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Stevens Village


Stevens Village is located on the north bank of the Yukon River, 17 miles upstream of the Dalton Highway bridge crossing, and 90 air miles northwest of Fairbanks. It lies at approximately 66° 01' N Latitude, 149° 06' W Longitude (Sec. 30, T014N, R007W, Fairbanks Meridian). The community is located in the Rampart Recording District. The area encompasses 9 sq. miles of land and 3 sq. miles of water.

The original settlement, called Dinyea (meaning "mouth of the canyon"), was founded by three Athabascan Indian brothers from the Koyukon region: Old Jacob, Gochonayeeya, and Old Steven. The village was named for Old Steven when he was elected Chief in 1902. During the gold rush, residents cut wood for mining operations and to fuel steamboats plying the Yukon River. A trading post was established in the early 1900s. The first school opened in 1907. A post office began operations in 1936, and scheduled air service was initiated in 1939.




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