White Mountain
White Mountain is located on the west bank
of the Fish River, near the head of Golovnin Lagoon, on the Seward
Peninsula. It is 63 miles east of Nome. It lies at approximately 64° 41'
N Latitude, 163° 24' W Longitude (Sec. 26, T009S, R024W, Kateel River
Meridian). The community is located in the Cape Nome Recording District.
The area encompasses 3 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water.
Eskimo fish camp of "Nutchirviq" was located here. The bountiful
resources of both the Fish and Niukluk Rivers supported the area's
Native populations. White Mountain grew after the influx of prospectors
during the gold rush of 1900. The first structure was a warehouse built
by the miner Charles Lane to store supplies for his claim in the Council
District. It was the site of a government-subsidized orphanage, which
became an industrial school in 1926. A post office was opened in 1932.