Alaskan: Mrs. T. S. Cogswell, Mrs. E. B. Quinn, Miss Theo Peabody, Mr. Frank Peterson, Mr. J. W. Weiss and Mr. Bogardus.

The case of Clinton versus Dunbar, for wages for services on the Budget, will be heard in Judge Sehlbrede's court today.



Brannick - L. D. Kinney, E. Frank, F. F. Stoiko.

Occidental - L. Lavring, Eli Portal, R. Roger, H. A. Bauer, E. Morris, Mr. Marks, E. T. Morris.

Mondamin - F. B. Wrong, J. Tallmere, A. Godfrey, A. B. Cross.

Spokane - S. F. Newland, L. Rong, W. McGoirk.

Dewey - Jas. F. Mahoney, P. Lads. John Olson.




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