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Woody Island


Woody Island is located in Chiniak Bay, 2.6 miles east of Kodiak. The local name is Lesnoi Island. It lies at approximately 57° 47' N Latitude, 152° 20' W Longitude (Sec. 31, T028S, R020W, Seward Meridian). The community is located in the Kodiak Recording District. The area encompasses 0 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.

It is believed that the Russians were using Woody Island as an agricultural colony as early as 1792. The Russian American Ice Company (later known as Kodiak Ice Co. after 1867) imported horses to Woody Island and built a road around the island. Boat-building flourished both at Kodiak and Woody Island during the late 1800s. A post office was established in 1894, and was discontinued in 1895. The American Baptists have maintained 500 acres as an orphanage site until 1937, a ranch until the 1980s, and a summer youth camp (Camp Woody), which has operated since 1956. Summer cabins are also scattered over the Island.




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